Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Meyerson on Dems-Wall Street Split | National Catholic Reporter

Meyerson on Dems-Wall Street Split | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: Abortion has been an issue lately because the right has been overreaching again in the fight against it, offering blatantly unconstitutional bills and getting them passed to satisfy their base.  There is no abortion issue at the Federal Reserve and Daley is as pro-choice as any Democrat.  If abortion were an issue in the NY Mayor's race, the female candidate would have won - indeed if Weiner were not on the ballot at all (as requested) the result may have been different.  Quit obsessing about the Democratic plank on abortion.  It will exist as long as the GOP demagogues the issue for its political and personal financial gain while not working where a solution may actually be.  The recent spate of laws has been a classic Karl Rove GOTV operation engineered through the American Legislative Exchange Council (and funded by the Koch brothers, who are libertarian and may not even be pro-life).

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