Thursday, November 30, 2017

Links for 11/30/17
MGB: If you want to respond to my comments, I crosspost to As long as you can tell the difference between dogma and discipline, you can comment. Papal statements confusing the two will get the poster blocked.

Sadly, the news release on the injunction does not deal with why these ads were rejected while in the past the Come  Home for Christmas ads about going to confession were put up.  If the Archdiocese was paying the same rate, there is an issue here.

College Republicans can be pretty much out there. This should have been a closed event.  That it was open to the public shows how how the College Republicans have sunk.  Bravo to anyone who shouted this fool down. Note to the CR's: its not OK to be stupid just because the President is.

I suspect that Cardinal Cupich is being groomed to take over on the Gang of Eight for when Cardinal O'Malley retires.  If the long term plan is to break Rome into continental patriarchies under Constantinople, then it is an easy guess as to whom the Western Patriarch of North America will be.  I am at once glad and saddened that the Church is doing more for Puerto Rico than FEMA is.

The Circle of Protection needs to hit the right notes to be effective in opposing the Tax and Job Cuts Bill.  Simply score it as legislation that will expand abortion, so that anyone who votes yes loses their perfect pro-life rating.  Archbishop Naumann, call your office.

Bravo to CUA for standing with St. Croix. Again, we seem to be doing better than FEMA under Trump.

No one does Christmas like Norway does Christmas. My mother was certainly an example of that. Note that there are no reindeer in Italy.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Francis continues to critique capitalism, globalization of indifference
MGB:_Francis is identifying those who are obsessed with whether they are in the state of grace. While he is right that they should also help the poor directly, he leaves out the point that many don’t want to pay higher taxes for the government to do so, even if the tax burden does not fall heavily upon them. They also oppose immigration. If illegal immigration is a problem, then open a procedure for more legal refugees! Finally, they ignore the Compendium on Social Doctrine is optional, even though much of the Gospel is about the helping the poor and the problem of riches. Capitalism as it exists today, especially under Trump, cannot be all there is. The Magisterium says it does not have to be. It must also deal with the environment. Francis is not a climate change denier and the option for any catholic to does not exist.

As pews empty, report reveals more about 'spiritual,' 'religious'
MGB:_In college intro to philosophy on first day we covered the fact that we had a spirit because we can think about our thinking. Indeed, all abstract thinking is spiritual, as is using spirituality to go beyond limitations, whether it is playing in the zone or finding a higher power to recover from alcoholism.  Indeed, it is alcoholics in recovery who coined the term spiritual but not religioius because they can recover with spirituality while not necessarily going back to their childhood religion with its version of a punishing God, whether Catholic or Evangelical.

As for other Catholics, the Tridentine Mass was a good place to hide. While some certainly remembered the Latin and followed along, others likely turned off their ears for the hour. Conformity is described by Daniel Dennett as a belief in the belief in God. Such a shema is no longer necessary. Now many go to brunch instead of Mass. What they ignore is that someone who may be religious now has to feed them. Ooops.

Lenten fasting and weekly abstinence or the replacement penance, beyond environmental considerations (making sure wheat was available to all, rich and poor and that fish would be sold) were meant to encounter suffering as a means to cultivate the need for a higher power. It morphed into the ridiculous idea that we could somehow add to the merits of Christ through our efforts, which is actually very prideful thinking. Sadly, minor penances and prideful penances (such as the self-scourging of both Shia Muslims and Opus Dei) fail to produce the kind of spiritual bottom that Christ suffered on the Cross and that alcoholics, the sick, the dying, the poor and the righteous (not the self-righteous) experience as the need for a higher power. That kind of spiritual hunger is what it takes to be radicalized into the kingdom of God, to be born again. Simply going through the motions and following doctrine just does not cut it.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Links for 11/28/17
MGB:_Our forgotten Republican donors and their Executive Class are finally being remembered by Donald Trump.

Just read the WSJ is you have any doubt about what a billionaire conservative will do to a nenws outlet, or look at the recent drek from Heritage or Cato.

The Kingdom of Christ is not of this world, so you must be born again to get their. The modern term for being born again is to be radicalized. Radicals challenge established authority, including the CDF and the bishops, the way Christ challenged the Temple Priesthood.

Castro and the Hurricane Maria were different types of disasters. Also, Puerto Ricanos can always go back eventually. Cuba had effective socialism. PR was abused by the neo-liberals. If only PR could strip the assets of the bankers by fiat. That would be a nice change.

I would have hoped that Elon would have given Tesla workers an owneship stake and used the union for both bargaining and representation on the board. Elon, call my office.

The Dicastry should have moved its meeting. The link to his speech goes to Naomi’s article. The remarks are not on the Vatican site in English.

The NAFTA statement hits most of the necessary points, but could use more on the Tribunals, which favor industry over government action to ameliorate problems.

The Crown Prince says he is fighting extremism, but the proof will be Daeash and al Queda disappearing due to lack of royal funds. I wonder of his relations with my old friend Sallah Ameel?

Monday, November 27, 2017

Seize the moment: Authors say it's time to roll back the 2010 missal
MGB:_Sadly, the author's voice was not loud enough to move the USCCB to address the issue of the clunky 2010 translation, which essentially brought back the Tridentine responses not heard since 1969. The Bishops may have avoided this for a year, but if the parishoners raise a ruckus or if they notice the Mass declines since 2010, it will not be off the agenda for long. Good translation is not mimicking Latin forms. Quite the opposite.

GOP tax reform is unproven trickle-down theory
MGB:_Not unproven, but disproven. When the Executive Class is give a tax cut, they have an incentive to earn more money, not by hiring and expanding but by cutting labor costs and pocketing the bonus. When tax rates are higher, the bonus is taxed away and is not worth earning. This is why you have job losses and lower waes the GOP tax legislation. Growth occurs when consnumers (workers) have higher incomes and spende them, either because they have received higher goverment transfers or jobs on government or corporate projects. This leads to private wealth and investment growth. Any corporate manager who suggests investment due to tax cuts will soon be receiving a government unemployment check.

