Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Links for 12/31/2019

Links for 12/31/2019
Is the pro-Palestinian peace movement in Israel anti-Semitic? Just asking as a Catholic Jew. By the same token, is being pro-native American unpatriotic?

I just tweeted Bob a copy of my study on who owns and owes the debt. I hope he reads his Twitter feed.

Impeachment to reinforce Fox News electoral choices is not impeachable. Cutting off aid to bolster Russia is. The Dems always find a way to go after the wrong thing.

Speaking good or ill on only one side is the bias that has people only watch MSNBC, which I highly recommend. Truth has a liberal bias. Conservatism is Reactionary Lite.

Mayor Pete should run for Governor. No one who can't win at home has no business running for President. See Gore and Trump. Trump's attack on Gold Star families and jingoism are also disqualifying. His overt support for Russia should have as well. Blame the Catholic bishops for making abortion non-negotiable. Without that focus, supporting Trump would not pass the smell test in the Senate.

Theology should instruct the bishops on where they are wrong, especially on explaining Roe. Doing so would be a full-time job. It should not be considered anti-Catholic.

Monday, December 30, 2019

I was right, I was wrong, I was human

I was right, I was wrong, I was human
On the bishops, time wounds all heals. In the end, the problem is structural. Churchill was right about democracy. The Catholic Left is about action, not the Academy. You are looking in the wrong place.

Once GRUdy does his prep walk and starts singing, there will be a rethinking about Putin's agent in the White House.

Bills on late term abortions (which are exceedingly rare) are mostly supported by Catholic teaching on extraordinary measures. Regardless, they are a victory dance, not a policy change. Sanders, Warren and Biden have a two-term issue that Iowans won't ignore. Amy has a month to peak.

Criticism is welcome. Ignoring opposing views is the original sin of the media. Repent.

Friday, December 27, 2019

We are living in an 'in between' time politically

We are living in an 'in between' time politically
Trump loses in a head to head with most anyone. The only age appropriate candidate is Amy Klobuchar. If she ignores abortion or gives an in betweem response, she wins. The Court may settle the question in June regarding June v. Gee.

The current in between time is the wait for Adam Schiff yo bring SDNY personnel to talk about whether GRUdy is working for Putin or Trump. Arrests could even happen. At some point senators will hear from major donors When they do, the question of the trial may be moot.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Links for 12/24/19

Links for 12/24/19
As my friend Faith Dane sang in Gypsy, you've gotta have a gimmick. Wine caves are all gimmick. Mine is pointing out that the problem is not money in politics, it's Capitalism. Pete will never say that. Eleven minutes down, four to go.

Automatic purges are how states justify actually processing address changes at the receiving end. They are also a great way to block ballot initiatives. That both sides consider it to be racist and that the GOP does it for that reason is regrettable.

If everyone knows you are lying, you aren't doing it right. Trump has surrounded himself with hapless rookies. He needs party hacks. We know how to lie. Including to the boss.

Broadband was not provided because of Capitalism. Tim Kaine and Midwestern bishops is how Trump won. Even he thought he would lose. He needed hacks, not Russian agents, on his campaign staff. No one with experience will work with him. He is a walking gimmick.

Dying at home is not a problem. Dying alone is sad.

Religious symbols in public are more about  than veneration. Another gimmick. So is Christmas in winter and the term Happy Holidays and being offended by the term.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Democratic candidate race still fluid, but any would be better than Trump

Democratic candidate race still fluid, but any would be better than Trump
It is not that the Democrats are blind on abortion. The are mute in explaining it in constitutional law terms on state power, equal protection and privacy. The take away question is whether a first trimester child should have the right to police power against his mother. Instead, it needs an economic right to a middle class lifestyle, regardless of who it choses to be its parents. The candidate who can speak that way will beat Pence in Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

Warren, Biden and Sanders have a 2024 problem. Mayor Pete needs to be Governor Pete. Amy can speak Iowa nice. Gabbard is a Russian mole and Steyers, Bloomberg, Yang and Steyer need to run in the GOP. They worship billionaires.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Pope's steps against sex abuse vindicate maligned Vatican summit

Pope's steps against sex abuse vindicate maligned Vatican summit
Vigano' has no credibility anyway and is safely ignored. It is tragicomic to watch him dance around whether homosexuality exists while accusing others of it. Note to his Grace, unintegrateded asexuals (like himself) are the more likely abusers. The doubters from NCR can be forgiven for expecting less than nothing from the Curia. They do not yet realize that the Curia is being dismantled.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Links for 12/19/19

Links for 12/19/19
Trump is a short-term problem.

When will the Church give up magicism. We can never know the nature of the Eucharist before it is received. Jesus said my flesh is real food, not my food is real flesh. Find Christ in the poor, not in a Monstrance.

Whatever happened to the Google promise to do no evil?

Bibi is simply Zionism taken to its logical conclusion. So is TFP.

The AMA needs to think long and hard about surprise billing. Many simply will not pay. This is certainly fuel for Medicare for All.

Mayor Pete needs to focus on the Indiana governor's race. No one who can't win their home state should run for nomination.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Drawing facile US lessons from UK election ignores our differences

Drawing facile US lessons from UK election ignores our differences
Anything from the mouths of neoliberal Clintonites who never met a donor they did not like needs to be taken with a ton of salt. Such comments will eventually lead to two Democratic parties: one with neoliberals and never Trumpers (Democrats) and one with Democrats. No one cares what the Trumpers do. They have become fringe.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Links for 12/17/19

Links for 12/17/19
If Sullivan is decrying identity politics, you know It has gone too far. The LD needed to coalesce with Labor. Their stint with the Tories was unfortunate.

On atheism, people are spiritual and moral, but aren't attached to a shame culture that forces going late to Sunday brunch. They do like socialism, however, or at least the social democracy of Bernie. Paying student loan bills interferes with brunch.

Adding Amash is tokenism. The question we need to ask is whether seeking an endorsement of a standard Fox News means is election meddling or treason. Singing to the choir does not change any minds in the election booth. Follow the money from Russia to GRUdy to Trump. Do so and he will be forced to quit before any trial.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Away in a manger, no room at the shopping mall

Away in a manger, no room at the shopping mall
Christmas is an environmental holiday, as it should be. There is a very real need for togetherness and revelry as the nights grow long and cold. It was no place for tending sheep. Christ was born in spring, but celebrating then has too many overtones of reincarnation.

Popular piety is too somber. At least the mariachi have it right. Fireworks at the solstice would be a nice addition to the culture.  It is time to be loud and curse the night.

Christmas is also a harvest festival. A year end bonus, instead of a full pantry. There is excess flour, so it is time to turn the first fruits into cookies. Time together at play (and A.A.) rather than work is a very real need. Socks have holes. Ties have coffee stains. The humidor is empty. All need replacing. The old toys are no longer age appropriate. Buy now ones. Mom needs new lingerie. Only a fool gets her pajamas.

Adding Christ to Yule replaces the ritual fires as our source of light, although a trip to Stonehenge or Newgrange is not to be missed either if you can get tickets. Traveling to a Bowl game works too.

Bethlehem of Galilee had a Church if the Nativity closer to reality. It is mostly forgotten. A highway to Haifa runs through the location of the old Sanctuary. We have let ritual bypass reality.

The creche is a made up version of events. There was no cave. Families lived in compounds and the animals lived on the ground floor. Childbirth is ritually unclean and was always done in an unclean place, not a sanitary hospital. Thus was the status of women. (The way to honor Mary is to ordain them).

Christ is about love, not history. Loving is how encounter God, not as a goal but as the present reality. God has no sin. He cannot see it because it is foreign to him, but he can always see us. Calvary was about empathy, not punishment. We are called to the same empathy. It is how we feel the Pressence of God (including exchanging gifts). Giving and experiencing Love are how God is with us, so Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 13, 2019

Ours is a time of lying: See also, 'The Afghanistan Papers'

Ours is a time of lying: See also, 'The Afghanistan Papers'
It is truth that if we do not learn the lessons of history, we are doomed to repeat them. The Pentagon does justification, not analysis. It is persistent to creativity. Afghanistan should be partitioned and absorbed by neighbors. Western Baluchistan will do better with Iran than in its own. Taziks and Uzbekis too. Let Pakistan have the Pashtun, they deserve it.

Trump came to destroy government. He is doing well. Steyer is showing that billionaires surround themselves with people who will not challenge him. Changing faces does not change the fact that the establishment (including the Church) hates new ideas. The people do not demand better. We have met the enemy.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Links for 12/12/19

Links for 12/12/19
Steyer should have run as a Republican. They like billionaires. His idiocy on referendums is disqualifying. If he had competent staff, they would not let him say it. If he cannot hear contrary opinions, he is no better than Trump.

Barr is a sideshow designed to let Trump thinks he is winning. Barr is Redford to Trump's Newman. Cue theme music from The Entertainer.

