Friday, August 28, 2020

Closing the RNC, Trump bets big that voters won't trust their 'lyin' eyes'

Closing the RNC, Trump bets big that voters won't trust their 'lyin' eyes' 

Trump behaved exactly like a modern CEO, me first and forget the rest.  Trump insists on the kind of fawning appropriate to a CEO in a badly run company - including telling his version of the story and saying bad things about the competition, even falsehoods. 

Trump is a walking constitutional crisis. The permanent government rightly ignores him and his White House, but having to do this threatens the legitimacy of government. So is his penchant for not doing his homework.

Trump does occasionally tell the truth. The problem is, his penchant for speaking without thinking makes people doubt everything he says. The reality is that the virus is a cold and it will burn itself out. Also, talk to an immigration lawyer. Most people asking for asylum do not qualify - they simply want a better life. That this is not a good enough answer is not Trump's fault, but the law's (and yes, the law is an ass). 

PC has become a bad word. It can be taken two far, for example, the creation of Latinex. That is a problem of "influencers," not the practice of calling people as they wish to be called. For example, calling a Romany a Gypsy can earn you a punch in the nose (even though most will not follow up). We call ourselves that, you cannot.

He is also not responsible for police brutality. It happens all on its own. There really are anarchists doing bad things at protests, but there are also White Supremasists (the Boogaloos) who are trying to start a race war They may support Trump, but they are not under his command any more than anarchists report to Bernie.

Trump is responsible for a badly staffed administration, although Mike Pence shares the blame by giving Trump the kind of people he wants, rather than those who would put nation before image. They serve neither Trump, nor the country well.

Trump's worst error is the economics of his tax bill, but that is on his whole party, especially the economic leaders. The problem is that news producers don't know enough economics to assess the situation. 

Tax cuts on the rich are never a good idea, but most of the media do not fully understand why. They report both sides of the story, even though one side is blatantly wrong. Trump's relationship with Russia is treated by all as a policy matter. No one, not even Adam Schiff, will accuse Trump of treason for his favoring of Putin over the nation. 

The current economic and medical woes are self-inflicted. The recession is a sign that the quarantine is being headed (even if it was badly designed. The fact is, the meme that the virus has no borders is false. The mask memes are all about solidarity - doing our part and shaming non-conformity. They have nothing to do with COVID-19 spread (which does so like a cold) or the fact that the tests catch all coronas, not just COVID-19. 

Better safe than sorry covers the asses of doctors, but is not good policy. That the current policy has the CEO's blessing means it is followed uncritically. That the White House is staffed with people who put Trump over critical analysis has given us a CDC that needs a bit of oversight.

This election will not be a nail biter. Saying that it is sells papers, gets blogs read and advertisements viewed. The Democratic Party goes along with the myth to keep voters excited. Excitement may lead to Trump losing Texas and the Dakotas. Even Kentucky could go the other way if enough people are tired of Mitch. 

While Trump's affect drives people crazy, it pleases Fox News viewers. The only thing that will save Trump is that if the Democrats overplay the narrative that Trump is entirely wrong. His supporters see what they want to see and they vote too.Luckily, there are not enough of them to give him four more years. Everyone else is done with the Trump show. Ratings are not a reason to remove a president, nor is failure by the medical establishment. Treason and tax policy are. 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Pence, McEnany and the Republicans' cotton candy convention

Pence, McEnany and the Republicans' cotton candy convention

The surest sign of fascism is to glorify the great leader in every respect, even his glorious mistakes. This is what a CEO as president looks like, especially a failed CEO.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

RNC night two makes Democrats' path clear: Focus on unnecessary COVID-19 deaths

RNC night two makes Democrats' path clear: Focus on unnecessary COVID-19 deaths 

Like Monday, the bloviations of the forgettable deplorables is so far below the fold, most Republicans are not even paying attention. Hunter Biden funding is prior drug habit by making money on a board is old news. This is all inside baseball GOP baseball. 

The mention of Bibles being held is God showing She has a sense of humor.  On Trump's big night, Miguel Almagaer and Jim Cantori will be on the Gulf Coast for a date with Laura. I would ask why Trump is such a victim of Karma, but the reality is that Mother Nature sent the hurricane, not Shekinah (Holy be Her name).