Are pontifical statements infallible on economics? I would say more so than on reproductive sexuality, from when life begins to whether a procreative end is necessary to sacred continence to ordaining women. Indeed, the Church’s Neo-Platonism is infallibly wrong compared to its economic teachings which are rooted in how the Scriptures, especially the Gospel, prefer the poor to the rich. Indeed, any time Israel was scouraged, it was for how it treated the poor badly while the rich enjoyed luxury. Sexuality was never the issue.

Ryan and McConnell are speaking Ayn Rand and Laffer, who are favored by Republican donors for selfish reasons, not for their businesses but for their own personal gain. Their problem is cash parked overseas. They want a bonus for bringing it home and they want that bonus to have as low a tax penalty as possible.

The current economy began to improve in 2013 when Obama raised taxes on the wealthy. Hardly runaway socialism and the reason it looks gut for Trump now. If he were not such a partisan idiot he would leave well enough alone and take credit for it.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Contraceptive mandate battle still on: States fight religious exemptions
MGB: The moral law is for all of us to reason about and the guiding principal in Humanae and Evangelicuum is Aristotelian, not from Christ. If there is doubt about the existence of the humanity of the blastocyst, the blastocyst gets the benefit of the doubt. It binds individuals, not the civil law and gastrulation provides enough certainty as to why blastocystic development is controlled only by the mother as to infer it is her life force and not the offspring's controlling development. Sadly, the hierarchy shows no desire to examine this issue, so they lack credibility, largely because doing so would cast doubt on prior statements that were issued infallibly. The marital love issues having to do with whether the hierarchy is entitled to a means-ends discussion on marital sexuality and conception are simply ignored by married Catholics, as they should be.

As to the extant case, it will likely be dismissed, although it may be considered open because Beckett is dragging its feet on agreeing to a mechanism to communicate with their insurance company without feeling morally culpable for doing so. According to the principle of the double effect, they are not, even if you grant the wrongness of contraception on either life or moral sexual philosophy grounds Of course, the latter exception has no grounds for legal enforcement upon Church employees in receiving services under a public benefit program because of their right of privacy, to wit, the Church cannot ask the state to enforce on employees what it cannot seek to enact under the civil law. Griswold v. Connecticut has already ruled that it is none of society’s business whether couples have sex for procreation or for pleasure for its own sake).

I predict they will settle quickly to moot the question. If not, then I wonder if the legal team reads this thread. A Griswold argument on the issue of sex for pleasure would be fun in arguments.

Gay_morality is not our concern unless have harmed us. Fraternal correction in the Gospel applies to direct harm to an individual, not offending their doctrinal sensibilities.  t is the gay commuity that is entitled to exercise fraternal correction, not the hierarchs.

Some cities have gay populations that subgroup, some don't. Dallas does. DC certainly does. New York, San Fracisco and Miami do. My point is that the Church has made gays decidedly unwelcome, whether it be denial that being gay is some kind of choice rather than being differently made (and not having a sexuality that is disordered) or going so far as trying to cure them. That is like trying to cure white people because they are prone to skin cancer.

A blastocyst is not an embryo. Prior to gastrulation, development is controled only by the maternal life force, aka her soul. The DNA of the father must be operative in development to infer the offspring is operating under its own steam. Any doctor or patient who is certain of this can use contraception. If the Church were to become certain of it (and Lambreth is, which is why Casti Connubii was written in reaction), the issue would go away. Of course, the Church has some humility problems to work out first as to admitting it has been wrong, but the rest of us are not letting that get in our way.

The immorality is conditional based on the lack of knowledge for when the embryo or blastocyst deserves protection. Science has fully established that a blastocyst develops under the genetics of the mother's genes alone. If you are sure no one is a person until the parents of both genes actively control development, then contraception is only a matter of sexual ethics, not life.

If Lambreth had not first decided to follow the science, the Church might have rather than taking a position for the sake of brand identity. Birth control did not invent recreational sexuality. Every generation thinks it invented sex. Its always a silly notion. Regardless of the Anglican ruminations on ensoulment, mine are correct, being grounded in both Aristotle on the soul and modern Embryology.

What the Church says is what Aristotle said about protecting life. Before gastrulation, its an blastocyst. After, it is an embryo (the whole term embryonic stem cell research is erroneous). We DO know what a blastocyst is and does and can safely act as if they were cells of the mother because that is how they behave. We know that the male DNA has no say in development until gastrulation. When they become embryoes, they deserve moral protection (legal protection is another matter). Regardless, birth control does not violate a right to life, just the peculiar sexual idealism of our asexual clergy. No doctrine says potential human life demands respect, provided we are sure of that status. Most are and the only reason not to be is to defend the infallibility of prior Church teaching which we now know is error.

The Church considers such destruction (of blastocysts) wrong not because it is certain about conception being the start of life, but because it is not. What is sad is that it does not examine the biological evidence because getting a different answer would take some explaining as to infallibility issues. Everyone was part sperm and part egg, but until gastrulation, no one had individuality or was operating as a child of their father. No one is fully human until then and unless Heaven or Limbo are filled with failed blastocysts, it is no loss.

The Church's philosophy is based on Aristotelian and Thomistic ethics, which provide both personal and group answers for judgments by individuals. The principle that life is to be protected if it is possibly present is like that. Anyone who has studied enough embryology to be fluent in what happens at gastrulation will make up their minds differently than you have. The Church refuses to look, largely because it does not want to admit error, which is why Ottoviani intervened on Humanae Vitae, which as originally drafted would have overturned much of Casti Connubii, both on the science and the marital sexuality fronts. The natural reasoning of the people in the pews rejected what he had to say regarding both human sexuality and its ends and the nature of birth control, which is not abortive because a blastocyst is not under the control of the genetics of both parents, just the mother. The Senses Fidelium did not assert the latter, but their doctors know and the Curia does not.

Not the mother's body, the DNA in the blastocyst. Maternal DNA is active, paternal is not. Paternal is not turned on until gastrulation. Sentience has nothing to do with the soul. Integral development does, at least in the Aristotelian ethical modality used by the Catholic Church. Integral or regulative development happens at gastrulation. Get a college level embryology text and see for yourself. It won't talk about the soul, but looking at it with a knowledge of what the Church says about the soul, repeating Aristotle, makes it clear, assuming you know how to integrate knowledge from a variety of sources. You seem to want to treat this using scholasticism, i.e., you are trying to prove the Church right rather than find the truth. Ultimately, such an approach is not useful for either personal ethics or the Church itself.