Linskey followed the Warren story because it is a story on Mayor Pete. The point of the PBS story is why people leave and stay. The elephant in the room is 2024. It will trumpet soon enough. The question is not about who wins in Iowa and New Hamphire, but who loses. Nancy Pelosi is doing the GOP a huge favor. By waiting, they could have brought in SDNY information on treason. By going so quickly, they allow the GOP to have a primary season, rather than having to settle on Pence.

If the monks of St. Anselm wanted veto power over Trustee selection, now is too late to assert it.

Trump is giving the Pro-Birth movement one last dance. The bishops need a new partner.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Links for 12/10/19

Links for 12/10/19
Louis Brown forgets that before the plan by Heritage/Romney/Obama, the plan from Dole to McCain was catastrophic insurance and health savings accounts, with anything richer taxable as income. The latter is the school solution for economists - although it assumes health care is a normal good. It isn't. More about that later. As bad as that is, Texas is worse because it leaves Medicaid enhancements on the table. Beto for Governor!

Going big on abortion law just in case Roe is retired is not a good strategy, but it only ticks off advocates on the other side. The better strategy is to explain that Roe is going nowhere and forcing the pro-life movement to abandon the GOP and advocate tax supported middle-class income for all children. (and single-payer healthcare).

Gerson is more Christian Democrat than what passes for modern reactionary conservatism. That is more like a College Republican State Convention on Meth. Like Wadsworth.

Monday, December 9, 2019

In New Hampshire, engaged voters revisit the Bretton Woods legacy

In New Hampshire, engaged voters revisit the Bretton Woods legacy
The mid-century prosperity came as the world was rebuilding and tax rates were high. A higher income tax would be much better than a wealth tax to end wage theft by CEOs, so no points for Mayor Pete either. The story of NH may be Bernie and Liz cancelling each other out. If Liz dominates, it's over. Bernie and Joe both have a 2024 problem and Pete's 15 minutes are up soon. Demography may mean destiny in both the primary and the general elections.

The dangers of undoing the evolved strength of the papacy

The dangers of undoing the evolved strength of the papacy
The supremacy of the Papacy came in response to Garibaldi. I'll take Garibaldi. I agree that we should not trade Medievalism for reactionary capitalism, but we have more option at the diocesan and parish levels. The Imperial See does fine with autocephalic patriarchies. The Apostolic See can as well (if we need it at all).

Friday, December 6, 2019

It's too soon to beatify Archbishop Sheen anyway

It's too soon to beatify Archbishop Sheen anyway
Sheen was the hero of many of those who are about to join him in Heaven. Canonizing Sheen is canonizing their youth in those halcyon days when the church was respected and everyone knew their place. As for sexual abuse, we all enabled the enablers. In the end, the shame is as much ours as the bishops of the day.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Links for 12/5/19

Links for 12/5/19
If Pence is the GOP nominee, abortion will be huge - even as June v. Gee may be the last Supreme Court case on abortion ever. If the Democratic nominee points that out rather than arguing that abortion is a women's rights issue (rights for federal review, not being prosecuted like others who order contract killings and privacy rights not to be investigated for having a D&C), which it actually is - or the right of Catholic Democrats to insist on Dignitatis Humanae in supporting not having a Catholic abortion policy (over and above an economic one to fund families adequately).

Pompeo became a person of interest once his own staff put him at the center of the investigation. Nunes and Mulvaney too. Giuliani is not the President's lawyer - he is the President's handler. Pass it on.

Europe is concerned about our economy because when we go down, they can go down harder. Their fiscal policy is by treaty rather than federated. As the Confederates of the Continental Congress how that worked out. Also, our capitalist owners are also their capitalist owners. Crypto Currency is as popular in Europe as in the U.S. When if falls, we all all go down. Whether the ECB is funding the private equity raid on rental housing bought for pennies (and heavily leveraged) post-2008 will determine how bad the next Depression is on them.

Mayor Mike shows why Mayor Pete should not run either. If he is not smart enough to know that he takes votes away from Biden, he deserves to lose (unless Joe drops out soon). Personally, the smart bet for anyone but Warren is to hope Pence becomes President and wins so that the upcoming Depression is on his watch. Warren is the only candidate with the tools and talent to get us out quickly (by raising taxes on the wealthy and giving more money to everyone else).

Pence has the most to answer for in 2020 (assuming he is not forced out - in which case having Pelosi or Biden as Presumptive President is good for GOP voting). He did not pursue the 25th Amendment, which should have been the obvious play when Comey was fired over Trump corruption and psychopathy.

The opponents of Francis remember the glory (or is it gory) days of 1950's Catholicism. Note to Cardinal Burke - Bing Crosby was acting.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Links for 12/3/19

Links for 12/3/19
Pence will try to make it right for PR if he survives. Trump will face massive disclosure to Congress on Monday when the Court affirms US v. Nixon (the case that made Nixon quit). Bolsonaro, like Trump and all fascists, tell Big Lies. It never ends well for them. Robert Barr is the bright, shiny object whose purpose is to let Trump think he is winning until McConnell lowers the boom. Ever watch The Entertainer? Cue music. As for Barr's speech, nobody cares.

Any morality that is not utilitarian is more about group loyalty than truth or love. The abortion debate, on the other had, is about legality, not morality. Few think abortion is a good thing. The question is whether it is possible (or practical) to give the unborn a legal right to the use of police power against their mothers. Anyone who says differently is selling snake oil. Kaveny's method works here too. Dignitatis Humanae applies here too. Cuomo and Biden should site it directly. It may not be what the Council Fathers intended, which is likely why it passed. It still applies.

On Harris, you are the victim of bad timing or blindness on reading the tea leaves. She is already pulling a Biden. At this point, Booker has the same intent. Ironically, Bloomberg and Patrick (who have no chance or desire to be VP) are splitting the anti-Warren vote. There are two camps - Clintonite and Sanders. The question may be settled by whom Pelosi picks as VP (or who Biden picks if Pelosi vacates the Speakership instead of serving out Trump's term. It could be Booker.

The only way the Public Option gets insurance company support is to drop pre-existing condition protections. Capitalism will then lead us to single-payer as the Public Option expands to include everyone who needs insurance. On a national scale, the Option only works if it is subsidized and replaces Medicaid for non-retirees. Retiree and Disability Medicaid should be federalized as Medicare Part E. As for costs, they are always minimized. The question is price.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Book on US religious freedom starts with the Founders but forgets seeds of secularism

Book on US religious freedom starts with the Founders but forgets seeds of secularism
Does  Waldman cite the influence of Freemasonry and Quakerism on religious tolerance? What about the vocal opposition of the Popes to the concept? There is a reason the Founders and original settlers disliked the Catholic Church. Such an analysis is better explained by the cultural theory of Douglass and Wildavsky than theology.

New book on US religious liberty fails to make a crucial distinction
Lingering bigotry is also sometimes deserved. Religious power, either in society or in Catholic institutions, is hypocrisy, not liberty. Firing teachers who are gay and/or married is likely soon to be illegal and is sour grapes. The Bishops went all in on funding opposition to marriage equality, resisting Obama care and imposing limits on contraception by employees. So was being a part of censorship in the halcyon 1950s or resisting the empowerment of women (and refusing ordination). Hitting back after losing is organizational pathology, not freedom. It is also going all in with the Republicans. It is acting as master rather than servant, which Christ condemned. Bigotry in the Church is answered by resentment from within and in culture. The Bishops had it coming.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Impeachment, the Democrats and Putin's poodle

Impeachment, the Democrats and Putin's poodle
The parallels to Watergate are astounding and the result will be the same. People are not stupid. They also have Trump fatigue. They may just enjoy the holiday instead. That is not a bad thing.

Polls are moving toward removal. Targets, including Mulvaney, Pompeo, Giuliani and Miller, don't get asked to testify. They get arrested. On December 9th, the Supreme Court will announce whether they will hear Trump v. New York. They could also uphold U.S. v. Nixon per curium and give the Democrats the upper hand. Once the trickle of information becomes a flood, the GOP caucus will act in their own interest, just like Watergate.

Finally, Pete Walsh just quit. The Steady State has left the building quite Anonymously. Expect the White House to implode next week. Until then, Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Links for 11/26/19

Links for 11/26/19
At any time, a third of Senators want to be President. Trump is gone once the most embarrassing disclosures start.

The late deciders in 2016 were motivated by their bishops over partial birth abortion, which was already illegal. Abortion needs to be handled early to make sure this does not happen.

Gratitude is an action, not a feeling. It implies Someone to be grateful for. As for utility, it is not a bad thing. Moral teaching with no utility does not come from God. Vigano's idiocy proves that point. Faith without freedom is simply loyalty to hubris. Economic reactionaries are full of the same stuff. They are for liberty for the few. Triply so for politicians who wrap the Cross with the Flag. Shapiro confuses natural law with natural rights. One is human dignity, the other is partisan.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Mayor Pete brings his youth and old, tired ideas to the Democratic race

Mayor Pete brings his youth and old, tired ideas to the Democratic race
Mayor Pete has time to become Governor Pete. His rise in Iowa mostly shows that both Biden and Sanders have a 2024 problem. As the assistant to the City Administrator in DC responsible for management reform in public safety, I may have better experience than Mayor Pete. I certainly have a better tax reform plan. Better than the others too.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Who would go to jail for Donald Trump?