The pre-SARS economy post tax bill was actually 1% below the trend that Obama generated. Money that was going from the savings sector to government spending and second order household spending was shifted back into savings. There was no sugar high at all. Growth that had been 3% prior to the signature Trump tax bill went to 2%. Economic effects take a year to come to the surface. The tax policy of 2018 (the tax giveaway) had its effects in 2019. 2020 busted the curve. 

Explaining all of this to the public is probably impossible - and the financial media sticks to the theory that there are two sides to every story, so they give credibility to the right-wing part (which is utter nonsense but seems to have MSW in its thrall too). Read Setting (and Squaring) Accounts, which was just released if you want the truth.

This recession is a engineered and is working as designed. People need money to pay landlords, like Steve Mnuchin, the rent they owe. They will get it because landlords want it. The question is how much cash to throw on the idle parts of the economy during a shutdown. Money that cannot be traded for labor is simply inflation. That most of the population has passed the danger zone on COVID spread (regardless of maskes) will not prevent another shutdown. 

Not understanding the virus is a CDC error that has nothing to do with Trump. The media is going with the wrong meme (like it does on taxes). Don't let facts get in the way of a juicy news story. 

Trump's affect is the reason people are turned off. The joke is no longer funny anymore. The media should focus on Pence leaving an obvious incompetent in office. That should be the news of the day (and what Biden should be talking about).

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

First night of Republican convention marked by ambivalence, fear

First night of Republican convention marked by ambivalence, fear 

Tim Cardinal Dolan was not there to do a sermon, just offer a prayer. Get over it. Thank you, MSW, for listing the remarks of the forgettable deplorables. No other comment is necessary. The big speakers wanted to tag the Democrats for calling America racist. Some radicals do say that. The rest simply call Trump a racist. It is hard to argue that point with a straight face. 

Arguing for Opportunity Zones (the new urban renewal) is also a howler. EZs are all about moving minority populations out and opening coffee houses and upscale brew pubs.  The word for today is gentrification. Zoning keeps minorities out of the burbs. Old news (like most Trump racism). The biggest hoot is blaming Biden for social unrest that happened under Trump. The only thing that will continue the unrest is four more years of Trump.  

Links for 8/25/20

Links for 8/25/20 

The question is not why Fr. Martin is pro-life, but how. There are three hows. The first, which Fr. Martin and MSW demonstrate, is by witness. This one is a keeper. I am going to save it for its own post and put it in my book based on this blog.

The President's Chief of Staff is in Tea Party mode. The best deal will be made by Pelosi and Mnuchin - largely because Mnuchin needs the money so that his tenants can make their rent and service the bond debt on his rental housing empire. Meadows is probably in the dark on this. I doubt Pelosi is.

On COVID itself, while public health professionals are citing masks as why cases are down in hot spots, the science will eventually show that the virus simply burned out. As Trump says, it magically went away. The coverage of the latest study does not mention sneezing. By the time you cough, there is likely immunity present. Like any corona, it spreads when you are sneezed on - usually in private - where masks are not worn. 

The message did matter at all, nor did masks. The disaster got bad because the CDC did not cold symptoms in their messaging. The fault of the White House is in serving Trump rather than the people. Any good analyst would have pulled up the experts on dismissing the true symptoms for P.R. purposes. 

Trump is also correct about more testing meaning more cases. The metric should be whether students or care takers actually get sick. So far, the science says no to the first and will probably show no for the second. If you are around kids, you get immunity, If you are isolated, you don't. Listening to the CDC on hand washing and social distance will make us sicker the next time, Play in the dirt.

Being a Trump acolyte is no more a path to election than being a Tea Party nominee in the Senate races. Of the three famous Tea Party nuts, none won in 2010 and only lost in 2012. Rand Paul won, but mostly as a libertarian, not a Tea Party member.

On election night, once the early mail in voting results are in, the election could be called. It will take hours of waiting until California closes to get many returns reported because one they report, people stop voting. The manager of the Postal Service broke the 11th Commandment. He got caught. The old days when local politically appointed postmasters could rig an election are gone. Getting caught means that mailing early means there will be no doubt on election night as to who wins.

Puerto Rico has played the perfect colony for too long. It is to the U.S. what Ireland is to England. The elite like it that way, the middle class has gone stateside and the poor do not have the power to overthrow their masters. The middle class makes revolutions and throws crumbs at the poor from afar. Any help is good, but P.R. is a hard case. It is better off in a Central American union of nations (or states). Yankee go home.