Ontology follows the soul.  Blastocysts divide according to the DNA of the egg and the egg alone.

The ontology, the being of the blastocyst, shows it is not governed by the DNA of both parents, just the mother. Her DNA, her soul. Her right to take Plan B to stop it.

No one is integrated unitl gastrulation. No integration, no soul and unless they are shutting this thing off after COB tomorrow, I think I have the last word.

BTW, Catholic theologians used to say that ensoulment could not happen while twinning could occur, for the same reason. The recent theory, for which there was no evidence was one soul at fertilization and another at twinning, but that is pure sophistry.

Integral means the parts are working. Not until gastrulation. At twinning, you could keep cutting the blastocyst in two again and again with no loss. Its only a real person if you cut off a piece and that piece is missing at birth._Before gastrulation, you can take out stem cells with no effect. After gastrulation, taking out cells is damaging.

Twinning happens prior to gastrulation, not after. It does not harm twin 1 because twin one is not an integratede individual. It is a bunch of stem cells sitting in what will become the placenta.

Again, before gastrulation, all stem cells are both interchangeable and any amount are-expendable. After, all are necessary. Seems like the essence of potential v. actual life to me. It is for every scientist and doctor. Sounds definitive to me.

Potential means not actual. Stem cells withinn a blastocyst are simply cells and until gastrulation, they are not even "proven", meaning that until gastrulation occurs, no one but God knows whether the stem cells are viable. Most often they are not because of chromosomal damage or simple parental genetic incompatibility. Unless limbo is filled with really freaky beings that genetically impossible, life does not begin until gastrulation sorts out what is and is not a possible person.

As for the unborn, no one is out to kill them unless they are dangerous and that is an economic decision in most cases, with a cure in public finance (higher tax subsidies for families). Cases where the pregnancy is dangerous to the mother usual occur in the second trimester and the innocence of the fetus should be of no consequence if it will never survive anyway. Sometimes women know they should never carry a child. They are entitled to birth control or sterizlization, healthy uterus or not. This belief that they should avoid sex instead is idiotic neo-platonism. It has nothing to do with Christ.

It is true that after 8 years, 53% of chemical birth cotrol users will get pregnant, many use it to space conception, not prevent it entirely. Those that absolutely don’t want to conceive add barrier methods or get their tubes tied or use abortion as birth control if all else fails, but this is rare as a cause for abortion. Economics is still more important.

Not being aborted is a positive right, like not being murdered when born. That means it takes an action to secure, it is not automatic. Until Congress grants personhood under its 14th Amendment powers not shared by the states, the only treatmetn is increasing the child tax credit by more than $1,600 per year.

Your Congress and President can both, although it dropped the ball on the latter with what are unconcionable tax cuts on the Executive Class and corporations. You have a year to make personhood start earlier, but you have to figure out a way to ban first trimester abortions without having to investigate miscarriages within equal proection principles. That would be threadingn the needle in a way that Jay Sukalow is not smart enough to do. You would also have to either make all contract killing legal or accept that fact that women who order abortions would be in legal jeapordy (regardless of what movement lawyers say, for they are not very good).

First trimester abortions were banned pre-Roe not because the fetus had personhood rights but as a banned medical procedure, where the physician was reported to the local medical society and fined. Abortion was not considered murder. With privacy, that type of action is not allowed. It is personhood or nothing, which can only be changed by Congress.

I am not a monster. I don’t put a notch on my belt for every blastocyst terminated by birth control methods. Neither are the doctors who prescribe birth control or the ones who do stem cell research. If any of us thought the science indicated that life began at conception, there would be no chemical birth control or stem cell research. The Church is doing itself a great disservice for not listenning to our POV.

Gratitude is basic, necessary
MGB:_A very good essay and a very Happy Thanksgiving! I suspect the profoundest gratitude this year will be in Puerto Rico, where although most lost everything, they are grateful for their very lives in much the same way 12 steppers are.  Gratitude is  the antedote for self-pity, which is a different form of pride. When God has spared your life and you respond with gratitude, your life is no longer your own. It is God’s. This means it cannot be claimed by depression or the Capitalist, much as they would like to, either in work or in consumption. Without God, capitalism becomes a totalitarian system. With God, there are some things that cannot be touched.

Supreme Court to hear case on free speech and crisis pregnancy centers
MGB:_They should not be required to publish a phone number for abortion services, however any signage and advertisements must make it clear that abortion services are not offered at these locations, as well as providing the same information prior to speaking with Center staff. Further, these centers should never be allowed to advertise as abortion services, including in phone directories. Fraud is still a sin last I checked, as in Thou Shalt Not Defraud.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Links 11/21/17
MGB:_Truth has a liberal bias, especially in economics. It used to be that Senators in both parties believed the same basic economic theory. That has not been the case for a long time and it is largely donor driven.

District Court nominees are usually referred by one of the Senators from the state, although this one may be from Attorney General Sessions. The ABA downcheck is troubling, but the fact that he went to Harvard rather than Liberty or Ave Maria for law school leaves me less concered. Blame this one on DailyIKos, who insisted so strongly that the filibuster be ended because the Democrats could never lose control of the Senate. That was true idiocy.

Senator Menendez, who is a family friend, seems to have done nothing more than Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell did, even after concerted attempts to convict him. This is tacky but it is no more bribery than the pursuit of tax cuts by Repbulicas for their donors. Morally, they both are, but moral and legal are different thigs.

Michael Moore did a similar special on how nice most Trump voters are. It is no surprise that abortion is the issue that keep poltical polarization alive, which is why eve Democrats use divisive language rather than stresing why the case was rightly decided and how to get to a place of compromse.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Congressional tax bills show power beats values
MGB:_It is good that three USCCB Committee Chairs condemned the bill. Considering that the House bill had already been marked up when the meeting was taking place in Baltimore, it is a shame the whole conference was not given the opportuity to speak out. Of course, the Republican majority is quite used to ignoring these committees, having help from the Church’s right flank in convincing themselves and their Catholic supporters that these are matters of prudential judgment, which is untrue.

