Friday, June 28, 2019

Note to readers - if there are any

At some point, I am going to delete old entries, as I have copies most of them to Word files to create a series of eBooks with a hard copy option available as a large size (but not large print) volume for my own perusal (although these will be available at a large markup for the insane as a collector's edition - although not so large that NCR readers will not buy one for laughs). Just so you have been warned. As of now, I have shifted everything to working files. Once eBooks hit Amazon, all pre-Trump 2016 entries will go. When Trump is out, which could be as early as next week, I may take out all before the release of James Carroll's book - which I may shift from my Priests and Bishops section to Book Reviews anyway.

The main purpose of this blog will become a holding pen for comments between periodic re-releases of e-Books, although I may also preserve the 100 or so entries where there are comment - unless they are mine. I will mostly stick to my FB page and comments on the NCR page. Responses to links may be deleted once the appear or do not appear on the NCR Facebook page and Twitter.

Regardless, with Congress out of session, my Tax Policy Center blogging will likely also take a break after Monday. No hearings are scheduled and Stacey is likely not coming home, so I may take a vacation - especially if Michael Sean does too. Of course, if Trump is out - all bets are off and I will be blogging at

OK, Vacation is now in session.

OK, one more thing. I am also including entries from my other blog, just referenced. I had forgotten how many Christian Left blog posts existed from before I noticed Michael Sean Winters posting on the 2008 election at America. Too bad I did not react to his America comments on a blog, for I suspect they are lost forever - which may be a good thing, although I will double check on their page. Of course, I blogged a lot of stuff on America that also did not get captured. Further investigation is warranted - but not until after next week.

The Democratic debates: Who's up, down and treading water

The Democratic debates: Who's up, down and treading water
To MSW's horror, his analysis is in line with what was reported on MSNBC. If Pelosi does not want to be President, she needs to have her caucus make Biden the Speaker on the likely chance that Pence was part of Trump's collusion and will soon have to resign.

Biden should make Harris his VP and in 2020, she should do the same with Warren, although she would make a good Chief of staff. If Pence is not named, Trump should not be removed and Biden and Harris be the Dem ticket. Either way, Biden needs to rebuke the USCCB pro-life office on Roe and mention the words Dignitatis Humanae as a defense of pro-choice pluralism.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Links for 6/27/19

Links for 6/27/19
People still feel more betrayed when the celebrant of the Eucharist is the offender or when they must participate in Omerta.

There is good reason to support either a wealth tax or a pre-paid income tax - grandchildren have to pay it. The obligation to repay the debt relates to income. It is not a per capita thing.
Conservative states also pay more if they insist on a tax done by population apportionment, since they are generally poorer. Income taxes are much better if the goal is debt payment (or general government). See

I am still thinking Harris will get huge momentum in South Carolina, the South generally and her home state. Maybe two women? The question is moot if Pence is indicted by the Mueller grand jury, which has two open investigations and whose two-year extended term runs out in about a week. If he is cleared, there will be no impeachment (why trade Trump for Pence?). If he is indicted and resigns, he will speak out against Trump, who will be forced out and Pelosi will be the first woman president. Whomever she picks as VP (assuming Mitch does not block the nomination), will be the next nominee. When Trump is eventually convicted, he will need a special prison. Since all of his assets will likely be sold by SDNY, one should be set aside to hold him and his kids (and maybe his co-conspirators. He needs to see them leave while he stays to tend the golf course as a convict.

Every candidate needs a mix of political hacks, congressional staffers, ivory tower and think tank personnel if they want to win, especially in November.

The PR Control Board Chair needs to ingratiate himself to get whatever part of the bailout must be funded by Congress and signed by Trump. It is his job to make that happen (along with the rather useless Governor). Whatever the Board does will likely be reviewed by the Court with both citizens groups and creditors filing briefs.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

First 2020 election debates: What to watch for as 20 Democrats take to the stage

First 2020 election debates: What to watch for as 20 Democrats take to the stage
Few will watch the debates and most will instead echo what the media saws about who won. When core beliefs are fairly common, the debate us simply a beauty contest.