Who would go to jail for Donald Trump?
Giuliani, Pompeo, Perry and Mulvaney have likely become or already had been targets of the investigation, the criminal kind, not the impeachment kind.

The main issue for prosecutors is whether Pence is involved in any of Trump's crimes. They may already have some answers on this, (ask Rick Perry) or will once the claim of absolute presidential immunity is laughed out of the Supreme Court. The prosecutors will then decide whether to offer the Vice President a deal which includes his resignation and invoking the 25th Amendment. Acting Cabinet Secretaries still get to vote

If Trump is smart, he will quit before Pence has to and hope for a pardon. If he tries to pardon Pence in hopes that Pence will return the favor, the honorable thing for Pence to do is quit. Any other action would end the GOP forever.

Trump and the press hold onto the meme that they will rule partisanly on this issue. They won't. Indeed, unless they see a flaw in U.S. v. Nixon, they won't hear the case. They conference on Fridays. If Respondent briefs have been filed, the Court could decide on Trump's petition to quash on Mazars today and could announce on Monday, if not sooner. Once one motion to quash is rejected, all blocking actions will end.

When embarrassing information starts flowing and McGahn starts talking (his subpoena case is due for a decision on Monday, if not sooner), the Senate Republicans will save themselves rather than covering for Trump. Cue Senator Graham for the role of Brutus. Et tu Lindsey?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Links for 11/21/19

Links for 11/21/19
On the Koch money, it is not the cash that is the problem, but the strings attached (like at the Mercatus Center at George Mason U.).  The Rubio comments at CUA are not as much a cafeteria Catholic view as much as a misunderstanding of how economics works at all. Consider the audience. The reality is that capitalism is what hurts the poor and the environment, not the Pope's views. Marco is projecting.

Testing the term Latinx is a branding question. It is better to test it before using it. Also, there is no one Latino economic picture. We should not try to paint one.

The association is all about supporting constitutional rights. Note that supporting the defense of federal supremacy on civil rights cases, equal protection rights for women and their doctors (no criminal investigation of voluntary abortions and not therapeutic abortions or expecting people who contract for murdering an adult have a different penalty for killing a fetus) or, for that matter, investigation of first trimester pregnancy loss at all are the relevant issues, not the moral issues of abortion itself. Anyone who is not literate on these issues should not have a law license at all. Or write about abortion at all.

There are few voters who are not very partisan if they are planning to vote. The question of how to explain abortion rights is important in Midwestern swing states where Catholic bishops have a say in how people vote. If Warren, Klobuchar or Harris treat abortion as a women's issue rather than explaining what I just wrote above so that even Catholic bishops and theologians can understand it, the Blue Wall may be not as much a wall as Rachel 'Doc' Bitecofer says - and she correctly concluded that Hillary's choice of a running mate and her flub on partial birth abortion cost her the election. The main question for voters is still Trump.

Doc will be the first person to take a new look at the election in the likely event that Donald Trump resigns once the Supreme Court rejects his claims of absolute presidential immunity. He thinks that the Republican appointees will vote party on this issue. They won't. Indeed, they will not even hear the case. The popular media meme that questions the loyalty of the Court to the Constitution is toxic. Pence as pro-life candidate will make abortion the main swing state issue. If Pence is implicated and resigns too, all models go out the window - although I suspect that the GOP will still be trounced with Marco Rubio or Lindsey Graham as their standard bearers.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

US billionaires will back anyone who isn't Warren, Sanders

US billionaires will back anyone who isn't Warren, Sanders
Tax plans originate in the House and billionaires already own it. Rachel "Doc" Bitecofer puts the Blue Wall at 278 electoral votes, although Warren needs to be careful of how she talks about abortion. Come June, both the Trump and abortion issues may be settled. Unless the GOP nominates a Never-Trumper, it may die. Only then will the Blue Wall break. What really worries the billionaires is a social democrat party that won't take their money. Unless they divide and conquer, they are toast, with the Neoliberals in a permanent minority and MAGA Republicans limited to the fringe.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Links for 11/19/19

Links for 11/19/19
Do Democrats for Life demand criminal penalties for abortion? If not, they are really Pro-Choice. If they do, they are not welcome in the Democratic Party. Words mean certain things in politics. LifeSiteNews is simply nutty. They only have the influence we give them, rather than ignoring them.

The jury us out on Barron and many of the bishops. The people talking about the Nones, don't know many of them. It has nothing to do with sex abuse or Francis. It is about realizing that religion is optional.

Thinking that the GOP won't pull the plug on Trump if he costs them votes does not know many Republican Senators.

Gov. Patrick realizes Biden has a 2024 problem. Running for POTUS is fun if you are funded. He may be in it to appeal to the base as a VP candidate, but cannot do so for Warren. If the GOP dies and the Dems split, however, he would be in a very good spot to lead the neoliberals.

Monday, November 18, 2019

US bishops are not really that interested in forming consciences

US bishops are not really that interested in forming consciences
The Bishops are not only partisan, they are wrong about both the law and politics. Roe is going nowhere. Passage if the Partial Birth Abortion Act was the golden opportunity to get rid of Roe. Roberts, Kennedy and Alito disagreed. Roberts and Alito are still there, Scalia is still dead and he and Kennedy were replaced by two Kennedy proteges.

The Court will never surrender the final US bishops are not really that interested in forming consciences over abortion rights, or any other civil rights, to state legislators, nor should they. No evolving political consensus will ever change that. In June, June v. Gee will make this obvious.

Neither Trump nor Pence will be on the ballot in November. No Republican will win. The only political way to reduce, if not end, abortion is not to go after women or try to impose a misogynistic ideal of sexual purity on the culture. Doing so is a rejection of Dignitatis Humanae, which the majority of bishops don't seem to like (nor did St. John Paul).

The path forward is the path the GOP will never take, a middle class income of $1000 per month per child refundable tax credit. Even without abortion, the bishops should be for that. It is the only road to make protecting the unborn the preeminent issue. The consciences the bishops need to change are their own. The option they now favor, relecting Trump, is unconscionable.

The war on women began with Augustine's Confessions. Humanae Vitae marked the beginning of the end. It is time to surrender and ordain them to the priesthood.

Friday, November 15, 2019

In impeachment hearings, Democrats must speak as moral patriots

In impeachment hearings, Democrats must speak as moral patriots
Bribery and Treason are explicitly listed in the Constitution. Trump has done both. The jury is the Senate GOP. The evidence they are looking for is whether their donors will fund challengers against them who will run ads calling them traitors. Hearings will embarrass donors into saying no, at which time McConnell well tell Trump to go. Luckily, many donors fund both sides. Democrats making a few phone calls is as important as the public case. So much for fighting bribery.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Links for 11/14/19

Links for 11/14/19
Synodality of the bishops does not change what ails Catholicism, which is still governed by a community of despots. Among the reactionaries are those who still resent Garibaldi and cling to the lie that freemasonry is an evil. Real democracy is an ordained lay diaconate with a vow of obedience to the parishes they would administer. Formal acceptance of assigned priests, with the freedom to reject and remove would show a commitment to democracy. I trust the reader to guess what this implies for the selection of bishops. Democracy reflects the operation of free will seeking the good. The Church need not fear it.

The reaction to Francis by the reactionary fringe, especially lifesitenews, proves this out. Bishop Flores, however, proves that all bishops are not reactionary fools or that neoliberals toeing the Wall Street line are all that Democratic. (big and small D).

Not running against Pence or dealing with the possibility of Pelosi as incumbent shows either stupidity or cowardice. Ten points to the candidate who mentions it first. Assuming McConnel allows confirmation of a Pelosi 46 Veep, the action should be seeking that position.

Does Gov. Patrick have an inside track? This may split the Democrats, with Patrick stealing the never-Trumpers and sealing the GOP's fate as a fringe party. The only way it could survive is wooing a billionaire like Steyer or Bloomberg. Their base likes billionaires. If the rich want to stop Warren, encouraging such a move may be their best play.

All of America has crumbling infrastructure, even before hurricanes.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

U.S. bishops' conference clearly divided between Team Francis, culture warriors

U.S. bishops' conference clearly divided between Team Francis, culture warriors
With the rise of the Council of Cardinals, the actions of the national conferences become less important. Cupich is likely the next member after O'Malley retires. His part in the debate show why.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

US bishops: Consensus by bromides

US bishops: Consensus by bromides
Either Archbishop Pierre or Cardinal O'Malley need to do something about their brother from Tyler. Sometimes, in hierarchical organizations, examples must be made.

Faithful Citizenship will always be a document about abortion voting. It should be dropped and the linkages between the Pro-Life Activities, certain Midwestern Bishops and the Republican Party explored. The nature of abortion law in the U.S. must be addressed. Unlike the rest of the world, abortion rights are constitutionalized, not legislated. There is no such thing as pro-life voting. The two George W. Bush appointees declined to ban all abortion when given the chance and the two Trump appointees will likely lean the same way. We will not know for sure until after June v. Gee is decided, later this term.

