Friday, February 26, 2021

Anonymous bishops take potshots at pope

Anonymous bishops take potshots at pope 

Not publishing one's sources in some academic papers is certainly acceptable. More importantly, the fact that they wish to remain anonymous means they are finally afraid of Francis and "certain cardinal(s)" having a say in the selection process. This is a good thing - because of course it is true. Told ya.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Links: Praise for the bishops' conference; a pro-life/voter suppression connection

Links: Praise for the bishops' conference; a pro-life/voter suppression connection 

Shhhh. Don't tell the other bishops about the Jubilee letter.. Some will think he is cooperating with evil.

The term pro-life is meaningless because everyone uses it to describe themselves. Say pro-life Republicans, which is redundant but true. I do not know why anyone who is not Republican wants to use the term pro-life. It confuses the issue. Pro-life Dems should use the term Pro-Child. It provides just the right spin.

State Secretaries of State should be appointed. They are always straight ticket voted anyway. Few insiders even care - and with good reason. If they are hyper-partisan, it does not matter how they got there. No governor would dream of firing one due to election complications. It would look bad.

The Texas problem is direct payments. Anyone who is savvy enough to set it ups should be able to cancel it. Corruption withers when the spotlight is on. It's on in Texas.

Kos is hyper-partisan. They don't even like Greens. I have been ignoring them for years.

Syria proves the aphorism "Never wound a king." The entire Arab Spring was folly. It was a movement started by an Egyptian expat billionaire with good intentions. We all know where road the  paved with good intentions goes, Syria went there.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Reclaiming veracity in a post-Trump world

Reclaiming veracity in a post-Trump world 

Scalise  and Paul prove the truth of the aphorism "ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies." Everyone knows the answer except those who are fooling themselves. Let it go and even the fools will not remember the lie.

Voting suppression will stop once the John Lewis Act passes to restore pre-clearance. Might I suggest that any state with documented attempts at voter suppression make the list, including Pennsylvania and North Dakota.

Some lies politicians tell are personal and some are political. The personal ones are a way of saying "stay out of my business." The professional ones might actually be a good thing. What is not said becomes the biggest lie of all. 

For instance, the pro-life side ignoring the fact that there is no constitutional way to recognize the humanity of the unborn without having to register every pregnancy and investigate any losses. That is the only question for public policy. Anything else is emotionalism, including tidbits about DNA. BTW, until gastrulation, and even after, the Chorion and Placenta are part of the woman's body.

Another lie people get away with is calling Wall Street investment the same thing as investment in plant and equipment. IT IS NOT! It is saving (actually, gambling) and therefore not part of GDP.

The problem with Democrats is not that they over promise, but that they spend too much time doing electoral politics rather than governing. At least we know the GOP is trying to steal everything it can.

Believing in science is shorthand for believing in scientists, which shuts out real science in service of cultural issues. The meme that Trump killed people in the pandemic is a similar meme. The reality is that the medical community are covering their asses on opening things up and blind to how the virus really spreads. They are so wed to masking that they don't tell people that their "seasonal allergy" symptoms that went away after a week were COVID. I say were, because we are at vector saturation (herd immunity).

The "free speech movement" was a reaction to Catholic hubris in regulating culture. Anti-Catholicism in the founding was a reaction to papal opposition to republicanism - sparked by America - which fueled the hopes and victories of Garibaldi and his revolution against the papal state. 

The Church still needs to grapple with their desire for religious power - which they claim to be a right of religious freedom. Power over employees and consumers of birth control or gay weddings is not a desire for liberty in anyone's world but their own warped minds. 

Their minds are warped, by the way, because they conflate their undistinguished asexuality with holiness. They are as LGBTQIA as the gay priests in their midsts (and the gays are not the ones who are dangerous to children).

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Links: Stigma against tradespeople, Supreme Court campaigning and papal synodality

Links: Stigma against tradespeople, Supreme Court campaigning and papal synodality 

The way to get more people into the trades is to pay them to go to school. $18 per hour sounds like a good number, and to enlarge broad based employee-ownership so that all work has equal dignity.