Not so on the GOP side. If one more serious candidate runs, Trump will have to take the stage. His ignorance and declining mental and behavioral state will be obvious if he must debate. The question there is if Fox News analysts will talk about a candidate who thinks out of the box.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Links for 6/25/19

Links for 6/25/19
Barron has had his 15 minutes on this column. He and Peterson need to quit preaching machismo and self-reliance and focus on reliance of GOP, each other and the obligation to treat poor and rich children equally, with the government backing that with taxes. All the bishops need to, since it is the only possible way to decrease abortion. Trump needs the same lesson. He is a slime ball, which does not disqualify him to be President - although his criminality and incompetence do.

While the media can do what it wants, the Constitution currently does not allow excluding anyone from running for office (unless removed by impeachment) who meets the criteria listed (See USTR v. Thronton). Mayor Pete gets the coverage he earns. It is likely easier to earn coverage by running against Trump in the GOP primaries (although the Senate GOP could change that). The same approach is all we can do about the Anti-Vaxers. Sunlight is the best disinfectant (although too often media ownership by the wealthy mute this). Sadly, that Roe has been settled and that PR must have congressional help does not sit well with the approved narrative. Neither is blowing up the myth that the debt is owed on a per capita basis (see the chart at the bottom).

Box v. Planned Parenthood has settled the abortion question. It shows that only Thomas is anti-Roe. The last 4 GOP and last 4 Dem appointees are all pro-Roe. If you want to fight abortion, get the USCCB, Catholic Charities, Planned Parenthood, NOW and the NEA all behind a $1000/month/child refundable tax credit and make it the only pro-life issue. The GOP will be gone in about 2 minutes and when the dust clears there will be a pro-business Democratic Leadership Council party and a pro-life Democratic Socialist party, as it should be.

Puerto Rico needs the Governor and control board to step up and demand congressional funding for all obligations not discharged. That is really what such Boards are for. I know, I dealt with one in DC. I also dealt with redevelopment issues. The rights of existing residents should have stronger protection that the rights of developers.

If Trans athletes can compete in the season, they deserve a shot at the championship. These issues were settled in law decades ago. They need to stay that way.

Monday, June 24, 2019

The left's fetish for a pristine past is misguided

The left's fetish for a pristine past is misguided
The issue is not about the titillation of the past but guilt by association. Booker and Harris are young, but they doth protest too much. Booker has enough neo-liberal associations to question his ability to lead us out of a Clintonian past. So do Biden and Obama. Harris was a persecutor, I mean prosecutor, which gains her no cred among the far left either. Street cred is not earned by taking down the front-runner. Warren has been staying above the debate and is gaining, for now. These are all angels dancing on a pin questions.

The real issue is whether Pence is under investigation (likely) and how it will turn out. If he is, it has a huge impact on the nomination. Indeed, it could be controlling. See

Friday, June 21, 2019

To defend immigrants, it's time for US bishops to break the law

To defend immigrants, it's time for US bishops to break the law
Unless they archive all responses to Trump's tweets, they are nothing more than the bloviations of a senile dotard. Second, civil disobedience is not the answer.

Spending money to make sure that each migrant is represented in their hearings is a better solution, as is joining with the ACLU on their case on family separation, then insisting that the Court hold Miller and Trump in civil, and try Stephen Miller for criminal contempt for unlawfully suborning its orders. Miller should be arrested at once and held without bond as a flight risk. Trump is his sock puppet, so this is essential.

Catholic Charities agencies need to notify foster parents of all migrant children placed that they are unavailable for adoption - ever - and take the lead in family reunification. There has been enough virtual kidnapping at their hands.

It is time to cut all ties with the GOP on abortion, especially Trump. The Pence case led to a per curium (from the court without argument) ruling overturning the portions of the Indiana abortion law protecting female and Down's fetuses from abortion under the cause of civil rights shows that they will not actually hear cases, only enforce Roe. There is only one anti-Roe/pro-Plessy and state power Justice on the court - Thomas.

The only way to fight abortion is with $1,000 per month per child tax credits distributed with pay by employers as part of tax reform which has no family but the wealthy having to file. The GOP won't go along with that. Ever. The modern GOP only exists with Catholic votes. Take them all away.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Links for 6/20/19

Links for 6/20/19
Not bothering with Falwell family filth. As for Barr, there have been a lot of over-the-top allegations. It is equally plausible that he is the bright shiny object to keep Trump's eyes averted while everyone wonders about what they cannot say - is Pence involved? Pelosi is waiting until we know. That will be blogged about today.

