Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Links for 6/25/19

Links for 6/25/19
Barron has had his 15 minutes on this column. He and Peterson need to quit preaching machismo and self-reliance and focus on reliance of GOP, each other and the obligation to treat poor and rich children equally, with the government backing that with taxes. All the bishops need to, since it is the only possible way to decrease abortion. Trump needs the same lesson. He is a slime ball, which does not disqualify him to be President - although his criminality and incompetence do.

While the media can do what it wants, the Constitution currently does not allow excluding anyone from running for office (unless removed by impeachment) who meets the criteria listed (See USTR v. Thronton). Mayor Pete gets the coverage he earns. It is likely easier to earn coverage by running against Trump in the GOP primaries (although the Senate GOP could change that). The same approach is all we can do about the Anti-Vaxers. Sunlight is the best disinfectant (although too often media ownership by the wealthy mute this). Sadly, that Roe has been settled and that PR must have congressional help does not sit well with the approved narrative. Neither is blowing up the myth that the debt is owed on a per capita basis (see the chart at the bottom).

Box v. Planned Parenthood has settled the abortion question. It shows that only Thomas is anti-Roe. The last 4 GOP and last 4 Dem appointees are all pro-Roe. If you want to fight abortion, get the USCCB, Catholic Charities, Planned Parenthood, NOW and the NEA all behind a $1000/month/child refundable tax credit and make it the only pro-life issue. The GOP will be gone in about 2 minutes and when the dust clears there will be a pro-business Democratic Leadership Council party and a pro-life Democratic Socialist party, as it should be.

Puerto Rico needs the Governor and control board to step up and demand congressional funding for all obligations not discharged. That is really what such Boards are for. I know, I dealt with one in DC. I also dealt with redevelopment issues. The rights of existing residents should have stronger protection that the rights of developers.

If Trans athletes can compete in the season, they deserve a shot at the championship. These issues were settled in law decades ago. They need to stay that way.

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