There can be no state-by-state solution without bringing back the state legislative power regime of Plessy v. Ferguson. Neither can the government, in response to the Congress granting legal status for the unborn, selectively investigate elective D&C procedures  and ignore therapeutic ones. Congress will not, and probably cannot, allow investigating any early term abortions at all. The right to life in the Constitution is a protection against execution, not murder. One must have legal status to be protected from murder. Until this is all made clear, conservative bishops maintain a license to squeal.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The church at its best and its worst, in one day

The church at its best and its worst, in one day
Happy Veterans Day to all who served. I will be impressed when McElroy ordained women. I don't care about USCCB press releases.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Just another Friday

I listen to the quotes from Anonymous and the latest transcripts from Fiona Hill and wonder whether Donald J. Trump is competent to hatch a long term plan to trade Aid for Dirt. Hill and other witnesses indicate the Mick Mulvaney gave the orders, claiming presidential authorship. Really?

If Trump has the attention span of a cicada, I can't see it unless Trump is really Anonymous and his presidency is a false flag operation to kill the Republican Party. If I were writing this as a work of fiction, it would be the perfect end of the story, except for the sadism on the southern border and Trump's past history of incompetence. It is more likely that he both senile and bipolar, given his grandiosity and sexual and financial histories. Sadly, this American tragedy is all too real.

Could Mulvaney be Anonymous? He has certainly been in the Trump orbit long enough. Could Aid for Dirt be his way of disposing of Trump where Mueller (who should have had Trump arrested) failed?

Is Mick a conservative ideologue in a candy store, killing everything he touches from the OMB to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to the White House? Worse, are he and Vice President Pence simply idiots. They certainly gave that impression when they were in the House together, fighting against the poor in the name of deficit reduction. Are they clueless about the harm they cause and so inept that they had to be caught eventually? Either option is awful for America.

We will know soon enough.To think that at some point, Republican Senators will let congressional hearings continue to the detriment of the Party is a failure of imagination. Once the Supreme Court denies Certiorari in the Mazar's case, the dominoes will fall very quickly. Tuesday's primary results in Kentucky have to be sending a chill up Moscow Mitch's spine.

In today's other news, Mayor Mike Bloomberg has entered the Democratic race, ostensibly to keep Warren out of the nomination because that would give the election to Trump.  If he and Tom Steyer are so worried about Trump, they would run as Republicans. The GOP likes billionaires.. Either of their campaigns would bring sanity back to the GOP, and with it, the nation. To not see that Trump will not survive until election day is a big reason that neither is qualified to be President. No instincts.

If the Republican Party dies as the party of MAGA and Leningrad Lindsey, the Democrats will likely split into rival camps with the Neoliberal Clintonites on one side and Warren and Sanders Socialists on the other. If that is the case, Mayor Mike would be the ideal Neoliberal leader. Biden has a 2024 problem. So does Sanders.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The seven deadly sins of Donald Trump

The seven deadly sins of Donald Trump
Sin requires agency, the ability to act sanely. Trump is not sane. His behaviors, grandiosity, sexual excess, out of control spending, insomnia and tantrums are all classic symptoms of bipolar disorder. He simply cannot help himself, so the fault is not his.

Donald Trump is a cash cow and his enablers exploit his excesses for their own gain.  He inherited his father's retainers in the Trump organization. Their livelihoods are dependent on spending the inherited Trump fortune when they should have intervened for his benefit.

Trump's children should have done so as well. Growing up Trump likely has distorted their reality and any sense if morality. Loyalty triumphs over truth and courage. Involvement in their father's schemes is heady stuff. They are willfully blind to their father's dysfunction when they should be The one's protecting him from himself.

His immediate staff, who experience his dysfunction on a daily basis, love their positions of power rather than their boss, yet they do nothing.

Robert Mueller and the members of the last two Congresses have acted with cowardice. Instead if acting with courage, they took familiar paths. Instead of building a case against Trump, They should have arrested him. It would have been worth it for the nation and more charitable to Trump himself.

Trump's main sin eater is Vice President Pence. Unless he is a total idiot, he had the capacity and freedom to act. Pence, as a constitutional officer, cannot be fired, yet doing so is one of his main constitutional duties. Instead, he is Trump's chief enabler. The President's actions are his sins. He bares these in hope of future gain. As justice would have it, Pence may be forced out sooner than Trump for involving himself in Trump's crimes. He is the one who should have known better and did nothing. History will not treat him well.

History shall not be kind to us as well. Our sin is less in magnitude but if the same kind as those who supported or tolerated the slave power, Hitler and Stalin. We have used our brother Donald as a partisan cause rather than loving him, as required by the Lord. Perhaps our sin is worst of all.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Links for 11/7/19

Links for 11/7/19
This may force Mitch to behave on impeachment and removal. Once SCOTUS denies Mazars petition, Trump is done.

In June, on June v. Gee, when all Trump, Obama, Bush 44 and Clinton Justices vote the same way, the magic link of the movement to the GOP will be dead. The movement must embrace or go away.

The M4A debate will/has sparked a larger debate on tax reform. That is a good thing if Warren promises to make April 15 a non-event and supports expanded family income. A two-term promise ends Biden and Sanders.

The only GOP chance is some beside Trump on the ballot. Outing the pro-life GOP partisanship of the bishops Makes Wisconsin Blue Again.

If the GOP does die with Trump, Wall Street will look for a Clintonite home. It won't be with Sanders or Warren. Maybe Klobuchar might help form a new second party.

Health issues need to be asked, but the big issue is to separate the question of cost from the question of price. The GOP solution is leaving making everyone face the hazards of the market. Ideal way is hire doctors for big companies & include them in leases for small.

I have great faith in the ability of the GOP to dump Trump if donors insist. They likely have already. The question was never MAGA challengers, just MAGA challengers wit ad money. The question is when, not if. See above.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The question behind the synod: How can and should change happen in the church?

The question behind the synod: How can and should change happen in the church?
Ultra-conservatives do not believe in Darwin, but they will soon be an example of Natural Selection. So will those who fight against ordaining women, performing gay weddings (God makes the marriages) or who forget that the Spirit can only speak through people and that she is continuing to do so.  Jesus was a people too. So are donors, who can spur sudden paradigm shifts (or try to stop them). So do prophets, like Francis, even though speaking in such a voice comes at a cost, although in the end, God speaks through them most strongly. Ibid Jesus.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Links for 11/5/19

Links for 11/5/19
Senator Sanders' bill is the baseline. Abortion funding prohibitions will not be repealed in the first round and not possible when it covers everyone. Middle class voters want their abortion coverage; even Republicans. Funding for a broad based program should be through a broad based tax. Making the rich pay is why the ACA had so much opposition.

The way to tame the rich is to make them want to pay more tax. They won't do so for Medicare for All, the Green New Deal or more money for families. They will pay to reduce the debt liability their kids must eventually pay.

2024 hurts Biden and Sanders, not so much for Warren. New Hampshire and South Carolina will not be good for Mayor Pete.  Some voters are not that woke. The Bishops never will be, until we elect them. Caballe was.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Amazon synod is about the concept of social sin, not married priests

The Amazon synod is about the concept of social sin, not married priests
I wonder if anything would have been different if the Synod had taken place in Amazonia. It is a list opportunity that would have forced the world to see its inequality. Increased consumption is a part of that. It buys off enough of the working class to stop revolution. Capitalism also abets climate change. Viewing it up close would underline it. You cannot experience it from Rome.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Bolstered by bad eucharistic theology, the 'wafer wars' are back

Bolstered by bad eucharistic theology, the 'wafer wars' are back
I have been busy in this topic. From yesterday:
This entire controversy comes from a memo out of CDF on giving Communion to legislators who vote for abortion laws. Abortion in the U.S. is a matter of constitutional law, not legislation. 

The Ratzinger memo does not apply. Of course, Biden has an obligation to explain the logic of Roe to the hierarchy. He has ducked it for decades. 

The pluralistic explanation of Cuomo is in line with freedom of conscience promulgated in Dignitatis Humanae. The Ratzinger memo ignored this doctrine. It is not enough to separate the USCCB office of Pro-Life Activities from the a Republican Party. Explaining Roe publicly will shore up the Blue Wall permanentlty.  This will move the movement from using criminal law to fiscal redistribution to oppose abortion, which is in line with the real Magisterium. 

From yesterday in America:
The failure of education is not the Church's failure, it is the failure of Catholic politicians to educate the Church. One's position on abortion as a voter or legislator has no impact on the legality of abortion. There is no law permitting abortion, nor can there be one prohibiting it  (except the Unborn Victims of Violence Act).

Using police power to investigate list or aborted pregnancy is simply not allowed in the first trimester. Speaking the truth cannot be a sin. It is the duty of Catholic politicians to do so and the duty of USCCB staff to inform the bishops of their error rather than participating in Republican coalition politics.