This bill will lead to lower wages for workers, which is the fourth sin that cries to Heaven for Vengeance. In doing so it will contribute to abortions, thus violating the first such sin. That being the case, the Pro-Life Activities Committee Chair, the newly elected Archibishop Naumann, should have signed on and insisted that the National Right to Life Committee score this vote. Then the Republicans would be between a rock and a hard place, between their chaplain and their donors. What would they do? Of course, in most diocese donors to the GOP also give to the Lenten Appeal, so the problem goes deeper. One final though, Cardinal Cupich would have signed the letter.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Bishop McElroy decries extremism on religious freedom, calls for solidarity in American politics
MGB:_What Bishop McElroy is talking about is the difference between religious freedom and religious power. The latter is no longer mandated for Catholics to seek, indeed they should not, under Dignitas Humanae, even if it is in relation to their own employees. Employers can certainly offer information on Natural Family Planning, or it can make such planning unnecessary except for health reasons by giving their employees a $12,000 raise whenever they have another child. Now that would be Christian witness to life.

When Murray was writing, Catholic power was part of the consensus on birth control. It took a Supreme Court case to clip its wings, although there are still those fighting back for dominance and against the Court’s protection of minority rights at state level from such dominance, especially when it is linked to the future of the Republican Party, which forecloses building a consensus on the economic issues that are so important to achieve a just society, issues the GOP would rather not discuss, let alone advance.

The Church can use its weight to stop that, but Republican leaning bishops must be willing to seek concessions from their own side, just as Democrats must be willing to compromise on when personhood begins under the law, which recognizes that the right to abortion is not absolute.

Sadly, the battle over birth control is about sex and who decides these ethics. Since Humanae Vitae, married Catholics have refused to listen to the pious ramblings of celibate/asexual clergy, who frankly have nothing to say on these matters. Arguing with them does no good, we need to OUT them, first to themselves.

Leaving people alone is the common good. Don't bemoan the loss of liberty on one hand and object to it on the other unless you mind being labeled economic libertarian/social conservative. That is just Republicanism and this article is really about the Church throwing in with the GOP.

Because Masterpiece would not sell a generic cake for the wedding, they are wrong and in violation of the Civil Rights Act public accommodations. I had thought they had offered the cake but not the topper, which would have been OK. Bakers don't get to discriminate based on what the cake is for.

I also thought that the couple had been offered a generic cake. News reports of the baker's statements clearly show he had not done so, that he felt he could never bake a wedding cake for a gay couple and that is a violation of law.

We shall soon see where the cake crumbs fall. I doubt that bakers will get a conscience exemption on picking their clients, but will be allowed to no customize the product. On the face of it, the baker acted with discrimination. He was making a political statement rather than a moral one. Can you deny someone business as an act of sour grapes? Does not sound like a valid exemption to me for him or the Church.

The baker was making a class distinction. Not allowed. He can withhold customization that is "gay" but making a political statement about gay weddings in that denial is moral scorn as speech, which is the religios freedom equivalent of yelling fire in a theater.

Lori wants religious power, not freedom. There is a huge difference and we will not go down that road again. One day, in a more libertarian society, the Church may yet provide social services for everyone, but it won't include a right to force people's conduct with force of law.

Lori and the Religious Freedom advocates wanted to give any Catholic employer the right to not only refuse to pay for birth control, but to make sure no one did. When the insurance companies came back with the promise to cover it at no cost to the employer, it took the wind out of their argument and what is left is a pathetic exercise in mis-defining moral culpability for the actions of others.

Little Sisters employees get their birth control, or will, once their lawyer starts dealing in good faith.

In all cases, contraception is provided at no cost to the employer. As for promoting it, the insurer mentions the availability. The employer only need notify that they will not participate in any such coverage. That is not endorsement and under the principle of double effect, it is not participation. This is fetishism and partisanship. The reality is that contraception was provided under their policy since 2001 as the result of EEOC action. The only change in the law was removing co-payments for employees.

Ignorance is not required for double effect questions. They can notify the insurer knowing that their intent is that the coverage not be granted but that it is none of their busienss that is. Actuarily, they do not participate. It truly is free.

Gays are a unique psychosocial identnity and they are identified under law for disparate treatment. That history of persecution entitles them to protected class status. Catholics who don't like that need to realize that their treatment of gays led to their need for special treatment under law. Catholics are a protected class too, but don’t push the issue on overturning the Blaine Amendments.

The Catholics who enforced movie censorship were also very anti-gay. The whole opposition to gay civil marriage and providing benefits to gay spouses who work in the the Church was discriminatory, as was preferring families of origin to spouses in Catholic hospitals, which only changed recently. The whole term same-sex attracted is discriminatory. The term is homosexual. It is separate sexuality and is differently ordered. Until the Church recognizes this and celebrates gay weddings, it is discriminating.

Insurance is based on need. Is it not unfair to deprive gay spouses of benefits they would get if they were heteronormative? You don't get to take advantage of discount based on discrimination.

Yes, bisexuals exist. Indeed, so do asexuals, demisexuals and others. Justice is dealing with them according to their own sexuality, not the least common denominator.

God created gay people as they are and their relationships are as entitled to sexual expression as anyone, as sex is a gift from God, not a means to an end. I would say that we need to banish the neo-platonic idiocy that requires procreation to justify sex from the Church. It is the creation of people who are asexual in the clergy and should not be making rules for desires they don't understand.

Workers can insure themselves alone. themselves and their children, or their entire family, depending on the policy they buy. Under the law, the form of the marriage is no longer at issue, whether a husband or a wife. No one outside the family is eligible (you can't cover a mistress or down-low lover). If you want real justice, support single-payer insurance.

Every worker should have the freedom to pick their plan. Indeed, once the Second US Circuit enacts the Employment Non-Discrimination Act as part of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 because the SCOTUS made gays a protected class under the gay marriage rulings, it won't be a matter of debate. It will be actionable discrimination to not cover gay spouses. Single payer would let the Church dodge that bullet, but anything they disallow for gay civil marrieds that they allow for hetero civil marrieds can only be bigotry (and sour grapes).

Regardless, the Church is denying benefits currently due to sour grapes and the ttype of moral scorn that is the equivalent in freedom religion that yelling fire in a theater is for freedom of speech. A legal spouse getting insurance coverage is simply equal justice under law. There is no justification for not providing it, because if the same employee had a fake wife and a lover on the down-low, the wife would be covered. Gays don't engage in such self-loathing anymore unless they have the misforturne of encountering the Courage Apostlate. Wearing bigot as a badge of honor is perverse for an individual and a movement (let alone a Presidency). That is not freedom. The fact is, the Second Circuit will settle this within weeks and the Supreme Court will either affirm the case or refuse Certiori and nationalize the result. There are eight Justices who will hold this view and there may be nine.