I just wrote testimony on migration.It will be published next week as the hearing begins. It's worse than you think. Canadian and Mexican workers are treated differently in NAFTA. It is also better than you think. At least Mexico is finally growing union rights. Tipping your housekeeper is essential (especially if she needs an abortion, since she likely has no union therefore insurance and Medicaid won't pay). Still, with the work she does for you, it would be unconscionable not to pay her (or your taxes if Hyde fails). The answer for migrant workers rights, documented or not, is a union. If you do not want to feel guilty about that morning glass of Orange Juice, actively work to repeal right to work laws, which are really right to own slave laws. See next Wednesday.

Money is very important to both camps on abortion rights. If it were widely known how firmly settled Roe actually was, neither side would get a dime or an hour of volunteer time. Before the term is up, we will see if June v. Gee is granted Cert or is simply decided Per Curiam. Per Curiam means that there are less than 4 votes who want the issue to ever come before the Court again. There is likely only one and he is the most senior justice and most likely to die first. I have also been writing about this - a lot. For both Pelosi and Abortion articles, see

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Accompany or argue: Pope contrasts with Bishop Barron on evangelization

Accompany or argue: Pope contrasts with Bishop Barron on evangelization
The question is why we evangelize. Are we still under the impression that one must be Catholic or be damned? Does our sexual (or rather our asexual) ethic offer a better life or impossible choices? Is our vision of the Passion one of solidarity by God with our suffering or suffering as appeasement.

Our Good News must, in fact, be good news and not just good optics and beautiful churches. A humble Pope is good, but he needs to teach this to his brother bishops. He was elected by the titular Roman clergy. Start with that example.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Links for 6/18/19

Links for 6/18/19
Warren's lawyer needs to call Kurtz to get an expert witness. This song is also of comfort.

Neither moral arguments nor public opinion have anything to do with the constitution rights of the unborn against execution by the state (which are equal to everyone else's) or the power of state governments go grant them at the expense of their mothers (which is zero). Congress can, but it won't, since due process rights for mothers and their doctors require that all voluntary and therapeutic (miscarried) abortions be investigated in the same way. The Court is now rejecting petitions to hear an more abortion cases and overturning any attempt to overturn Roe or impose Trap Laws Per Curiam (without hearing). Stick a fork in repeal. It is done. Any Catholic politician should say as much, unless honesty has become a sin and fraud a virtue. That is the only sane answer.

The only option is massive per child subsidies. Don't vote Republican if you want them to protect the unborn that way (unless a moderate Republican runs). The last person that a moderate Republican wants to face is Elizabeth Warren. Biden would be a pleasure to debate, just like Trump. Note that she also wants to repeal Hyde. It should be.

In Right and Reason, THE Catholic ethics text, you cannot avoid taxes to avoid sending them to Vietnam because your taxes and war funding are indirect. If that applies to war, it certainly applies to abortion. If you have private insurance, you are more likely to fund abortion (although it may be free to you, because funding birth is more expensive to policy and stock holders than funding abortion. Buying a cheeseburger or movie ticket is much more likely to fund abortions for the working class and teenagers. Hyde is all about posture, not real policy. The Democratic Jesuit in Congress used voting for Hyde entirely for optics.

The Control Board did it's job. The government must now do his - not accepting the lack of a haircut but in demanding a congressional bail out, with a slow enough time table to give Pelosi or a primary challenger to get rid of Trump first. If I were a GOP candidate, I would promise PR just that, and not only to win Florida.

Someone needs to remind Joan that in the Old Testament the penalty for masturbation was a bath, not Hell.  I learned that at Loras College in Eastern Iowa when reading the Bible to test out of a class. Eastern Iowans vote differently than western Iowans and plenty of folks from there will volunteer to work for Democratic candidates. Trump will have to pay his in the east. Whether we would vote for a large settlement against a bakery for catching a kid shoplifting would not be based on Political Correctness, but in how the bakery confronted the shoplifter. It makes a huge difference. We know that PC is mostly simple politeness. We are Iowa Nice people. Note to MSW, don't be condescending to us about how we vote, volunteer or treat others.