Homicide is a term of law not applicable without federal legislation. Do you eat fast food? If so, you pay more for abortions that way than in paying your taxes if Hyde is repealed. Indeed, almost all abortions paid for with cash are subsidized through the health insurance excision to corporate income taxation. The question is not whether to subsidize abortion, but whether to do so for all but the poor.

To justify revoking Roe you must reject equal protection in investigating pregnancy loss (protection against selective enforcement). No. Give law enforcement the power to investigate all pregnancy loss (privacy). Heck no. Give state government final authority to investigateitself regarding 14th Amendment issues for women, Freemen, Latinos, undocumented children, consensual sodomy in all its combinations, including going down on the wife, and gay marriage - This bringing back Plessy v. Ferguson). HELL NO! These are all constitutional issues.

Doing an abortion is a mortal sin. Saying abortion rights should not or cannot be changed is more complicated and not mortally sinful. Bad doctrine is not sinful or Pius X would be toasting in Hell.

From what I wrote when the incident was first reported:
Joe needs to explain both Roe and Dignitatis Humanae to the local bishop. Letting it hang in pluralism does not move the needle. Explain how Roe relates to all civil rights law and how overturning it restores Plessy.

It is the public stance which the priest is reacting to. The priest is confused about the difference between acknowledging the constitutionality of Roe and advocating abortion.

Not being executed is a basic right. Not being murdered is a social contract right if the government choses to. The unborn have no claim to the power of the state to investigate their mothers, but it does against those who hurt it's mother. The same law also recognizes the right to abortion.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Links for 10/31/19

Links for 10/31/19
This entire controversy comes from a memo out of CDF on giving Communion to legislators who vote for abortion laws. Abortion in the U.S. is a matter of constitutional law, not legislation. The memo does not apply. Of course, Biden has an obligation to explain the logic of Roe to the hierarchy. He has ducked it for decades. The pluralistic explanation of Cuomo is in line with freedom of conscience promulgated in Dignitatis Humanae. The Ratzinger memo ignored this doctrine. It is not enough to separate the USCCB office of Pro-Life Activities from the a Republican Party. Explaining Roe publicly will shore up the Blue Wall permanentlty.  This will move the movement from using criminal law to fiscal redistribution to oppose abortion, which is in line with the real Magisterium.

The Netherlands are below sea level and manage well. This technology will work for Shanghai and Babcock, but not Vietnam and Florida. They have 30 years to act. We will likely wait for 25 years before acting. A nuclear war by 2050 is more likely.

Without funding minority enterprise, current Pot Entrepeneurs will stay in the unregulated market.

When GOP Senators are sure that donors will not fund opposition from the right Trump will be forced out. McConnell wants just enough dirt revealed to make his case, but not so much that it hurts the party.

The feelings of White Evangelicals matter little without funding to buy ads aimed at them. Without a platform, leftist political outrage is also largely ignored. Until one must find a future employer to fund university education, tenured research will be an insular culture, also irrelevant to the outside world.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Fall meeting agenda sees US bishops making plans to plan priorities

Fall meeting agenda sees US bishops making plans to plan priorities
There is no such thing as pro and anti abortion voting.  Abortion is not a legislative issue. Abortion was made legal for constitutional reasons. No one has explained that to the bishops because arguing with them would look bad to Catholic voters. Not doing so gave us the abomination of Trump.

The Nones, both young and Latino, no longer go to Mass because there is no social consequence to not remaining Catholic. Faith in the Resurrection, not the environment, is the reason to be Catholic.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Links for 10/29/19

Links for 10/29/19
That reactionaries lie to preserve the power of the establishment is a dog bites man story.

The Unitary Executive Theory Barr upholds is part of this, as is the support of Catholic relativism in providing doctrine over arguments based in reality. Still, Barr may be the bright, shiny object distracting Trump into believing he is winning.

When everyone went to Church because of social pressure, the Church thought it was winning. This was an illusion. Also, ignoring pompous hierarchs is not something we just invented. In the end, the reformers win because they value truth over position. Without reform, the reactionaries have nothing to defend against.

Without projects like Syndicate, reactionaries from bishops from Brazil to Burke would have nothing to rail against.

May God bless the baby shark.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Upcoming bishops' meeting reflects current state of US church

Upcoming bishops' meeting reflects current state of US church
The Council of Cardinals (aka the Eight) have become the most important gig in the Church. The Francis bishops are keeping their powder dry for when Cardinal Sean retires. The Conference is now the JV team. My money is on former USCCB President Wilton Gregory, who will likely get the next red cap.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Amazon synod's critics distort Catholic tradition for their convenience

Amazon synod's critics distort Catholic tradition for their convenience
The lunatic fringe in the Church is marvelous at self-promotion. This makes up for their declining numbers and their fear that the creation myth, and much of what they learned in Catholic elementary school may actually not as true as they thought. Like SS. Pius X and John Paul II, they cling to a desire for authoritative teaching and cultural hegemony. Freedom of thought is their enemy. They misunderstand that the narrow road to salvation has more to do with rejecting self-reliance and finding Christ in the poor than in membership in and obedience to the Church. They fear the clear meaning of Dignitatis Humanae, which counters all they hold dear, and how Pope Francis personifies this for them. They are best ignored and pitied.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Links for 10/24/19

Links for 10/24/19
It must be noted that Ecumenical Patriarch Melios and the Great Synod pronounced Anglican Orders valid. Ironic?

The GOP will pull the plug on Trump. Biden has a 2024 problem. The movement will have a June v. Gee problem, win or lose and outreach was not the problem. She had a Catholic VP (who was too White). Her problem was her partial birth abortion answer in debate 3. AOC is a loyal DSA member and Sanders also has a 2024 problem.

Democratic donors want Neoliberals like Bill Clinton. They should get Steyer to run GOP and support him. He will still lose, but Wall Street will all be in one place, which is good for the rest of us. Decent Republicans have left the party, but may come back for anyone but Trump (while MAGA may not). Also Ironic.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Democrats' two camps need to join and fight for dreams — pragmatically

Democrats' two camps need to join and fight for dreams — pragmatically
Trump will not be President. Pence may not be either. Pelosi may either be President, give Biden a shot or make Warren VP, if McConnel will let her. Biden and Sanders both habe a 2024 problem. Iowa won't vote for that. The GOP is collapsing. The ranks of never Trumpers will not support Graham. They either will stay home or run to the conservative wing of the Democrats. If so, the center will not hold.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Links for 10/22/19

Links for 10/22/19
Hillary is likely correct about Comrade Tulsi. Cut the anti-Clinton bias. And endorse ordaining women!

Without the Evangelical boost, the Pro-Birth movement would have gone long ago.

Congrats on getting the band together for a gig. Will there be any dissenting voices? I know I would be.

Can Pence beat Warren, assuming
 he is not forced out? Dr. Bitecofer, call your office!

$1 Million is 3 man-years, not counting value added taxes on materials. This is a tiny project that was likely on a to-do list at State. How the budget was spent may be questioned, but not much. Or call depends on whether the furnishings were part of an existing vendor list.

Americans have never had a decent respect of the rights of others, especially on state government matters. It is why we have a 14th Amendment.

Pietous pilgrimage is either tourism or suffering for its own sake often by people who already suffer enough. One does not need go far to find Christ. He sleeps outside and may have problems with addiction and mental illness or is a young, scared girl going to an abortion clinic. Matt 25.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Trump's shameful treachery against US allies

Trump's shameful treachery against US allies
The correct term is shameless. Trump did not give Turkey the green light for strategic reasons. He has a hotel in Turkey. This is the pro quo for Trump's Quid. This should be no surprise. Trump promised as much. He has essentially enacted the Libertarian Party platform, but because he looked rich, MAGA was created from the ashes of the Tea Party & the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and Judicial Watch, he ran in the GOP.

Trump will be gone soon. Donations to GOP Senators are down. If they want him out, he will be gone and no Senate primary campaign against a sitting GOP member will be funded. Incumbents don't fear challenges from the looney right, just those with funding.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Notre Dame had a right to host Barr — but his talk was ridiculously stupid

Notre Dame had a right to host Barr — but his talk was ridiculously stupid
Is he speaking Opus Dei or is he speaking MAGA or is he trying to not look smarter than his boss? Is it him or is it Republican orthodoxy? We won't know until after Trump is made to resign. That may be sooner than we think.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Links for 10/17/19

Links for 10/17/19
Steyer would win GOP nomination (they like billionaires). Sanders has a 2024 problem with devoted donors. Biden has a 2024 problem with smarter donors, or rather, without them. Real money (for Warren) starts after New Hampshire.

Weigel is fringe and so are the papers who carry him (and their bishops).

All 2018 trends were about opposition to Trump.

P.R. control board deal will be a call for more money. Pelosi46 will pony up.

Clinton had record black female turnout. Obama only men? Not so much. Warren? We shall see in South Carolina.

Cippolone is all about continuing the GOP scam that saving Trump will overturn Roe. It won't. Nothing will.