Benefits are not dilluted by expanding them. They are entitlements in that way. The Church must recognize gay marriages if they continue to employ gay staff members who are married. Losing the ability to fire them for that reason (and wanting to do so is clearly bigotry) will be the result of Zarda v. Altitude Express. The Congress may rush to pass ENDA with religious exemptions, but I doubt they would be able to be less generous than the decision. The tragedy for the Church is that there are those who want to be. Any modernization of the Good Samaritan would likely be retold as the Good Drag Queen.

The decision will be to fund everyone as required under the law or no one. Discrimination is not allowed due to budget constraint. That would be like saying that Catholic organizations could deny non-Catholics insurance as a cost saving measure. Nope. Any organization that can't handle adding one gay spouse, maybe two, to their insurance rolls is probably too marginal to stay in business.

Tradition does not overcome law nor does your analysis. All spouses have to be covered or none of them in any ethics that is not discriminatory against gays. After Zarda, it won't be legal either. Insurance companies won't touch such an inclusion then, and probably few will do it now. Your argument has been overcome by events.

Quinn's examination of Vatican I and infallibility is his final gift
MGB:_This books is essential reading to those who believe Vatican I was absolute and Vatican II was an abberation, as well as to those who would try to reign in their enthusiams. There are those who desire certainty over faith. They are not the same thing and, while a comfort, such a view can only lead to a smaller, more insular, Church. The Church must engage wih the wider world, not hide from it, much as Quinn did not, although Quinn could have been more bold. At some point, people hiding from change must be told they are wrong. Until that happens, the infallible Church will cling to error in the eyes of the faithful and the world. Quinn could not quite get to that point, which is a pity. Still, he provides perspective to many who sorely need it.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Links for 11/16/17
MGB:_It is unknown whether Trump’s penchant for lying is pyschological dysfuction, authoritarianism or mimickry of FoxNews. My guess is all of the above.

Paula White learned the Properity Gospel and self-promoting as a child. Paula had nothing left to teach him.

Hannity is why Trump looks so idiotic. Keep it up Sean! Roy needs to stay in the race. The GOP needs to lose that seat. A write-in campaign may keep it in the GOP column. Yes, that seat can switch. There are no safe Senate seats. Just ask the people of Massachusetts. Private to Mark Silk: Don’t give the Alabama GOP any ideas.

The GOP bill has passed and will serve its function by being replaced by the Senate bill, to PR is probably safe. They could have considered bipartisanship, in which case the Senate Bill would have been the formality. I wrote a blog post on this at

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

US bishops, as a group, still resist Pope Francis' pastoral impulse
MGB:_Sean Michael is writing like the Conference is unsure about breaking faith with the GOP on abortion and immigration (what’s with the abstentions on the Naumann election?).  At least they are not giving Trump cover on racism. The Conference’s voice in that area is quite strong, although no on seems to link racism to bad treatment of the working man (and immigration too) as a sin that cries to Heaven for Vengeance. A pastoral plan to deal with Amoris Letitie will be developed. There are a few bishops who need some helpful guidance on this, although they may ignore it like some ignored the Dallas Accords. This meeting said little about Francis. It said a lot more about the linkage of some bishops (and probably staff) to the Republican Party.Unless the reporting got lost, it seems the translation of the Mass was not mentioned at all. You would think that would be topic A, even if no staff work as been done. That is the true extent to which they ignore Francis.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

US bishops, electing Naumann to lead pro-life committee, break tradition
MGB: This is an unfortunate decision. Cardinal Cupich could have lead pro-life activities away from its linkage to the Republican Party electoral machinery, thereby giving it credibility across party lines. It would have been good for the unborn, because he would have affirmed the link between ending abortion and providing a living wage for families, as directed by Rerum Novarum, Casti Connubii and Caritas in Veritate. In doctrine, these are not prudential choices. Each Pope made clear they were obligatory steps, no matter how much pro-life Republicans put their economic agenda before the needs of children and the unborn.

As for Naumann, what he did with Governor Sebelius when she vetoed unconstitutional legislation is no longer allowed in the American Church and basically amounts to sedition. Had the Department of State been paying attention, a complaint to the Papal Nuncio would have been filed seeking his removal. It is not only sedition but abuse of the Eucharist. Bad choice.

Today's deed will delay the day that the Church stands for the economic empowerment of families, making the abortion rate 3/4's higher than it otherwise would be. Good job, Jay. Denise Richards should make Naumann man of the year.

Links for 11/14/17
MGB: Talking to the working class involves more than pandering, it involves talking about socialism in a way that makes believers feel welcome. Anything else is just pandering.

It is too bad Senior was not more well known in life. Had I known there was a Great Books program in the Midwest, I may have become a student.

The waters do rise sporadically. I fear the coasts of Florida must become permanently inhabitable before the Koch funded deniers help, rather than hinder, progress toward avoiding this, even if they still make profit on the status quo.

Sanders is good at latching onto standard proposals. If open primaries were such a good idea, he should have won Virginia. They really do favor centrism, so I am not sure why he is going there. What is needed is a good, full-throated, defense of socialism in both the corporate and political spheres, starting in employee-owned firms. Currently, being in an ESOP means extra duty and little else.  It should mean worker-owner decisions on the means of consumption (whether they are internal or external to the firm). Not just the employee cafeteria, but housing and college education for new workers, home loans at zero percent for family housing, which would be built in neighborhoods rather than separately. Most importantly, the hiring of CEOs and supervisors. Notice there is nothing in that list about secularism.

On Alabama, I won't even say that this is how fascism starts. The Slave Power was fascistic and it never really left Alabama. The more we prove Moore is guilty the more it will be seen as Fake News. If Moore had the decency of Lawrence C.K. and Harvey Weinstein, he would throw the race. That is the tack to take.