Monday, June 17, 2019

For Trump, it's all about posture, not policy

For Trump, it's all about posture, not policy
Trump is too stupid to know what he is doing is either wrong or evil. He thinks his base likes it and that he can eventually get Trump Tower Moscow, so he is also craven.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Media outlets highlight division through coverage of US bishops' meeting

Media outlets highlight division through coverage of US bishops' meeting
LifeSiteNews and the Register are fringe media unworthy of mention. On lay input, no one is trying for Congregationalism, just restoration of Shabbat with in-home consecration, awareness of asexualism in doctrine and the ancient rights of election and episcopal poverty. Ordain lay deacons to write the checks and married lesbians to the priesthood to say Latin Mass.  No white Evangelical church will ever do any of that. May Saints Priscilla, Bacchus and Sergio pray for the Church to end its errors and that it may leave the GOP now that all challenges to Roe are being turned back Per Curiam.

Links for 6/14/19

Links for 6/14/19
Trump is an idiot, to deal with climate change we need to deal with capitalism and whether Trump is running depends on whether Pence is implicated. If yes, Trump will be impeached, if not then impeachment is not worth it.

Catholic Democratic Candidates do not to advocate for any abortion law. Neither the Alabama or N.Y. has real jurisdiction. It is an entirely federal issue. The Supreme Court will not even hear a case. To do so risks impending everything since Plessy, which cannot be allowed. Since the Indiana abortion law's protection for female and Down's fetuses was overturned per curiam and the Louissiana law will likely be as well, It shows that Thomas is the only anti- Roe justice. This needs to be explained rather than defending abortion rights as a feminist issue. Further, they must explain that the only way to reduce abortion is a much higher child tax credit distributed with pay and that they will and the GOP won't. Life and eeconomic equality need to be made a single issue in Faithful Citizenship.

Vatican II made not Catholicizing any nation a matter of doctrine in Dignitatis Humanae. It is time to connect the dots between this and pluralism, including on abortion. Gillibrand is not wrong, she is just not explaining it right. By the way, free will does make not only democracy but individual rights the only defensible position against the tyranny of the authoritarianism of certain bishops.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Barron's idea of evangelization to 'nones' misses the mark

Barron's idea of evangelization to 'nones' misses the mark
I saw nothing objectionable in the presentation of the death penalty in terms of doctrine, although it is not something I agree with. While it is up to God to judge those executed, it is up to society, which because of free will is now sovereign, to protect itself. This includes prison guards and even convicts. The standard is danger, not justice (as it is for late term abortion). Note that life without parole is seen by prisoners as a death penalty, but a slowly administered one. It is better to get it over quickly.

Evangelization means one thing, the witness to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and all of us, whether that is at the end of time or when we die. We are not simply memories in the world of ideas, nor are we reduced to nothingness by death, by close exposure to God or to Nirvana. Instead, we have faith that we will survive in body and spirit and on the last day we shall see God in the flesh.

I know people who listen to the Bishop. From what I hear, his moralism is practical rather than on eternal life. While this is more comfortable for the Nones, without an eventual link to life eternal it is simply a discussion of ethics. While Barron can certainly offer useful suggestions, on most moral issues we can think for ourselves. Gone are the days when we need the Church to do our thinking for us. Given that the Church often ignores both natural and social science in its moral teachings, relying instead on the authority of papal or episcopal thrones. Most of the Nones and the faithful have no use for such teachings, especially regarding sexual ethics and its glorification of an asexual ideal. Barron's support of masculine jingoism does not inspire faith either.

That the hierarchy is also known for past corruption in service to their thrones is simply a riff on the same tune. Finally, the Nones are not driven by a commitment to existential philosophy. The thought is simply ridiculous. They simply do not trust what the Church says - even if there were no child abuse. Refusing to ordain women and its support of the Republican Party are also core issues, as is its archaic governance.

