Thursday, February 4, 2021

Links: Biden's foreign policy challenge and RIP John Sweeney

Links: Biden's foreign policy challenge and RIP John Sweeney 

The best way to help Russian patriots win their revolution is to keep our hands off of it, especially in public. Any action we take should be about how they interfered in our polity through coopting Trump.

The question on Newsmax is whether its viewers follow their lead or Trump's. Other factors matter more, like the Russian question and whether Trump really has any money. Laura is also irrelevant.

Billionaires have lawyers and can hire engineers, who also have lawyers. I could care less.

The fly in the ointment of organized labor is Republican partisanship on abortion. Unless Biden can make sense of abortion enough so that the bishops and the people in the pews understand illegality as a lost cause and support more for families, it will be a long four years. Still, I believe Biden is the right person for the job (although a Catholic Republican could more easily move the Church on this issue).

Sweeney reaching out to women did not help the labor movement because he ignored educating members about abortion, although he likely did not know the finer points. All things happen in due time.

Catholics who disagree that abortion cannot be banned are simply speaking the truth. MSW is trying to have it both ways. To understand the dynamics of abortion, one must embrace both what can be done (economic solutions), what cannot be done (criminal solutions disguised as some sort of right for first trimester pregnancies) and why those who reject the economics while supporting criminality are not nice people. Feminism makes sense, but the economics must be used to explain why most pro-lifers are anti-sex, specifically for women.

Any cultural critique of Catholicism and culture must include, as a focus, the fear of female sexuality in the Church and how it is not sourced in Christ, but in Hellenistic stoicism. Any analysis of humanism in either society or the Church that leaves out questions of sexuality is woefully incomplete.

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