An $18 minimum wage will get people wanting to both work and find training or education. As for the pandemic, if there is no fourth wave the economy will quickly come back - at least until bitcoin and housing finance bubbles burst again. All the more reason for a higher minimum wage. Workers with incomes spend money to get us out of recessions.

Employee-ownership will change the union movement from opposition to board representation. Before the Church stands up for unions, it should let its teachers unionize first, even the pro-choice ones.

The grids worked in Texas. It was the generating companies that fell apart. The problem with the grid is that it is not linked up to the rest of the country. Dumb Republican idea that the voters must live with until they vote the GOP out.

I know of a former Harvard Law Review President who would make a great Supreme Court Justice.

No one is about to kick the Bard off of campus and any teacher who won't teach him in high schools won't last long. Tweeting teachers are best ignored.

Synodality does not necessary ignore democratization. Indeed, it must not. Religion is no longer a cultural requirement, so it must make itself culturally relevant. If the past four years have taught us anything, it is that authoritarianism works badly in government, in business and in church.

The Tristar is looking pretty good 777 engines explode and shed parts in flight.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Limbaugh: The indispensable man in the forging of Trumpism

Limbaugh: The indispensable man in the forging of Trumpism 

Rush blended what was base with moral self-righteousness. More than anyone else, he led the pro-life movement to the dark side. He played on the good intentions of his audience and their belief that the world of their youth and early adulthood was somehow blessed. Clinton was his first, and most effective foil. A usurper who came to prominence before paying his dues. This trope was repeated with the young Obama. His audience longed for a golden age, not new ideas, even those that would benefit them. In essence, he was a symptom, not a cause. A reflection of the ugly American grown old. Where he goes, the Invictus Generation will soon follow.

Friday, February 19, 2021

US bishops stand down while Biden stands up

US bishops stand down while Biden stands up 

It is good that Biden kept his promise to faithful institutions. Let us hope that his Justice Department does not take this as an excuse not to consider the question of what the Bishops call religious freedom is actually an attempt to assert religious power, especially over people on the LGBTQIA spectrum. Their vehemence shows their personal denial of the number of G, Q and A people in the clergy (where Q is not Questioning and A is not Accepting). Some priests are not out, especially not to themselves. Asexuality is neither a curse nor a blessing - it just is. 

Rhode Island was a haven for Quakers who were not welcome in Massachusetts. Baptists were - the real kind, not the racists in the South. My people come from the leadership of both sects. We had no problem both separating church and state, but in also seeking justice. Indeed, the Society of Friends is preeminent in doing so, including for LGBTQIA people.

Biden has two choices on abortion. One is to let the Old Guard of the Church age out and hope the new guard knows enough constitutional law to quit stocking conservative voters on abortion. The other option is to publicly explain why abortion can never be banned, but that it can be reduced through the economic proposals that he and the Democrats in Congress have put forward. 

At the very least, the Church must not only go along, but insist that the pro-life movement get on board as well. There will be objections in the movement and some will leave rather than accepting "socialism, although Biden is merely doubling down on existing law. Their exit validates the opinion of feminists, who insist that for many in the pro-life movement, the motivation really is controlling female sexuality. This is especially true of some of the bishops.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Links: Truthfulness, minimum wage effects and the Olympics

Links: Truthfulness, minimum wage effects and the Olympics 

How do you know Tucker is both lying and grandstanding? I will let others provide the obvious answer.

Minimum wages lead to everyone else's wages going up. Eventually, franchise fees will be adjusted as well. Executives, especially executives who hold shares, will bear the brunt. Customers may pay more, but only if competitors do not follow suit. The reason minimum wage laws are necessary, rather than individual firms doing the right thing, is to prevent any one firm from gaining competitive advantage by not increasing wages and doing the right thing. In general, low wage workers will spend more on products and rent, so profits - even those going to Executives, will not suffer nor will prices increase.