The Hows of being pro-life

Father James Martin: Why I Am Pro-Life 

The question is not why Fr. Martin is pro-life, but how. There are three hows. The first, which Fr. Martin and MSW demonstrate, is by witness. 

The second is to do so by directing the criminal law at abortion providers - usually by granting the power to do so to the states (which would also overturn all civil rights law supremacy at the federal level - giving states the last word - i.e., bring back Plessy). Some clergy think this is a good idea. Given Fr. Martin's commitment to LGBT persons, I doubt Fr. Martin is one of them. 

The third is to show us the money, primarily by allowing pregnant and LGBT teens to safely leave their parents and set up house on their own rather than living in the street or procuring an abortion. This means access to schools, pay to go to school and payment for any children they have (with lifetime support for Downs children) at median income levels. Without actively working for the third how, the first how is a bumper sticker.  It is impossible to be for all three. One and two together are a bumper sticker that says "Vote for Trump." They will never support the third, which they consider to be socialism.

Democrats for Life never mention being for How-Two. It is why the GOP does not trust them and why the Susan B. Anthony fund gives money to their opponents. Unless they do reject How-Two, they are not welcome in the Democratic Party either. There is a word for people who reject How-Two. Pro Choice.

Monday, August 24, 2020

At the Republican convention, look for Trump to play the bully

At the Republican convention, look for Trump to play the bully 

I won't be watching this spectacle. I never watch Fox News. It will likely have negative bounce, like a slinky on stairs. If it were not for the testimony from his family, I would still think that his presidency was all an elaborate con to destroy the GOP. It has certainly decapitated it. The only news that could come from this convention that matters would be a largely party (rather than Trump) loyalist delegate pool.dumping Trump. Cy Vance won at the Federal District level. If the appeals are not heard, he could save the GOP by arresting Trump and asking for a gag order.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Democrats' virtual convention achievement: The message got out

The Democrats' virtual convention achievement: The message got out 

The speeches by Biden and Harris were fine, even powerful, but the thing that got me was when Biden's opponents dished on supporting Joe and when each candidate was introduced by members of their family. What we remember most strongly are the emotions evoked. This is why Bill's speech endorsing Hillary was so good. 

Conventions are a placeholder until the debates, where a single statement can move mountains of voters. Even though his boss one, "You are no Jack Kennedy" forever diminished Quayle. I liked Obama for his tax reform (which was put together by Austin Goolsbee), but when McCain pointed to Obama and said "That one" an entire generation had one thought - "I'm for that one!"  I even ordered the button. Hillary lost in 2016 by taking the bait on partial birth abortion, likewise, Carter lost because he talked about discussing nuclear war with Amy. Read my lips did nothing for or against Bush - he just could not emote like Clinton.

All of this shows why the framers wanted the Electoral College to actually work. A committee of regional vice presidents and the leaders from regional House and Senate caucuses would give us a less emotional result to select the person with the nuclear codes.

On August 5th, Trump changed directions on whether the GOP convention would be televised. The question is whether the GOP will honor his wishes. The prevailing media opinion is that the execution of Cy Vances's subpoenas for official copies of Mazars, Deutchebank and Capital One Bank will push disclosure pasy the election and begin the grand jury process. 

I suspect that the 2nd Circuit and the Justice Ginsberg will quickly deny any appeal by Trump to withhold the documents and that once the official copies are delivered, an indictment will be handed down and Trump booked. Whether this fires up his base or has cooler heads force him out is the open question, but if the wheels of justice move by Monday, the convention may go dark, as promised. 

I know I have been predicting this for the last few years, but any clock is right twice a day. If Pence becomes the nominee, everything done this past week will need minor readjustment. If the GOP goes with someone else, the entire apple cart will be upset. Without Trump's incompetence as an issue (or Pence's cupidity), Biden's age will become an issue.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Women take center stage on third day of Democratic convention

Women take center stage on third day of Democratic convention 

It may have been natural for Maddow to give the news, I am sure that the DNC wanted it to be the night of the women. The Obama speech was one of the best he has given, but the intro to Mamala was what moved the heart. People needed to know her, especially the Obama voters who did not turn out for Hillary (whose I told you so moment was classic). Tonight is the agenda speech, which is the campaign version of the State of the Union (but with less of a laundry list). We will know how the convention turns out when we see whether there are lines for early voting. I suspect that on election night, there will be no doubt on who wins, but we still will not get results in until after California polls close.

