Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Bishops' conference gives up Biden working group for Lent

Bishops' conference gives up Biden working group for Lent 

The bishops are responsible for their own lack of credibility. It has been obvious that the Office of Pto-Life Activities is a Republican Front Group. It furthers the lie that first trimester pregnancies can be protected under law. This can only be done by Congress - not the states. Some bishops would rather have state supremacy because that would increase their power. 

Congress cannot outlaw abortion without punishing mothers who hired the abortionists. Every pregnancy would have to be registered, making every pregnant woman a potential criminal under law, subject to investigation whenever a registered pregnancy is lost. This does not pass the smell test. 

Sorry, Michael Sean, but Biden's legal position is not wrong. Gaining an electoral majority on abortion has no impact on its constitutionality. Give it up. Unless Biden or a Republican Catholic candidate points these things out to the bishops and the public, Trump voters are waiting in the wings for the next useful idiot who says the right things on abortion. Weigel's fringe position is a reflection, not a cause of this situation. Doing so would take courage. May he be blessed with it.

That some bishops are not so closeted Republicans is a scandal. That reception of the Eucharist is dependent on a political loyalty oath is gravely sinful. The justification for this is loyalty, not morality. Biden should not be scolded by the bishops. Instead, the bishops must get behind his tax plan if they wish to be true to doctrine on support for families. That he cannot count on their support in pressuring their Republican allies is also a scandal in the Church. 

Holding Supreme Court Justice accountable for their procedural votes on the death penalty is as bad as trying to force their votes on abortion. Their job is to uphold natural rights and legislative intent, not natural law. If the current law denying subsequent appeals is probably a violation of due process, but that would have to be argued before it. The Court's position is that, barring evil intent, changing such rules is the responsibility of Congress.

Pope Leo was right about the peculiar situation of America. It will never adopt a body of law based on the Vatican's unique (and flawed) understanding of natural law. Attempting to assert Catholic power in this area violates the constitutional rights of the people to not be subservient to the Church. 

Since Vatican II and Dignitatis Humanae, that understanding of natural rights (the Americanist heresy) is doctrine. Resorting to freedom of conscience ala Cuoumo and Biden is legitimate, but it is not adequate. That some bishops do not understand that there is a difference between religious freedom and religious power is invincible ignorance until someone sets them straight. Until this happens, they will lose the attention of the faithful, especially those of us who are literate on this subject.

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