We do not need to evangelize the Nones nor rely on some sort of spiritual conversion among the clergy. A retreat will not help. Actual change will. Evangelization, morality and governance can be improved without loss of the essentials of faith. Simply getting off the throne is enough. Preaching the Gospel only needs words when necessary. Limiting Catholic education to academia while ignoring adult and practical education is an example. Instead of prison ministry, we need to take the rehabilitation of both addicts and the mentally ill from the government to a Church sponsored therapeutic setting. Of course, until the throne is abandoned, the Church should not be trusted by either government or society.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Institutional decline of US bishops' conference obvious on first day of meeting

Institutional decline of US bishops' conference obvious on first day of meeti
Cardinal DiNardo is in our prayers, but we must wonder whether the Vice President is either an empty cassock or was ignored by conference staff (or both). The Conference will adopt the letter of the moto proprio,  but I doubt that it's spirit will be honored in those diocese which have already ignore the Dallas Charter. Vatican enforcement will imply their liability for all abuse claims, which would be just.

It is simply not true that Christ established a hierarchical Church. Lumen Gentium is hierarchical because it was written and approved by hierarchs. Christ warmed the Twelve not to be like the Gentiles and give themselves honors. This is more observed as the exception, not the rule. The washing of the feet on Holy Thursday has become empty ritual.

These are not issues for theology. Theologians and clerics do not have the tools to examine Church governance. They have been mucking things up for 19 centuries. This is a matter for sociology, particularly organization theory.

The Church has marched from simple democracy in electing pastors, who rightfully should carry the shepherd's crook, to patriarchs and metropolitan bishops to a Pope in schism with New Rome and Mediaeval power structures which exist to this day.

It is time to devolve to bishops elected by clergy, including a new lay office of deacon administrator (married, single, widowed with the option to remarry, gay or straight), both of whom to be hired by the people or their elders. Pastors could elect the metropolitans who would be assisted by monsignori. Metropolitans would elect national, continental or linguistic patriarchs and Matriarchs in union with New Rome or Wahington - the modern seat of empire, elected by his or her brothers and sisters.

The Holy Spirit has not stopped speaking and is certainly not telling us to reject democracy. All desire Her as the attractive Good, which we seek with our intellects. There is no divine right to lead the nation or the Church other than by free people.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Links for 6/11/19

Links for 6/11/19
The question is not the election, it's the Senators. We need 20 states with Republican Senators to be very unfavorable.

No one cares about ideas until just before Super Tuesday (except in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina).

Regulation keeps new car companies from competing. There are a lot of independent ideas that would be cheap for new companies, but not for the big boys.

I wrote about Biden's flip at Abortion is a litmus test is because it also tests all civil rights law views. Getting rid of Roe means getting rid of Latino rights (Hernandez), desegregation (Brown), contraception (Griswold), interracial and gay marriage (Living, Perry) and all other cases where states do not like federal review. It also shows realism. Although both sides are pandering. Because the Indiana law banning aborting Downs babies was overturned Per Curiam rather than argued, with only Thomas dissenting, we know that Kavanaugh and Gorsuch are pro-Roe and no abortion case will likely never be heard again. If Her is also decided Per Curiam, it will be certain. If Pence falls this month, Trump falls and the GOP members of Congress may flee to the Dems, etc., making abortion a footnote. Not even poll numbers will affect the issue, unless it is expressed as a larger Child Tax Credit or not.

Megachurches are a fat, juicy target in the South. Get one and there will be a feeding frenzy looking for bad youth pastors and who covered for them.

It is always a question in the Democratic Party whether DNC staff have a thumb on the scale. Party leaders often follow their lead as to whose turn it us. That was why Kerry was nominated and Bernie resisted. The Russians did not make that up.

Polemic will not change the Church. Millenials will (and not the web site).

Monday, June 10, 2019

President Trump an embarrassment throughout UK, D-Day trip

President Trump an embarrassment throughout UK, D-Day trip
Trump is an angry forward with too much time on his hands. His information comes from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. Sadly, knowing this causes these "entertainers" to be more outlandish. They shave no sense of responsibility for how the loser in chief sees the world. Sadly, Trump is the everyman of his generation and ideology.  Dog bites man.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Lavish living by Catholic hierarchy is moral corruption

Lavish living by Catholic hierarchy is moral corruption
The entire office of bishop, which could also be rendered as pastor, quickly became a seat of power. In 100, Clement of Antioch used his office as priest to make outlying communities comply or be denied Communion. Later, they became imperial functionaries and retain the trappings of Medieval lordship, even in a world of 501c3 organizations. Of course, many of these are also overpaid. 