Ford will follow suit in the U.S. because GM has already committed to full electrification. Driverless cars also enter the mix. The battery issues are easily dealt with using overhead decks, which makes central computer control a reasonable option for self-driving, even without a license. Public self-driving cars will replace cabs and probably delivery and the system that powers and controls cars could also provide electric power and communication to homes. A roof deck could be planted with grass and have retracting walls extending from tall permanent structures, making snow days and pedestrian deaths a thing of the past. Time for some public-private partnerships, preferably with an employee and customer owner function so that retirees can ride for free.

Kudos to religious for raising this issue, giving it a place in the cue of Trump lawsuits to be withdrawn. This should not take long (nor will the cases against Trump and his enablers). 

2022 could be preceded by revolution in China. Athletes may boycott anyway unless something is done about air pollution. Between Hong Kong and SARS-CoV-19, the Party may not be able to hold on much longer. I've always thought Austria was one of the better sites for the games, should they be made stable. Also, there should be fewer team. Little countries and big countries should not compete together. I could see China, the Kazakhs from Turkey to Mongolia and the Uyghurs, ethnic Russians, the EU, the Commonwealth, Brazil, the Caribbean, Latin America and the U.S. could be the teams for winter and/or summer. It would be easier to watch.

It is time to dial back on the security front. We are always trying to protect against the last threat, from Anthrax to shoe bombers. That will move things along.

There is a great piece on the Smithsonian Channel about how the 747 was developed. What they learned led to the current crop of airplanes - although the 737 max shows what happens if we try to get too clever in replacing pilots.   

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Bishops' conference gives up Biden working group for Lent

Bishops' conference gives up Biden working group for Lent 

The bishops are responsible for their own lack of credibility. It has been obvious that the Office of Pto-Life Activities is a Republican Front Group. It furthers the lie that first trimester pregnancies can be protected under law. This can only be done by Congress - not the states. Some bishops would rather have state supremacy because that would increase their power. 

Congress cannot outlaw abortion without punishing mothers who hired the abortionists. Every pregnancy would have to be registered, making every pregnant woman a potential criminal under law, subject to investigation whenever a registered pregnancy is lost. This does not pass the smell test. 

Sorry, Michael Sean, but Biden's legal position is not wrong. Gaining an electoral majority on abortion has no impact on its constitutionality. Give it up. Unless Biden or a Republican Catholic candidate points these things out to the bishops and the public, Trump voters are waiting in the wings for the next useful idiot who says the right things on abortion. Weigel's fringe position is a reflection, not a cause of this situation. Doing so would take courage. May he be blessed with it.

That some bishops are not so closeted Republicans is a scandal. That reception of the Eucharist is dependent on a political loyalty oath is gravely sinful. The justification for this is loyalty, not morality. Biden should not be scolded by the bishops. Instead, the bishops must get behind his tax plan if they wish to be true to doctrine on support for families. That he cannot count on their support in pressuring their Republican allies is also a scandal in the Church. 

Holding Supreme Court Justice accountable for their procedural votes on the death penalty is as bad as trying to force their votes on abortion. Their job is to uphold natural rights and legislative intent, not natural law. If the current law denying subsequent appeals is probably a violation of due process, but that would have to be argued before it. The Court's position is that, barring evil intent, changing such rules is the responsibility of Congress.

Pope Leo was right about the peculiar situation of America. It will never adopt a body of law based on the Vatican's unique (and flawed) understanding of natural law. Attempting to assert Catholic power in this area violates the constitutional rights of the people to not be subservient to the Church. 

Since Vatican II and Dignitatis Humanae, that understanding of natural rights (the Americanist heresy) is doctrine. Resorting to freedom of conscience ala Cuoumo and Biden is legitimate, but it is not adequate. That some bishops do not understand that there is a difference between religious freedom and religious power is invincible ignorance until someone sets them straight. Until this happens, they will lose the attention of the faithful, especially those of us who are literate on this subject.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Links: What impeachment vote means; TwinsthenewTrend; remembering Msgr. Albacete

Links: What impeachment vote means; TwinsthenewTrend; remembering Msgr. Albacete 

Trump is the symptom of a nation divided by abortion when one side believes it can be banned or that protecting the babies justifies deadly force while the other claims that this view is sexist. That many on the right consider any economic solution as socialism (if it is, make the most of it) shows the women are correct.