Links for 8/20/20

Links for 8/20/20 

The papacy has always been a team sport. Francis has built his team, some of whom likely like Team Biden. The people cut from the papal team have profound sour grapes. Team Trump includes the capitalists, the opportunists who own the pro-life label (not the seamless garment version). Saying you are a Democrat for Life is their equivalent of Al Lives Matter. Congrats to the new St. Louis Archbishop, who is clearly on Team Francis. I doubt Francis has ever heard of the word Latinex, which was likely focus grouped or made up by a thought leader rather than researched. It is the opposite of PC. It imposes a name on an ethnic group, rather than calling them what they wish to be called. It is the racial equivalent of the term Cancel Culture.

Another popular meme is to blame Trump for Covid deaths. He is not the thought leader who did the damage. Fear is not science. The question is not whether people test positive, it is who actually gets sick and how they really spread the virus. If you have not been sneezed on or at, you won't get it. Of course, because we all sneeze, mostly among friends and family, and the symptom is ignored by the CDC as the primary spreader (although we test in the nose), there is no controlling it. Trump is evil is the dominant meme, rather than Trump is pathetic. Not PC, but true nonetheless.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

What's being stressed at the Democratic convention — and what is not

What's being stressed at the Democratic convention — and what is not 

The roll call was brilliant (and choice was mentioned). I would not be surprised if it were mentioned tonight. As a numbers geek, all that I missed was a vote tally at the end. I can see why it did not happen during the time (since it was all taped), but my inner geek was disappointed. Indicting Trump is necessary, but indicting Pence is even more so. I would rather not mention the former, while piling on the latter as the adult in the room who let the wild child run free. (Just in case).  Treating Trump as a villain strokes his ego. He should be treated as an object of pity instead. No one will vote for a pathetic character. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Democratic convention's opening night a glitch-free pitch for the big tent

Democratic convention's opening night a glitch-free pitch for the big tent 

First convention nights are either boring or they feature a bomb thrower, like Buchanan. I took a pass on another COVID show and on blaming Trump. Trump's sins need to be laid at Pence's feet, just in case.

The rules vote in 1980 was never in doubt.Some years, people try to wrest control of parties away from their leaders, but don't quite get the game right. Insurgents never play a long enough game. The key is to pack organizing caucuses just after presidential elections and run for every level over that, until National Committee members. Take no prisoners.

Kasich would have been a good challenger to Trump in the GOP, except although he would never have had a fair shot (see above).

They have built up Joe well, almost too well. As for the economy, it would have been better off in 2010 if Joe had not made a deal. More taxes from the wealthy would have taken money out of savings and into spending and growth.

Bernie had his support Hillary and unify moment four years ago. Doing it again to packed crowd would have made him a cliche.

Links for 8/18/20

Links for 8/18/20 

Trump is a sad figure. The model Fox News viewer. He should simply be ignored. 

The Church is expert in the propaganda of its saints and its own cancel culture popes, who for 200 years would cancel both democracy and science, except this one. Francis came is a trained scientist. The Vatican has noted earthquakes, where Pio Nono is rolling in his grave.

While the Church has tools for fighting racism, it also considered non-Italians a different race for many centuries.

Netanyahu needed a win. Whether he follows through is a different matter. That he agreed to do something he was supposed to do anyway is telling.

Greenland has melted before. This is why it is a Danish protectorate half of the year. The Inuit need their own mega-state. No one covers that, or that for all of human history, we have been in an ice age with periodic glaciation. Polynesia has been losing their culture to Americanism for a while. Humans migrate and assimilate. It's what we do. 

There is no religious test to be Vice President. Would you prefer she be from the UCC? Or be like me and be an internal critic of the hierarchy (see above).

Monday, August 17, 2020

The Democratic convention: What kind of campaign does Biden want?

The Democratic convention: What kind of campaign does Biden want? 

Abortion, and all the social liberty issues, belong in the primary, not the general election. Just ask President Hillary Clinton about that. Now is the time to attack the economic corruption and racism of Donald Trump. Don't call what they have done liberty. It has nothing to do with economic freedom. It is reactionary economics for the few. It is also important to hit Pence and Republican Senators separately as the sin eaters for Donald Trump, and his Russian handler, Rudi. 