Jesus said not to take on titles like the Gentiles when his nephew's, James and John, wanted thrones at his left and right hand in the kingdom. Like the washing of the feet, Jesus' words are more known by the failure to honor them. The money is a small thing compared to the hoarding of power over others that the money brings. This bishop is no different than any other authoritarian capitalist.

On the 75th anniversary of D-Day, let's remember the dangers of nationalism

On the 75th anniversary of D-Day, let's remember the dangers of nationalism
Wars are a product of political and religious authoritarianism (both private and state capitalism). Adding democracy to religion and the workplace ends the drive to emigrate and resistance to immigration, as well as to currency arbitrage. Internationalizing employee ownership makes war passe. Higher wages and adequate tax child tax credits ends the popular misery that forces young people to seek military service as a way out, as well as the need to find an enemy for the populace to hate. It seems Marx was not wrong after all.

Links 6/6/19

Links 6/6/19
Trump has me pining for Nixon Now!

Alabama is the time for a teachable moment on abortion as a policy issue. Nominees need to explain the rights the unborn have and those they will never get

The Progressive movement has its roots in Lincoln, who had wonderful things to say about worker's rights. Almost Marxist.

If Pence is not nailed by Flynn, Biden could be the next Kerry. If he is, Biden may be the next Carter, or it would be Pelosi's VP.

Tac cuts on the rich cannot boost GDP, by definition. Unless countered by deficit spending, they result in asset inflation and junk.

Business is always in it to make a buck and will deal with the devil to do so. Liik at Big Oil and who they deal with.

The Koch s know who they are buying. They always have and yes, they are racists.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Links for 6/4/19

Links for 6/4/19
Conservatives cannot face that McCarrick was sexually underdeveloped, not gay. Essentially, they need to go after people like them, not the gay priests.

On Bannon in Italy, Peterson in Canada and Orban in Hugary, ANTIFA!  Vive the Yellow Vests in France. Vive La Papa.

I remember the early days of AIDS and why ACT UP protested those they did and fought for medicinal marijuana (which will lead to CBD being the eventual treatment of choice for mental illness). It is also why we have gay marriage because of the bad conduct of Catholic hospitals in dealing with partners who were essentially spouses.

Catholic Democrats need to focus on a guaranteed income of $1000 per month per child with payroll  like a laser beam - including demanding that the Church pay such an income before tax policies are enacted. I would also rather that the rich give 90% of their incomes back to their employees, especially those with Children.

Barr is the bright shiny object holding Trump's attention while reports and data are quietly being sent to House Judiciary. They are also waiting to see whether Pence will be indicted and made to resign and invoke the 25th Amendment on the way out the door. In the end, President Pelosi should give Barr and Mueller the Medal of Freedom for pulling off the long con perfectly. They should also get Oscars for a perfectly done performance.

On the election, it is early. Whomever Pelosi selects as a VP (she is older than Trump) will be the putative nominee (unless Pence is cleared by Flynn's comments to Mueller - in which case Flynn gets the Oscar since Pence has to be guilty).

Monday, June 3, 2019

Here's the must-do agenda for the US bishops

Here's the must-do agenda for the US bishops
The good news is that these reforms will probably work for a while, but eventually abuse will go further underground. We cannot enforce our way out of domination and secrecy. In the short term, the reforms they must replace collegiality with a more authoritarian system that takes the bishops down a notch. That is bad news for the claim that the bishops are not employees of the Vatican, which puts all of that bad Italian art on the walls at risk (good riddance to depictions of a white, asexual Holy Family).

Bishops have been authoritarian for longer than their official status was conferred by Constantine. It started when Clement of Antioch (the successor Peter, who was the first pastor of that Church) first used the distribution of Communion as a method to establish and maintain control. Democracy went from election by the Saints to selection by the Presbyters to selection as government ministers to selection by the Patriarchs, but with collegiality...until now.

Will the bishops serve themselves or the Pope? I am sure that there will be a bit of discontent at this meeting of the USCCB or the next. No one likes having a boss. Work is a four lettered word for a reason. This is likely what it will take for the Church to move back to democracy in selecting bishops and pastors. Indeed, it may one day reunify the offices, but the next step is likely clerical election and the ordination of any with a calling, not just single gay and asexual men in the closet (sometimes from themselves).