The impeachment should have been withdrawn and replaced with a joint resolution to allow Trump to hold federal office. Since that resolution takes 2/3rds of both chambers to pass and only a majority required to defeat a point of order against it, it would be an easy win. The entire Trump family could be blocked the same way.

Prices may not go up at all. Low wage workers spend the additional money on rent and consumer goods. A double win.

Corruption is probably funding the forces perpetuating the status quo in PR.

Student loan capitalized interest should be forgiven and such interest paid to date should be applied to principle. No refund should be issued, however, so that no appropriation will be needed. Student loan borrowing was generalized to make the Obamacare baseline work. This is unjust as well.

Canada's provinces could join if they desire. They don't. The War of 1812, however, was all about annexing Canada.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Trump's impeachment: 'The cowards stand aside'

Trump's impeachment: 'The cowards stand aside' 

Trump is like a wounded animal, acting out of fear. He knows his world is crashing in on him, even as he manipulates the crowd with the finesse of P.T. Barnum. Reports are that he only realized there may be consequences after the impeachment trial was over. The Democrats should have taken a clue from the President's lawyers and stopped the impeachment. A simple majority is all that is needed to declare him an insurrectionist and force him to get 2/3rds of both chambers to serve. If his daughter-in-law, who has designs on a Senate race, was part of the conspiracy, she can also be banned. 

The scenario for the coup is not that hard to suss out. Kill enough members to have the remainder change the result. No one made the connection, so the Republicans adopted the party line. They do not fear Trump. They know his finances are about to self destruct, and with them, his support. The pro-life movement will find another useful idiot, whose racism they can tolerate in order to maintain the lie that violence will result in saving the babies - and not just those identified by Q.

This impeachment is a very human story. The House lashed out in pain. When it became clear that Trump had been defanged for the last two weeks of his term, other options should have been explored. They still can be. The people who put Trump in their also have a reckoning to do - and it was not just the White supremacists who forced Trump onto the nation. There is enough blame to go around. The Bishops helped create this monster of a movement and they must help tear it down.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Want Trump back? Forgive student loans and make college free

Want Trump back? Forgive student loans and make college free 

It takes years of study and experience to understand these issues. It is more than can be understood in a weekend.

I agree that non-college programs need to be more generous - they should pay the minimum wage - which should be $18 per hour. Job Corps provides at risk students with room, board or commuting programs and free practical education (and remedial if needed). Too many of these programs are federal pilot programs rather than universal.

There are community college programs combined with employment for technical skills training, which are offered through local Workforce Investment Boards (although when I was helping run the program, it offered grants instead of being universal). TANF offers training for nurses aid work. Some state schools raise tuition to fully use Pell Grants. In Iowa, there is a private school tuition grant to make them competitive with state schools.

Social welfare programs for remedial students pay opportunity costs, but not enough. While dislocated worker programs do that, they are not enough.

Students in 11th Grade through Sophomore or at technical high school and trade school should have free tuition and be paid to go, including at Catholic Schools. For too long, Catholic education has hung out non-academic students out to dry. They need to create non-college track schools, including vocational training AND religion class. People in glass cathedrals should not be throwing stones,

Students with children should get a child tax credit at median income levels (refundable). Before Junior year in college, one should have to find a job - be paid - and have tuition paid by employers in exchange for work contract. Like military academies, require two years of work for every one of school - and federal loans to cover cases when employment does not work out.

Federal student loans should never charge interest when deferred - no requirement to capitalize interest. Students and graduates should not be a budgetary cash cow. One quarter of the cost of the Obamacare baseline was expanding this program. Loan repayment is so high, as are premiums for the ACA, that it is hard to make ends meet - and if you retire with a loan balance, it comes off the top of your Social Security.