The positive side is more important. Highlight Senator Harris' proposed LIFT bill and promise that the child tax credit will be made refundable. Force the GOP to attack money for families. THEN, if they bring up abortion, throw this proposal in their faces with the question, do they care about the unborn or the sex lives of their mothers?

This is no 270 election. Unless Trump is replaced on the ticket by Governor Kasich (who is speaking for Biden on Monday, so that would be neat trick) the question is whether or not Biden gets over 500 electoral votes. Any poll that does not show 300 electoral votes is trying to pretend there is a horse race so that people will watch TV news. Any honest look at the "undecided" states has them all going to Biden. Even Texas.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Joe Biden leans into his Catholicism, openly discusses his faith

Joe Biden leans into his Catholicism, openly discusses his faith 

Joe gets an A+, as does Nancy. They preach the Gospel, using words only when necessary. The last time I checked, Dignitatis Humanae plainly states that secular nations need not be made Catholic, nor Catholic nations follow the dictates of the Church. There is no codicil on pelvic issues and any would have been logically flawed. 

There is simply no way and abortion ban could ever survive a constitutional challenge ON equal protection grounds. The unborn have no constitutional or moral claim against their mothers. Overturning Roe would not just bring back Plessy, it would gut the 5th Amendment. The law simply cannot allow women to be exempt from prosecution for ordering an abortion without giving a pass to those who hire a hitman. End of story. 

Mentioning abortion is something to be done in the primaries, not the general election. AFTER the election, a President Biden has the moral duty to quietly correct the bishops on their misreading of the Constitution and on Dignitatis Humanae, which neither they, nor St. John Paul, neither understand or support. Dignitatis is not an optional doctrine.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Links for 8/13/20

Links for 8/13/20 

Kamala is a team player and the team is centrist. Never-Trumpers are on the team, too.

Georgia 14 is fringe enough to send the GOP member to Congress to languish in the minority.

Texas is a swing state in the Trump era. He cannot sack Dr. Marks, but Pence or McConnell need to sack Trump for his stupidity, his temper and his attachment to Putin. Trump claimed he was like Biden. Trump lied.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Kamala Harris is a good news/bad news VP pick

Kamala Harris is a good news/bad news VP pick 

I supported the Senator for President. Her stand on increasing the child tax credit to $3000  per year and making it refundable is more progressive than Warren. Her record as a prosecutor means that she will take on corporate scofflaws as criminals more agilely than Warren ever would have. If she did not take own Steve Mnuchin it was because she could not put together a case (which was actually the responsibility of local prosecutors. The law is like that. It is about process and evidence, not theological stances. 

Every gathering on the left where Warren impressed, so did Harris, and not for demographics. No bad news here, especially in grandstanding about the politicization of the Knights. Many Bernie Bros will support the Greens without Bernie on the ticket. No net loss here. Unless Pence is the nominee, Senator Harris was the obvious choice. Against Pence, Amy should have been considered. Even then, either way, the GOP has become a lost cause.

Fr. Jeremy Leatherby and the politico-theological complex

Fr. Jeremy Leatherby and the politico-theological complex 

Church Militant is fringe and should be ignored. Let the theo-cons have their fun. God will not hold it against them. God is not an Ogre. Few who view them read NCR unless they are told to troll you on Facebook. As for Fr. Jeremy, he has the courage of his convictions, so his conscience is clear. He is right, people need Mass. SARS2 only kills people who ignore being sick or who have decreased immunity for medical or social reasons (like living in a nursing home wrapped in cotton and sanitizer). Judge not.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Links for 8/11/20

Links for 8/11/20 

Evangelicals have not changed, they simply hid out after Scopes. They have always been Protestantism's useful idiots and the Southern variety created racism as virtue. In the north, White Evangelicals have been more mainstream and a bit more liberal, for example, the Disciples of Christ. As for Burke, he would make a great White Evangelical. I am not sure who co-opted whom. Ditto the Brooklyn Chancery.

There are actually activists on the Far Left who mean exactly what they say about defunding the police, which plays into the hands of the Far Right. At least on the Left, we temper the message. The Right messages the temper. Of course, with Trump, one can never be sure he is not playing to the base. Sometimes I wonder, especially when he mentions guns. My guess is that in reality, guns scare him.

In the modern world, we have realized that God is not the culprit of bad urban planning or enforcement. In the U.S., of course, the White Evangelicals would have blamed the LGBT community.

Fasting is about creating a physical manifestation of the need for God. It should not be used as a bribe.