US bishops present united front on first day of general assembly
MGB:_With two Cardinals behind the Conferences immigration policy and none against, the member bishops are sure to fall in line. As for those in the pews who use the lack of an intrinic evil and prudential judgment argument, they would do so anyway, even though going against laborers, including migrants, is one of the four sins that cries to Heaven for Vengeance. To turn their families back home into orphans who cannot join them violates another such sin. Of course, in reality, that vegeance does not come from Heaven but from us. Helping these familie out and do well is the best revenge, especially if we can rescue them from those who bought them from coyotes and give them status because they were trafficked. We must be vigialent for any such instance and insist on the follow-thorugh.

That racism is getting attention is also good. Not a good day for the Donald.

The Amoris Letitia discussion today should prove interesting. It is said that Cardinal Burke does not consider it a magisterial document. Of course, it seems the Pope does not either, but it is still mandatory for pastoral purposes. The Pro-Life Activities Chair election is the big issue (unless someone brings up Mass translations, which the conference is suddenly responsible for again, yet no scheduled discussion). If Cupich wins, Trump may as well quit. We will know shortly.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Cardinal Parolin addresses US bishops with call for 'profound consensus'
MGB:_I recall attending the centennial Mass celebrating the founding of Catholic Charities in the U.S. a few years ago. These are august affairs. It is good it began remembering the plight of migrants at the hands of coyotes and border vigialantes.  The purity of heart called for has nothing to do with avoiding sexual thoughts, but in authentic personal converstion, which involves more than following the rules. The Church has indeed witnessed for the unborn, although they have done little for them. I suspect it is the Sisters rather than the Bishops who deserve the credit for defending the ACA.

Profound consensus would be good, but too many bishops value their coalition with the Republicans more than their coalition with their fellows, even to be unwilling to take the movement to task for not fighting for a tax supported living wage for families. Anti-redistributionism should have no place in the pro-life movement. Some of these problems may be staff level. Cupich will fix this if elected to the pro-life chairmanship.

Di Nardo’s comments about division coming from man and not God are much needed and should prick the consciences of those who would take the Church back to earlier times where religious power was proclaimed more openly than religious liberty. Now it is simply code for the anti-modernists. Bravo to the mention of Catholic Charities and their work in hurricane ravaged areas. That is where the rubber hits the road in this papacy.

You have to see this riveting video of Cardinal Cupich
MGB:_There is a strain of Catholicism, which is not like that of other religions, who want clear instructions on how to avoid going to Hell. The right wing and their Republican friends keep power over these people by alleging that Francis is not giving those instructions. In pagan theology it was a priesthood that would tell the people that the gods were angry, who they were angry at and how much of a tithe would be required to placate the gods. This included the cult of Baal which required child sacrifice (which also controlled pressure on the grain supply, much as abortion does now).

The biggest heresy to such a priesthood is that God is never angry and we should not be either. The second biggest danger is a social justice Pope who will require the state to give families enough money to avoid abortion so that the right-wing coalition fails. So much for baptizing libertarianism, which causes abortions through inequality (unless it is libertarian socialism, which would also have a strong role for the Church in replacing government services).

Friday, November 10, 2017

With Tuesday's election, Democratic brand is in better shape
MGB:_Exit polls show that the win was about Healthcare. It seems that Obamacare has its spokesman after all. It is all of us.  The GOP attack on it transformed from a policy fight (which is silly because it was a Republican concept) to one over Obama and his race. The obstructionism of McConnell and Birtherism of Trump sealed the deal on that perception, as did the embrace by Trump of Alt Right racism. When Paul Ryan and his delusions of Randian Federalism showed up trying to upend Medicaid the process was complete. People saw that their own futures were at stake, even if they had no need for coverage under the ACA and never would and the outrage practically begged DNC Chair Tom Perez to run an almost full slate. The rest is history.

Will this kill tax reform? No. Pointing out that the reform is simply a cut for the Executive Class might, although some Trumpsters believe the prosperity gospel and worship the Executive Class as minor dieties. What will work is to let Trump be Trump. Ultimately his personal coarseness is what is bringing the GOP down, even as Speaker Ryan goes on national news and states that they are all Trumpists now. Big mistake. Either Pelosi or Clinton will be President before 2019 is out, unless Trump resigns before the midterms.

Links for 11/09/17
MGB:_While the Air Force was negligent, a bit of investigation is needed before a suit can proceed and be quickly settled.

The Cardinal’s statement is good, although the problem was not access to healthcare but the fact that the patient escaped and was not pursued. More people need mandatory treatment and follow-up, which is still better than relying on the criminal justice system. Catholic Health should take the lead.

I usually don’t read First Things, but the piece by Fr. Imbelli goes down the right road. If those who argued with A.L. had read Evangelii, they could have saved their breath. It answers the question about why A.L. does not deal with doctrine. It is because everything need not be part of the Magisterium. Indeed, he raises the question of whether the idea of one is necessary or not. What most popes write is pretty ephemeral. Time is bigger than space is interesting, of course in physics they are one thing. Realities being bigger than ideas is a great antidote to a Curia which is obsessed with sexual morality based on first principles without bothering to check with current research and the experience of real people. That unity prevails over conflict is why he simply ignores people sniping at his heals from the cheap seats. Fr. Imbelli thinks the principles are still uncertain. He needs sit with them rather than thinking about them.

Goveror-Elect Northum paid his dues the usual way, beating a Sanders Democrat, which is good for Virginia but not necessarily everywhere. Northum’s counter attacks were on point, even though I would have loved to see a response that equated opposition to felon rights restoration as voting suppression against black men, which it is. Winning elections is not necessarily winning the moral argument, it is getting out the vote.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Papal loyalists become dissidents
MGB:_I suspect sociology rather than theology explains the dissidents, who are firmly hierarchist and who see any hint of either free thinking or-egalitarianism as alien to the Church. The reality is that this bridge was crossed on the Tiber in the 1960s and the counter-revolutionary papacies of St. John Paul and Pope Emeritus Benedict will not undo it. The revolution was picked up by theologians when Rome abandoned it, but Rome has now come and joined it and brought the world's bishops with it. Only Francis could have elicited the truth of what was already happpening in parishes worldwide, regardless of doctrine. No one believed the old proof texting, even and especially by the counter-revolutionary Saint John Paul. An error repeated is still an error. There was simply no doctrine of mortal sin in Paul's time. Receiving unworthily was something else. Divorcing to marry another is obviously adultery, but marrying well after divorce is not the same thing. Loyalty is not faith afterall.