The white working class votes Republican for other reasons than class envy. Racism and abortion keep them in the Trumpist camp - and will keep them GOP long after Trump is gone unless Catholic Democrats (Biden) do a better job explaining why Roe will not go anywhere. As long as the White GOP is racist, Black voters will be Democrats.

The national debt held by the public (both through mutual funds and direct holdings) have an 80/20 ratio - meaning that for every 10 citizens, the top 10% hold 20% of such assets, while the top 1% hold 80%. Rich people like the debt that they can buy. Social welfare debt (Social Security, et al), not so much. 

As long as Chinese and European currencies are not backed by a national or confederation debt funded by income taxes, the U.S. debt will be secure. That cannot last forever. Debt is not only an investment, it is an obligation to be repaid based on income taxes paid. There is no per capita debt obligation. For a more progressive tax system (which would also protect wages from rent seeking by executives), the wealthy must see the debt as an obligation their children and grandchildren must eventually pay. No one else is able to. They have to want to pay more for any reform to pass, including the modest social democracy proposed by the Bernie youth.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Links: What Trump did during the insurrection; selling COVID-19 relief

Links: What Trump did during the insurrection; selling COVID-19 relief 

The risk in punishing Republicans is that, if the pandemic ends sooner than later, the economy could overheat very quickly. It would not be a good look to prove the GOP right.

The only thing that horrified Trump was that his plans failed. The counter-factual is having only friendly members of Congress and the Senate count the electoral votes in a Kangaroo Kongress and try to force the issue. He would not have gotten away with it. Had the Insurrectionists succeeded, the Secret Service would have arrested him, with the National Guard restoring order in the Capitol, arresting co-conspirators and putting succession plans in place for reconstituting the Senate, holding quick House elections and having Biden and Harris take office early. Trump would never have won. The rule of law is too strong here.

A VAT on advertising revenue makes sense, assuming a broad-based tax already exists (both subtraction and credit invoice.. A special tax does not.

There are some who need a Citizen's Dividend, but it should be for people who are excluded from a system of cooperatives (who would fund the dividend). The only space where true competition in labor markets is a cooperative system which overcomes barriers to entry and selects leaders democratically. Working Class Perspectives favors the kind of social democracy that legitimates inequality rather than seeking the evolution of society.

Macron is pandering, hoping to neutralize Le Pen. France has some reckoning to do for its domestic racism and colonial past. As Catholicism declines in Europe, a faithful Islamic community to French cultural identity. There are issues that cannot be swept under the rug in service of French identity politics.

The best way to avoid heart disease is having good parents. As for red wine, the French diet may be heart healthy, but pancreatic cancer is endemic. Not a nice way to go without euthanasia. Dark chocolate, however, has no downside. Coffee, even decaf, is an anti-depressant. One under-diagnosed problem is adrenal disease,which can raise blood pressure, harden heart muscles, trigger bipolar disorder, hypoglycemia and alcoholism. Not fun, but not hard to treat when found.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Exposing the Republicans' excuses for not convicting Trump

Exposing the Republicans' excuses for not convicting Trump 

Free speech only goes so far. Tweeting out thanks and praise to rioters is evidence, not speech. If the goal of these proceedings is to remove Trump's eligibility for office, the way to do so is conviction of seditious conspiracy. This bars Trump and those involved from holding federal office, which requires only one third of either chamber to block him. If there is already such evidence, it will come forward in coming days and it will be damning. 

The question of motive should still come up. Was it racism? That Trump was using code in telling people to take their country back, he was referring to brown people. The rioters know what he meant. 

Another motive is for Trump to avoid jail, thinking that presidential immunity is a thing. It is not. The only reason he has not been arrested is because he might try to self-pardon. This was not a good reason. He should have been behind bars or in a presidential correctional treatment facility years ago. 