I wish that they had been more in your face in defending the Campaign for Human Development. Optics over truth reigns. That POV was the cause of the clergy cover-up.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Last night's Democratic debate confirms this is a three-person race

Last night's Democratic debate confirms this is a three-person race
Legal abortion should be argued on constitutional, not feminist grounds. Women are never voting GOP. A family income adequacy solution should proffered and the Bishops called out. Impeachment is a non-campaign issue, it should be a base assumption. The way to break out is to attack Pence and ignore Trump.

Biden and Sanders have a 2024 problem. Iowa voters like 2-term nominees. The real race is for Warren's Vice President and Harris has already won. The only problem Warren has is whether her staff will listen to outside views. If not, then she will have a 2024 problem.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Links for 10/15/19

Links for 10/15/19
Trump and his immigration policy won't be a story for long.

The problem with wealth is their power over workers, their families and those they would not hire. It is not the toys they buy for themselves that is the problem. It is how they treat others with the rest of their money.

Even as Trump is leaving, the values voters who are the useful idiots for capitalism are not, including some Catholics. Sadly, they lay the bait for a harsh sounding response. What Beto says is not beyond the norm. Bob Jones and the values voters toned down overt racism  when their tax status was threatened. This was the point when they suddenly became pro-life. The recent Title VII cases are about to make some of the Church's conduct illegal. We should not enable them.

Warren and Sanders are social democrats. I see no reason for capitalists to be involved at all in our work life, a microeconomic issue. The worship of CEOs and their enablers on corporate boards must end. Whether this is an electoral issue is hard to say. If Pelosi seeks her own term, the race will be for VP and Booker is her only choice. Also if she is able to get Mitch to confirm one. Making Warren VP would be seen as having a finger on the scale.

Monday, October 14, 2019

We are all toiling in the shadow of St. John Henry Newman

We are all toiling in the shadow of St. John Henry Newman
Newman was a part of the Kingdom of God on Earth as our Lord preached it, not something that must wait for the next life. This was the world of Chesterton and Tolkien.

They all give too much credit to the Oxidental Church, but fit into the Church of Leo rather than Bl. Pius IX and St. Pius X, who could not hold a candle to St. John. I still find Andrew Sullivan's comments interesting. This puts St. John more in line with Francis and those after him.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Three issues that can help Republican voters abandon Trump

Three issues that can help Republican voters abandon Trump
GOP Senate donors will tell their subjects to pull the plug on Trump. Appeal Corts have begun to affirm decisions that there is no such thing as absolute Presidential Immunity. Because Pence was involved in the conspiracy, Pence will be forced out too. In the unlikely event he does survive, the issue will be why he did not remove Trump.

Never-Trumpers will either return to the GOP or abandon it to join the Clinton-Biden wing . This will split off the Warren wing. The center will not hold.

June v. Gee will likely point out that electing GOP presidents has nothing to do with overturning Roe. The Dems must stick to that message rather than trying to shore up the feminist base. They will vote Democratic anyway. Instead, the Dems need to propose a family income with a higher minimum wage and child tax credit and shame the USCCB yo agree openly with this approach. Unless the GOP promises the same thing, they will be obliterated. I can't see MAGA adopting such socialism. Good riddance.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Links for 10/10/19

Links for 10/10/19
The question is still whether GOP Senate donors have had enough and how soon the appeals to quash the subpoenas will fail. You know who is warming up and 2020 depends on whether Pelosi or Pence is incumbent.

Recognizing that not being murdered is a positive right, as is providing a just family income and that repealing Roe is impossible would be progress. The equal protection rights of doctors and women and the privacy rights and the lack of state power trump any ban. The only option is pro-life socialism.

The message to the rich needs to be that debt liability (which includes the FICA trust fund owed to workers)  is a function of income tax liability. The top 1% owe most of it and the top 10% almost all of it. And their kids.

Sedevacantists publications are best ignored and their readers prayed for.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Democratic candidates must fashion an 'off-ramp' for Trump voters

Democratic candidates must fashion an 'off-ramp' for Trump voters
The press, including MSW, are suffering from a deficiency in imagination on the impact of a Trump resignation on 2020

E.J. Dionne is correct. Almost half of the Republican Party has left the building. They may return when Trump is gone, and maybe Pence too. Trump is an idiot. He believes that if Pence us implicated, he won't resign or be impeached.

Unless evidence shows Pence was not involved in Trump's Ukraine deal, he is out. If there is insufficient evidence to remove him, He will be the GOP candidate and do worse than McGovern. He has no good answer for not invoking the 25th Amendment.

If Pence is forced out, Nancy Pelosi adds 46 to her name. She won't run in 2020. If McConnell blocks her VP nominee, the Speaker who replaces her is next in line. Biden and Sanders have a 2024 problem.

If Biden becomes Speaker before Trump resigns, he is the nominee. If not, Warren will be. If Warren is made Speaker, and then President, everyone will be upset with Pelosi picking the winner for 2020 and the GOP members who left will come back and vote against her.

The Dems have an age problem with Pelosi, Biden and Sanders. Warren wins if Iowa likes her and she attacks the opposition on making Roe an issue rather than defending abortion. The Blue Wall is currently 278 and keeping pro-life Democrats from staying home keeps it intact. The key this time is turnout, not poaching Trump voters.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Links for 10/8/19

Links for 10/8/19
Iowa is still very important. Not too many black women. This assumes that there is no incumbent Democrat. The base that decides Trump's future are GOP Senate donors. They are not MAGA. The House Dems have plenty of plans, which will be reconsidered in 2021. Of course, by then they will be real. With Pence in trouble, what matter is who Pelosi makes VP or Speaker in a few weeks.  Senator Harris and Mayor Pete may be angling for the job. I don't see it working unless Warren becomes Speaker, although it will help them both in running for Governor.

Busch is both whining and projecting. Standard Reactionary playbook. Trump does it too. No shock that the Times publishes the truth about Francis while the Sun is fishwrap.

The Iowa case depends on a provision found in Title VII in the Civil Rights Act. It also prevents straight Evangelicals from infiltrating campus gay organizations. Sauce for the goose...

Monday, October 7, 2019

Lecture presents the quintessential conservative Catholic worldview

Lecture presents the quintessential conservative Catholic worldview
The American founding has its roots in its original settlement. The Pilgrims, who were headed for Virginia until their beer ran out, left England because the Church was a bit too Catholic for their tastes.

The first generation, faced rebellion from the Society of Friends. Among them were the Ralph Allen family (my ancestors), who founded Rhode Island. Four of them were martyred in Boston, including Mary Dyer (another ancestor). Hardly ordered liberty.

Jamestown was settled by John Smith and his party, which succeeded because they hooked Europe on tobacco grown by slaves. I am also descended from the Smiths, who joined the Daniel Boone party of tax protesters in fleeing Virginia. This spirit of rebellion and pursuit of profit animated the founding.

The American founding had its intellectual roots in the Enlightenment and it's cousin, freemasonry, both of which were condemned by Popes from Stephen XV to Pius IX and Vatican I for their role in the Italian revolution and the triumph of Garibaldi. Masons are active in the civil life of both nations.

The Great Awakening happened before the revolution. It's emotional religiosity us one of the features of the Modernism, which was condemned by St. Pius X. The closed mindedness of the Church continued until John Courtland Murray triumphed at Vatican II for his work On Human Dignity. He was persecuted for these prior to the Council. The Council animates Francis (and frightened The Curia and St. John Paul II).

The sexual revolution's grand event was the Summer of Love in San Francisco, now known as a home of gay revolution.  It's holy books were penned by the Beat Generation authors in New York (also gay). These trends were in direct opposition to the censorship of the 1950s led by the Catholic Church.

The mass movement in the 1960s was not sex, it was civil rights and opposition to the Vietnam war. The Church participated in Segregation and its now elite school system is mostly monoracial.

The Church suffers from sloppy epistemology in dealing with sexuality. Gays do not decide to be gay. They distinguish that they are gay. They face the reality of the deepest part of themselves.

Many, but certainly not all, asexuals in the clergy do not, thinking themselves to be heterosexuals who have sacrificed their sexuality for Christ. Failure to distinguish Their sexuality results in loneliness and abuse. Asexual bias animates Catholic sexuality. It does not reflect the lived experience of real heterosexuals and the LGBTQIA community (they are the A, but avoid the I).

What scared the Church more was the liberation of women. It still does as it persecuted the Sisters who supported Obamacare. It continues to resist ordaining women, which is a when, not an if.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Now that we're on the path to impeachment, a warning

Now that we're on the path to impeachment, a warning
Republican donors largely do not support Trump's unhinged behavior. I expect that they will be telling GOP Senators during this work period to pull the plug. Trump is an idiot. He is besmirching Pence, who can remove him or pardon him.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Links for 10/3/19

Links for 10/3/19
I could swear Francis was talking about Fox News, but I doubt he gives it the time. He also likes getting a laugh, unlike the Curia.

It sound like the deindustrial conference included Richard Florida or people who have read his work on the creative class.