What should the Catholic Church have learned this year?
MGB:_The title begs the question of who is the Church? It is certainly not just the hierarchy, as some would think. The hierarchs who supported Trump, taking advantage of Clinton’s debate gaffe on partial birth abortion to mobilize the pro-life troops, which is one reason Trump won certain midwestern states. Trump has done his best to look busy and until an opportunity comes up to consider overturning Roe again, Trump gets the benefit of the doubt that he is not just looking busy on abortion.  The Trump package includes the insidiious-Alt-Right racism endorsed by Fox News and its anti-immigrant/anti-Muslim ideology. These are features, not flaws, as is the belief by many Trumpsters in the outlandish belief that hunger will force someone to get a job when no one will hire them or that global warming and evolution are just theories and not overall paradigms. One conflicting study does not end a paradigm. A better paradigm does.

What has left of the Church learned. Being right does not offer space for learning, including being right about our brothers and sisters who have been decieved in the FoxNews universe. We should have learned that trying to shame them into right belief will not work, anymore than we will let them shame us on Roe, because there really is a difference between supporting abortion and recognizing its legaility. We cannot write them out of the Church anymore than they can write us out. We hope that they will come around as Muller keeps dropping bombs on their beloved Idiot in Chief, but while some will wake up, I am sure some of them still think that Nixon was innocent.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Links for 11/07/17
MGB:_The Beacon originally funded the Trump Dossier. We still don’t know for whom. The Darcy agreement was an open secret that was signed only when the primaries were over. As for the Greenberg quote, Obama voters were among those hunting for pitchforks in 2009. Both parties have class problems and their share of neo-liberals, but only the GOP are out to deliberately make life for the poor worse.

Questioning the sanity of any working class voter for Trump is picking low hanging fruit. And they say the Democrats are the party of false hope.

Kudos to Jerry Brown for drawing the distinction between Francis and Trump. This is a time whe strong words are essential.

I am sure Wilbur is meeting with image consultants now about how to keep his job. His best option is probably to resign. The GOP is addressing these circumstances. The whole 20% corproate rate is designed to get billionaires to park their money back in the U.S.

Nothing for the working class in GOP tax plan
MGB:_Just to be clear, Catholic Social Teaching demands a just wage for families. When a child is added, enough income must be added through the public and private sector to fully fund that child’s needs at an acceptable middle class lifestyle. The current tax law does not do that and the proposed reform helps little, if at all. Shfiting the child exemption to a credit is helpful, but it needs to be a refundable credit. $1600 is progress, but it should be $1000 per month per child. The current system is an F and the proposal does improve it. Getting rid of TANF, SNAP and even some housing subsidies would be fine so long as they were replaced by cash. Replacing the mortgage interest and property tax deductions with an improved Child Tax Credit would actually get us close to adequacy. The bill takes away some of the MID, but it sends it to business owners and the Executive Class. Epic fail.

I will argue that the 1986 reform cut loopholes and lowered rates. It laid the caused the recession under Bush and set up the Great Recession under his son by letting people use their homes as ATMs, which started the push to higher housing prices as appraisers agree with whomever is paying them. At least the bill takes away the mortgage ATM provisions, but that is likely an invitiation to give members a contribution to strike that reform. Sadly, few advocate a bigger CTC, even if it would help their industry or reduce abortions. Cardinal DiNardo, call your office.

The key feature is giving money to job creators. When you do that, you get tacky billionaires putting gold on the walls of their midtown Manhatten apartments, truly bringing back the guilded age. This is no incentive to industrial jobs. Indeed, jobs are cut because the government is giving owners and CEOs a lower penalty for saving labor costs and pocketing the difference in dividends and bonuses. Make the tax 70% again there is no such incentive because the government takes those savings. Cutting estate taxes is also a distraction. If you really fear that estate tax will erode business infrastructure, stop taxing estates, but instead tax the proceeds of sold assets as normal income to heirs. You will catch a lot more fish, even with a standard deduction of $100,000 for joint filers.

This leads to what is missing. While they seem regressivie, consumption taxes are better than payroll taxes and lower wage income taxes because they tax profit and wages equally and allow tax benefits to families to be distributed through wages as an offset to consumption tax collected. They are the money machine that makes European style social democracy possible, from real health care to family subsidies. The GOP will not even consider them. This goes way beyond prudential judgement to economic immorality. You simply cannot vote for this party. As an issue, abortion is about allowing rather than imposing. The GOP economic plan is imposing a corrupt system and it encourages abortion because it leaves many with only the option of killing the additional child. Again, DiNardo, call your office.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Trump threatens norms that make the Constitution work
MGB:_Luckily, the permanent government protects us from Trump going too far off the rails, constitutionally, although not making appointments at the Assistant Secretary level has hampered their ability to inform the White House about the facts of many issues. I suspect this is intentional. More disturbing were Trump’s comments about NFL players taking a knee. While it is not unconstitutional for the NFL to fire players for doing so, Trump, who is charged with protecting the consitution, should not be discouraging the spirit of free speech, especially when the state purpose of that particular kneel down was to protest him.

The purpose of the Electoral College was to guard against demogogues. It failed because it had no power base. For a long time, the political parties used the nomination function to make sure that only qualified people are nominated, usually people with both experience and legal or military training and a respect for constitutional values. That broke down last year and we elected somone who, like his voters, believes the propaganda on FoxNews, which is a bigger problem than Donald Trump, because the Constitution protects their right to lie to their viewers.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Hypocrisy marks DiNardo's inadequate response to Weinandy
MGB:_If anyone is sinning against the Holy Spirit, it is those who deny the sacramental love in both second marriages (so long as the first marriage was not ended specifically to contract the second) and in gay married couples, who I am sure stay married through the Spirit’s gentle aid.

As for pharisees, some of them were those who blasphemed against the Spirit by not recognizing her work in Christ when his charismatic love was clearly evident, as it is in Francis. Would it have been more convenient if A.L. had spelled out doctrinal changes or more reasonable interpretations of both the teaching on divorce (see above) and the teaching of Paul in Corinthians on Communion (that it spoke about recieving what is not believed in, not a teaching on mortal sin that would have been 1000 years early)? Absolutely.