The third motive, one his supporters often refer to, is judges, which is short for overturning Roe and/or finding some way to grant legal recognition to the unborn. This is the impossible dream that Trump does not believe, but was willing to be the useful idiot for. Shame on those who support such nonsense. The blood of January 6th is on their hands too.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Links: How to rebuild our economy and taking on cancel culture

Links: How to rebuild our economy and taking on cancel culture 

The problems with society are due to using wedge issues to give capitalists on both sides a pass. When it gets too bad (as it did under the last Administration), the wedgers get a wedgie. Until there is honesty and leadership on such issues, the structural difficulties will simply magnify.

Going big means acting quickly. Once the virus runs out of people to infect, the window closes on reform. One long term change that is essential is funding some disaster assistance with a no-year appropriation. The $300 per month child tax credit should be both automatic, refundable and included with pay. This also demands a higher minimum wage. No one should work to get a tax credit that would come from doing nothing instead.

Unemployment grew because people are uncertain about how long their money will last if the virus keeps killing people. Doctors hedging their bets are not helping. The virus is neither an extinction level event and a controlled shutdown is not a structural recession. If cases keep falling, people will start buying.

All politics is local, especially local politics, both in Puerto Rico and Pennsylvania.

The term cancel culture's 15-minutes of fame is up. Cancel it.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Opposition to Francis rooted in opposition to Vatican II

 Opposition to Francis rooted in opposition to Vatican II

The current crop of bishops who oppose the Council long for the Golden Age of American Catholicism. It is the point between acceptance by the right and before the revolution in free thought, which started in New York and Los Angeles, spreading to campuses nationwide. A newly mobile society stopped going to Church for the sake of appearances (not authentic faith). The 1950s were Potemkin Catholicism. 

The renegade bishops were followers of St. John Paul II and his cohort of resistance at the Council. Their manifesto was Veritatis Splendor, which was a clumsy attempt to return to the days of St. Pius X and his predecessor, Pius IX. 

Catholics who refuse to obey Church law on Mass attendance are still Catholic, and there is a core of social justice Vatican II Catholics who follow the pastoral holiness of Pope Francis. There is a core group of Vatican II priests and bishops who kept their heads down during the John Paul era. I went to college with priests of this generation and they are just now becoming pastors. They are the future of the Church. 

The misogyny and anti-sexuality of Golden Age Catholicism is fading away, sooner than later. The real world accepts the truth that Hellenistic sexual ethic in Catholic Magisterial theology was never true and that it is not holy, just different. It is the A in LGBTQIA. There is even a flag for them. They would find peace and freedom if they picked it up and marched with it. 

Friday, February 5, 2021

Biden's COVID-19 relief plan: Real help is more important than bipartisanship

Biden's COVID-19 relief plan: Real help is more important than bipartisanship

The problem with the GOP is not libertarianism, it is authoritarian capitalism. This attracts its other myriad of sins (racism, sexism) to keep a governing coalition alive. The white evangelicals and traditionalist Catholics have been quite willing to join their team. 

The question is this: will the Church insist on supporting Biden's COVID plans as the price of their usual loyalty to the GOP? If not, Biden needs to 

1. rush something through, 

2. compromise at $12 per hour minimum wage, $1200 payment, CTC refundability at $300, or 

3. waste a perfectly good crisis as cases continue to decline, state revenues rebound and the economy booms on its own.

This economy has worse problems than COVID. A mortgage backed security bubble on single family rentals, along with a crypto-currency bubble are about to pop. This will be the difference between a controlled shutdown and a full fledged panic.

The American system is based on natural rights, not natural law. The most relevant Vatican II document on her is Dignitatis Humanae, not Gaudium et Spes.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Links: Biden's foreign policy challenge and RIP John Sweeney

Links: Biden's foreign policy challenge and RIP John Sweeney 

The best way to help Russian patriots win their revolution is to keep our hands off of it, especially in public. Any action we take should be about how they interfered in our polity through coopting Trump.

The question on Newsmax is whether its viewers follow their lead or Trump's. Other factors matter more, like the Russian question and whether Trump really has any money. Laura is also irrelevant.