Senate Republicans are hearing from their owners (donors) this recess. The only question now is resignation (via Twitter) or disability. Either way, he will be arrested and lose his phone. As for the moat, this just proves Trump has a sick sense of humor and the rest of us are so Trump fatigued that we have lost ours. Note the reaction to Mayor Pete.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Amazon synod has set Pope Francis' professional haters on edge

Amazon synod has set Pope Francis' professional haters on edge
There is no danger from EWTN and Burke to the Church. It is the souls of those who they are discomforting that I worry about.

Burke is confusing Francis for Hegel and the gift of the Holy Spirit for Theodicy. The Spirit is using God as meme for Her own purposes. That we see Her doing so is an act of faith. Jesus sends the Spirit because there is much that the Twelve were not capable of understanding. Burke denies this, putting loyalty before Faith and doctrine before Truth. It is his loss and a sin against those who follow him.

Do not waste the November meeting of the USCCB On Burke and EWTN. They are 20 funerals away from obscurity. Highlight the Synod, Laudato Si' and the attack on the biosphere. Opposition to the Synod is not just protection of existing lines of business and exploitation in service of profit. Climate change forces migration. Refugees are cheap labor. The problems really are integrated. The solution must be as well.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Links for 10/1/19

Links for 10/1/19
Regarding Jim Martin: Let's. EWTN would have a coniption.

Re impeachment: we will never know, because GOP donors are likely telling their pet Senators to pull the plug.

Gore as President could not have repealed capitalism, which is what stops action on warming. Anyway, he won if you count his double votes.

Spiritual but not religious is what ex-Catholics/Evangelicals in 12 Step programs say. They learn that God is not the Ogre they were taught to believe in. Too bad more bishops have not figured this out about their own faith. That would take putting faith before loyalty.

CNBC Democrats and Never-Trumpers need to start their own party. I doubt few would attend. Warren-Sanders Democrats will form the other. Of course, neoliberals would never let this happen.

Capitalism will never provide enough rural doctors. They owe to much in loans to stay there. Bernie's plan could fix that.  Expanding the Uniformed Public Health Service also brings doctors where needed.

All good dogs come from Heaven. They are our Guardian Angels. So is Greta, and we still won't listen.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The ethical corruption of our nation's highest office is worse than impeachment

The ethical corruption of our nation's highest office is worse than impeachment
Trump is simply a thug. He is also mentally ill and Vice President Pence should have removed him when Mueller was appointed. Since that point, Pence bares the moral burden for Trump's bad acts. He should have resigned as well because of his role in clearing the room for Trump's attempt at Omerta. He had to know.

Mick Mulvaney should be arrested for a great many things, but in this instance, withholding the funds to help the shakedown. Steve Miller too over immigration.

Steyer should run against Pence in the GOP to preach to the voters about warming, because GOP voters love billionaires (so they will listen) and to tell the truth that voting GOP is not a life issue.

Bush and Trump appointees, and even Thomas, will not vote to return the issue to states. Neither does Thomas, who believes the Court can use its power derived from Congress to end abortion. He is correct, but rights of due process and privacy mean that the rest of the Court will not. Scalia was the state power guy. He is still dead.

The public does not vote on impeachment. The Senate does. The GOP members are about to get an earful and face empty wallets when asking for money. They will pull the plug before McGahn can testify. A Senate trial is not good for them. They will either force a resignation or get Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Links for 9/26/19

Links for 9/26/19
Coleman is always a contrarian.

Stephen Miller is the source of immigrant abuse, sometimes criminally so. Pavone is the perfect spokesman for the Right to Lie about repealing Roe movement. Put the Synod protests in the same reactionary boat. So are many news editors, who tell reporters how to slant their stories.

Biden needs to be asked whether he can serve 8 years. Also rans are a good voice for bringing up what needs to be said.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Book on pagan-Christian culture wars sweeps its metaphors too far

Book on pagan-Christian culture wars sweeps its metaphors too far
The Greco-Romans had Demigods. The difference between early and late paganism was the link to the Emperor. Sadly, the Church capitulated quickly to Constantine, which turned disputes over heresy to blood fueds.

The Church had been Hellenizing since Clement of Antioch. Even earlier, John of Patmos was still objecting to the Council of Jerusalem and despair over the sack of Jersulem. Cultural appropriation is very human, as are such humanistic responses to the environment, such as Yule. Sadly, the early Church adopted Stoic, rather than biblical sexuality. The modern Church continues the error and the culture wars.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Links for 9/24/19

Links for 9/24/19
Trump will be told to leave once the McGahn testimony starts costing Senators their donations. Indeed, it could come sooner. They who pay the piper call the tune.

Inequality in power is the problem. Much higher marginal income taxes and employee ownership can control that. Also robust asset and invoice value added taxes, which would be impossible to evade. If the rich pay an income tax and their companies pay a subtraction VAT with credits rather than deductions, then buy assets and goods with "post tax" money (including paying for consumption with proceeds from asset sales and dividends already taxed), their burden gets much higher.

The question is making the rich want to pay more. Actual public debt liability is 13 times income tax paid. This works out to $3 Trillion owed by the top 0.1% (using 2016 figures), $3.5T for the next 0.9%, $6T for the next 9%, $5T for the next 40%. The bottom 50% owe less than $1T and those who have no income tax burden owe NOTHING! The children or the top 10% owe almost EVERYTHING! Of course, much of their wealth is paper if you take away the power the paper buys. See above.

Larry Summers did more to cause and prolong the Great Recession than even Bush and Greenspan. The quicker way out would have been marking all mortgages held by the Fed to market. This would have restarted housing and simply would have reduced M3. Iowa does not care who Larry supports and he will never work in this town again.

The Register is EWTN. No one cares what they say outside their readership (or what Burke says).

Monday, September 23, 2019

The new Supreme Court term

NCR has the CNS  curtain raiser in the upcoming Supreme Court term: Religious liberty, discrimination and DACA highlight court's new term

In June v. Gee, the Center for Reproductive Rights is representing June Reproductive Health Services in applying for Certiorari to overturn the 5th Circuit in upholding the Louisiana Trap Laws.

The Court can hear the case (possibly reopening Roe), deny Certiorari (leaving Trap in place and maybe overturning Roe by opening the door for state government  power) or reverse the Circuit and repeal the state law.

There are 3 questions at play in June v. Gee. Can the 5th Circuit decision stand as is? Are there new arguments on the issue? Does the Court want to hear them?

2 new Justices is not the answer. If you think it is, you do not understand the Court or law in general.

A per Curiam ruling reversing the 5th Citcuit signals the Circuit to pass on hearing any appeal to the inevitable overturn of the Alabama Abortion Law. For all intents and purposes, this will end the pro-life movement as a Republican entity. We will know October 7th. The only way forward for the movement would be massive subsidies for all families with children as part of tax reform. That takes joining the Democrats to pass.

On October 8th, the Court hears 3 cases on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act relating to sex discrimination and whether it can be decided judicially. This is not a case about marriage equality per se. The question before the Court is whether the spate of findings that have recognized gays and lesbians as a protected class allow the meaning of sex in the CRA to be expanded to sexuality without having to pass ENDA? It is an argument about how the Court rules, not the result. This is not a First Amendment question.

If the merits of Catholic HR policy were before the Court (that would be a District Court matter to be separately litigated), the question would be of fact. Specifically, does the Church allow employees to enter into heterosexual civil marriage and not homosexual marriage.

No. Bigotry cannot be sanctified in that way, nor can sour grapes over its argument in Perry v. Brown against marriage equality being laughed out of court.

The profound issue is how many retirements will it take until the Church starts blessing gay unions? While the number of global South cardinals is an indication, I must note that they are already bishops.

Amoris Laetitia was pastoral. So is blessing legal civil marriage, especially with a Pope with a doctoral degree in the sciences. He actually can make sense of the argument of disordered or created. Disordered is a sophistry - a relativistic way to avoid scientific reality.

Being gay is biology, not rebellion, and to not believe gay men when they assert otherwise is not only bad behavior, but it asks them to accept our lived experience of faith when we reject their lives experience of their sexuality.

Ancient worldviews might shed light on our contemporary culture wars

Ancient worldviews might shed light on our contemporary culture wars
Pagan gods explore human archetypes, including cruelty by the powerful. This has justified fascism and a caste system and a stoic morality. Christianity is more humanistic on a good day. When it adopted Roman sexual idealism, it was not a good day. We have had a string of bad days.

A moral focus on man is not a bad thing if it has a living God in the background. When it simply swaps one authority structure for another, not so much. A City of God can be just as cruel as a city if gods. A flawed mythology, in our case about Eve, can be just as pernicious.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

America: 7 Claims on the Trumpian Age

Tonight in America Magazine, Holly Taylor Cool man wires about Seven claims about what’s at stake in the Age of Trump

Trump gave us two Kennedy proteges, who shared his view on abortion (and Trump's). On October 1st, SCOTUS will conference on June v. Gee (and important cases). It could deny Cert, which would let Louisiana Trap laws stand and essentially overturn Roe, hear the case and allow a Roe rehearing or reverse the 5th Circuit, repealing Trap and ending the pro-life movement's access to repealing Roe. We will find out October 7th.
Trump is either a vile idiot and the worst President ever or a false flag operation to destroy the GOP, with Pence set to pardon him at the end. Obama may even be in on it. Once the GOP is destroyed, the Democrats will split into a socialistic Warren, Sanders, Harris party and a Biden, Delaney, Klobachar neo-liberal party.
Both results are inevitable unless the GOP removes Trump soon, except the June v. Gee thing, although my per Curiam guess is most likely. Then the question for pro-life members is whether to fade away or insist on a much larger refundable child tax credit, putting it in the Warren wing. The Biden wing won't take them, but will continue to use them as a foil to keep feminists fired up.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

America Magazine: There is time for the church to support black Catholics—if it has the will to do so

Tonight, this was posted on the America Magazine web page: There is time for the church to support black Catholics—if it has the will to do so by Tia Noelle Pratt. An essential read. My response: Step one in dealing with the issues are to read the article and buy the book.