Scolding the Pope, however, is not the road to clarification. Indeed, I suspect that the Pope is trying to downplay doctrinal teaching in favor of pastoral teaching. While Francis technically has a Magisterium, he would never call it that, which I find refreshing. Still, if the Monsignor or the surviving Dubya Cardinals with to be helpful, they should propose the doctrinal changes they think Franics is making rather than asking rude questions. If they want humility, they should humbly try to understand what Francis is saying and why, because Francis is correct and the prior proof texting is worthy of a seminarian in Liberty University Bible Study.

As for the comment on bishops, the Monsignor is accusing the Pope of packing the Synods, which is odd considering Cardinal Burke was a member of at least the first. The anti-Modernists don’t like Francis, his Synod, Vatican II or any epistemology that does not privilege the CDF in all things or its branch offices in local bishop’s councils. Their belief that their view is the only view in Catholicism is the height of hubris. It is time for them to find a good retreat house or monestary for a permanet stay.

Insisting no change in doctrine is possible harms the Church, its people and the Truth. Indeed, some still resist evolution because it contradicts Eden. The doctrine on original sin is and should be fluid, as is the doctrine of the nature of salvation. The traditional view leads many away from the-Church. New perspectives should be encouraged rather than condemned, especially when the traditional ones have fallen flat. DiNardo is late in realizing this, probably because St. John Paul and Pope Benedict were not friendly to such exploration. Better late than never.

I suspect the bishops will spend much of the conference talking about these issues over cofee, wine or scotch. I am not sure if any of it will make it to the floor, as I doubt the conference will either seek a Dubya like clarification or go the otherway and scold those bishops who, like Archbishop Chaput, have been stubbornly resisting change in the spirit of AL. Frankly, I would be happy if they pick Cardinal Cupich for Pro-Life Activities and get moving on a decent Mass translation. Just those two things will send a message to the anti-modernists and the bishops and staff who support them or are among them.

Friday, November 3, 2017

What have the Democrats learned since Trump's election?
MGB:_The DNC likes a good plan. It gave us John Kerry in 2004, almost gave us Hillary Clinton in 2008 and did give her to us in 2016. She gave us a white bread VP instead of a candidate who would have attracted the Obama only voters, which would have given her the margin in three rust belt states, if not all four that she lost. On abortion, she engaged the question of partial birth abortion when she did not have to do so to activate her base. If she had done what Obama did quiety, and point out the opportunistic nature of the pro-life movement, she might have also won without putting Booker or Patrick on the ticket.

Can the party win with another neo-liberal Clintonite? I suspect people are embarrassed enough by Trump that anyone not offensive would beat him or Pence (assuming Pence is not impeached and removed too). The midterms should be very kind to the Democrats, who need decent warm bodies, not MSWs desire for candidates who act like either abortion or gay marriage are anything but settled issues. Unless Trump is already out, he will likely be impeached and removed sometime after 2019. Do we want Pelosi as the first female President or do they want to make Hillary the Speaker so that she will be when the GOP is thrown out of the White House?

Trump could admit to SEC and FEC violations and accept censure and likely serve out his term, but he won’t get a second and Pence is too extreme on the non-issues of gay marriage and abortion. Any Democrat who acknowledges that wins. Will it be a neo-liberal or an anti-Trump who goes after capitalism? Is it ageist to say Sanders is too old? Is his midwestern protege, Eliason, too Muslim? Rachel Maddow watchers have been seeing a lot of Adam Schiff lately. He has been the Democratic face of the investigation He won’t be made Speaker but he might be an interesting President.

If the GOP splits into an alt-right party and a neo-liberal party, the Dems might move into a radical party and join the GOP neo-libs. Given the last primaries, I am not sure who would win that. It depends upon the candidates.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Links for 11/02/17
MGB:_The indifference to the rural darker poor has nothing to do with Maria and it may explain why the state government staff is not dealing with recovery on a particularly urgent basis. If FEMA shares that attitude then it has been inculturated by PR, not Trump.

Sometimes smoke comes from a smoke machine. The Uranium manner is ministerial for any Secretary. It is a staff driven decision according to law. If Clinton paid for the oppo, there is no crime. If the Russians did for Trump, it is an FEC offense. The RNC should cop to the foul, pay the FEC the fine and be done with it. Trump’s cover up is worse than the charges. Such collusion is so unheard of it is not a crime, per se, but may be impeachable just the same.

I suspect that the union web site will be more successful on immigration than getting fair treatment for the union itself will be out of Trump’s Department of Labor. Fr. Kiley should visit DOL if he wants to see the scene of the real violence.

Add anti-immigrant sentiment and Mrs. Clinton had no chance of living down Mr. Clinton’s legacy, at least without an employee-ownership and empowerment plan somewhere to the left of Sanders.

US Catholics weigh in on 2016 election in new survey
MGB:_Did not see an abortion question, let alone a partial birth abortion question, which Trump raised and Clinton answered badly on. She should have asked Trump if he knew it were illegal. Trump would not have used this issue in his resposne to an abortion question in the debate unless his campaign had polling on it. Had she continued by attacking the premise of his response and the movement itself, she might have won in the midwest and be president now.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

What has the GOP learned since Trump's election?
MGB:_We have always known that the GOP was a coalition of religious and cultural conservatives (the Ecumencism of Hate) and the financial libertarians who take advantage of the prosperity gospel to pass tax legislation that makes the rich richer and their Republican comrades poorer.

Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn’t, depending on where the Catholic vote goes. Trump convinced Catholic hierarchs that he was the real deal on abortion. They are easy to convince because for decades, every promise has gone unkept. The jury is out on Gorsuch, but the fact that he is reported as razzing Pence for his pro-life views shows that, yet again, the pro-life movement has been had (a question Pew did not address).

As for the racism, given his family history, Trump was not pretending. He really is a gilded Archie Bunker. He is what every working class Republican wants to be. If he says Obamacare is bad for them, they believe him, even if Obamacare is good for them. Not good for congressional leaders who can’t get repeal done.

Trump is a product of the FoxNews transformation of the GOP. If Trump did not exist, they would have had to invent him. The GOP wanted to believe and Trump simply got the job interview questions right. Truth left the GOP long ago. If you want the detail, get and review Bruce Bartlett’s latest book The Truth Matters.