Billionaires have lawyers and can hire engineers, who also have lawyers. I could care less.

The fly in the ointment of organized labor is Republican partisanship on abortion. Unless Biden can make sense of abortion enough so that the bishops and the people in the pews understand illegality as a lost cause and support more for families, it will be a long four years. Still, I believe Biden is the right person for the job (although a Catholic Republican could more easily move the Church on this issue).

Sweeney reaching out to women did not help the labor movement because he ignored educating members about abortion, although he likely did not know the finer points. All things happen in due time.

Catholics who disagree that abortion cannot be banned are simply speaking the truth. MSW is trying to have it both ways. To understand the dynamics of abortion, one must embrace both what can be done (economic solutions), what cannot be done (criminal solutions disguised as some sort of right for first trimester pregnancies) and why those who reject the economics while supporting criminality are not nice people. Feminism makes sense, but the economics must be used to explain why most pro-lifers are anti-sex, specifically for women.

Any cultural critique of Catholicism and culture must include, as a focus, the fear of female sexuality in the Church and how it is not sourced in Christ, but in Hellenistic stoicism. Any analysis of humanism in either society or the Church that leaves out questions of sexuality is woefully incomplete.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Time for Republicans to choose: the Constitution or Trump

Time for Republicans to choose: the Constitution or Trump 

There are some in the Republican Party who think that this impeachment was rushed. I tend to agree. There simply has not been time to follow the money in such a way that renegade members of the House and Senate can be cast as co-conspirators. This impeachment was done in the heat of the moment. 

To get the Senate to either vote Trump out or be seen as not doing so is the same kind of electoral show that Senator Schumer thought the first impeachment would be, what the Kavanaugh investigation would be, what voting on keeping the Bush tax cuts or immigration rules would be. None of these things brought about a Blue Wave. 

Real evidence of the total conspiracy, as well as other Trump and Giuliani treachery and its money trail need to be further explored for this issue to be ripe. The nation needs more than a point of view to convict Trump. It may not have to. When there is evidence and conviction of seditious conspiracy and receiving money from Russia, only a third of one chamber is necessary to bar Trump from holding office ever again, or any of his co-conspirators. 

It will take this type of evidence, as well as a total refutation of the GOP argument on abortion, to end Trumpism itself. More than an election, standing up for the unborn drove the justification for treachery. Getting Trump is the easy part. The rest takes patience and courage.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Links: Cupich's Vatican visit, cultural commentary and a KC Chiefs hero

Links: Cupich's Vatican visit, cultural commentary and a KC Chiefs hero 

If Breitbart or The Pillar report an idea, it is both fringe and partisan. Whether they are actually pro-life or pandering leads to the same result, Trumpism.

The Republicans are waiting for other people to get Trump and the Insurrectionists who helped them. It only takes a third of either chamber to expel a member convicted of sedition. Or a presidential candidate. With a new revelation every day, the longer the trial is delayed, the worse it is from Trump, Hawley, Cruz, Jeffords, Gohmert, Greene and the rest.

Earth to E.J., 51 vote majorities gave us a full slate of Republican judges. 55 is a much better number, even on pandemic relief. Time is on our side. For now, $1200, a $12 minimum wage and introducing a bill to make disaster aid a no-year appropriation are the good being better than the best. Leahy and Sanders are old and have a Republican governor. This is not the time to tempt fate.

The virus spreads when people eat and sneeze. The good news is that enough people have had the moderate version (although I would not call two weeks of weakness moderate) that we will be reopening shortly - another reason to agree to any relief rather than waiting for Gadot.

I'm not sure what is worse, adding wokeness to curricula or complaining about doing it.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Liberal Catholics and the temptation of sectarianism

 Liberal Catholics and the temptation of sectarianism

The Traditionalists and Stoics would prefer that we leave them so they can return to the triumphalism they grew up with. We will not only stay, we will outlast them. We are the salt and the leaven. We are not leaving.