Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Links for 6/11/19

Links for 6/11/19
The question is not the election, it's the Senators. We need 20 states with Republican Senators to be very unfavorable.

No one cares about ideas until just before Super Tuesday (except in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina).

Regulation keeps new car companies from competing. There are a lot of independent ideas that would be cheap for new companies, but not for the big boys.

I wrote about Biden's flip at http://xianleft.blogspot.com/2019/06/joe-biden-hyde-amendment-and-you.html?m=1 Abortion is a litmus test is because it also tests all civil rights law views. Getting rid of Roe means getting rid of Latino rights (Hernandez), desegregation (Brown), contraception (Griswold), interracial and gay marriage (Living, Perry) and all other cases where states do not like federal review. It also shows realism. Although both sides are pandering. Because the Indiana law banning aborting Downs babies was overturned Per Curiam rather than argued, with only Thomas dissenting, we know that Kavanaugh and Gorsuch are pro-Roe and no abortion case will likely never be heard again. If Her is also decided Per Curiam, it will be certain. If Pence falls this month, Trump falls and the GOP members of Congress may flee to the Dems, etc., making abortion a footnote. Not even poll numbers will affect the issue, unless it is expressed as a larger Child Tax Credit or not.

Megachurches are a fat, juicy target in the South. Get one and there will be a feeding frenzy looking for bad youth pastors and who covered for them.

It is always a question in the Democratic Party whether DNC staff have a thumb on the scale. Party leaders often follow their lead as to whose turn it us. That was why Kerry was nominated and Bernie resisted. The Russians did not make that up.

Polemic will not change the Church. Millenials will (and not the web site).

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