Step two is a red hat for Archbishop Wilton Gregory. He has certainly earned it. DC has shifted parish schools to charter schools. It is a step away from the evolution of elite parish schools.

Step Three, we should support DC statehood, BLM and SPLC. Heaven knows that in some parts of Alabama, Catholic Churches are still burned. My niece and her family live in St. Louis and are Black. Given the conduct of law enforcement in that part of the world, I see BLM from a different lens.

Step Four (or maybe now), get out of the GOP coalition. All but one of the Catholic justices will not, nor should they, seek the repeal of Roe, including the three appointed by Bush 43 and Trump. This will be obvious if June v. Gee reverses the Fifth Circuit and overturns Louisiana Trap Law per Curiam. We will know on October 7th. There should be no room in the GOP white supremacists and the Church and the former won't leave. The latter must unless the party embraces a middle class negative income tax for each child. Those who won't can stay with the White reactionaries.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Clearest winner of third debate: The Democratic Party

Clearest winner of third debate: The Democratic Party
Beto won. Everyone is talking about guns. It may even help in a race for Governor. Sanders and Warren need to say why single payer is coming ready or not. Insurance company business models soon them. Castro lost bad because we kill the messenger. The vote Biden needs most is Jill's. She may vote no. He does not have two terms in him. Everyone lost by not running against Pence and calling out presidential pro-life voting as a scam. Iowa and New Hampshire will winnow the field. If someone wins both, its over and the race is for VP. The nominee has the vote that matters in that race.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Links for 9/12/19

Links for 9/12/19
If group cited are conservatives, and they are, then Trumpians are reactionaries. Trump himself is just pathetic. First Things is both reactionary and pathetic. You are in good company. What can I do to have these fools call me out too? That is almost as good as being condemned by the CDF.

Diverting money is bad but not forbidden. The key for the Dems is exciting the base. The key for the GOP is Pence manning up and invoking the 25th Amendment.

In 2004 for, the DNC had its finger on the scale. A young DNC staffer told me in early 2003 that Clinton would not be the nominee. It would be Kerry. This was probably for the Ketchup money. Mistake one was not putting Wes on the ticket as he would have destroyed Cheney. Mistake Two was letting the Swift Boaters get a pass without using the Ketchup money.

Endorsing Newman is a good base move, although probably has nothing to do with abortion. Abortion is not an issue in any election. Amendments 5, 9 and 14 are controlling. Both Bush and both Trump nominees support Roe. It is time to point this out and go all in on a bigger child tax credit. Harris has the biggest boost for it and here's is still to small. My bet is that when the Court comes back, they will overturn the 5th Circuit on Louisiana Trap Laws per curiam. If so, forget Roe.

Greenberg is not wrong, although Pence could save the party. He should also be honest on Roe. A bidding war on funding children would be a nice change for the unborn rather than the silly debater on Roe. Read Bitecofer on the Blue Wall, as well as my abortion blog entries.

Speaker Bercow will be missed. Order!

As for tweets, follow Bruce Bartlett.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Remove Malone, make the metropolitan model work in Buffalo

Remove Malone, make the metropolitan model work in Buffalo
As usual, Cardinal Dolan has his finger in the wind. When he fails to act, the local Cardinal in the Council of 8 Cardinals should sack them both. Cardinal Sean, call your office. Also, the local clergy should also have the power to force the bishop to retire. That would solve things more quickly and restore credibility.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Links for 9/10/19

Links for 9/10/19
The question before us is about mitigation. Do we prevent further damage with a crash program to develop He3 fusion, which the fossil fuel, power and car companies do not want while their current lines are profitable? Do we resettle climate refugees and upgrade their skill levels for a better life, making them harder to exploit as cheap labor? Do we continue to subsidize beach house owners for every hurricane or cap what we reimburse, making them more interested in climate change? Can we stop the influence of capitalism on government so that we can make progress on any of this or does talk of eco-socialism scare away even our friends and damage electability?

Expect the GOP to quickly come up with non-partisan redistricting once the possibility of catastrophic loss sets in, although they might wait until 2021 to kick and scream. Like on warming when (if) we put their beach houses at risk.

Talking about goals is like talking about hope and change. We need specifics. even if Obama did not. The goal is winning in every election. With a Blue Wall of 278 against Trump, the key is energizing the base. The real question is whether Pence 2020 changes the map.

How does the abortion debate matter in either case? If it does, talk about it now, not a year from now. Biden, Warren or Harris could advance this debate, but for different reasons. The question on Biden is if he can survive long enough to be elected and complete a term. Two is fantasy.

Unlike his predecessors, Francis accepts human evolution. Adam and Eve are metaphor and the fallen state metaphor dies without them. A new metaphor on human suffering must replace it, but how can you justify not ordaining women if they are not the vehicle of sin? What if salvation were about our welfare rather than divine retribution? What if the human environment rather than stewardship is made the focus? See above about capitalism.

What if religion needs to get itself before secularists need to understand it? Maybe secularists give us a mirror we very much need. Maybe the question is not religion without God but God without a personal stake in our affairs other than our happiness. How does that change how we deal with Zionism and the reason people martyr themselves in reaction to it?

America Magazine: Should Catholic women preach at Mass? Here’s a better question.

Pia de Solenni asks, Should Catholic women preach at Mass? Here’s a better question.

Or just ordain women. I am sure gay priests would be fine with it. I am also sure that it would freak out the unintegrated asexuals in the priesthood who operate under the illusion that Christ was just like them. He was not. Pharisees were married.
Marriage is no longer an image for the Church and Christ (remember, that model us pastoral, not revelatory) because of equality in both gay and straight marriage. No one is in-charge anymore. Likewise, the hierarchy has modeled itself after the Gentiles in giving themselves honors in exactly the way Jesus said not to do.
As for the latest Roman Missal, it was a counter-revolutionary attempt to pretend Vatican II never happened. It is hardly worded to express the real persona Christi. It is part of the desire for a Church of Magic rather than of Faith and miracles. It takes us away from the Kingdom of God that Jesus spoke of.

America Magazine: Executing shooters will not stop gun violence. The solution requires us to overcome apathy.

Executing shooters will not stop gun violence. The solution requires us to overcome apathy.
The personal protection view of the 2nd Amendment is contingent upon guns preventing more deaths than the cause. That can be all guns or just assault weapons. The National Guard has taken over militia duties and the protection against federal power provisions were overcome by burning Richmond and Atlanta. Their repeal was codified by the section 3 of the 14th Amendment disenfranchizing rebels and section 5 allowing Conress to prevent rebellion.
On execution, it must be reserved for those who pose continuing danger to society, including society inside prison. Prolonged solitary confinement is simply slow execution with mental torture. Incarceration should end with successful long term treatment and a decent interval for victims' families to heal.
Red Flag laws should have red card provisions allowing the self-committed to put themselves on a no gun list and putting on anyone who accepted voluntary commitment who would otherwise be civilly committed. Give them a hearing, but make it stick.
Sadly, such solutions are too sane to implement in a society that loves guns and retribution. Sadly, Colorado legislators get a pass for not passing sensible protections while Governor Sebelius is sanctioned for vetoing an abortion ban that was clearly unconstitutional.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Don't like that pope? Read what he wrote.

Don't like that pope? Read what he wrote.
This is all about airplane ride comments on the recent papal trip to Africa on a French book about plans formented at a CUA Busch School cocktail party.  It is the same group that wants to form a non-profit the investigate instances of sexual abuse in the American Church. So far the Better Church Governance Group has produced a Mission Statement on a website. Too much scotch by people with too much money looking for a way to not pay taxes on it. They are an argument on Why tax rates on the rich need to go up with no deduction for charitable giving.

Friday, September 6, 2019

On both sides of the Atlantic, disruptors bring chaos, hyperpolarization

On both sides of the Atlantic, disruptors bring chaos, hyperpolarization
Johnson thinks he can get a better deal. The Greens think that they can win a national election to stop Brexit. Trump thinks he is a better negotiator than the professionals. Delusion abounds. And people think me crazy for thinking I can do better?

The problem with the UK is that it has no written constitution. This results in majority tyranny if it works. No wonder Parliament is a shouting match. As for a referendum, it is an EU feature. They need a constitution too, rather than a treaty and confederation. These don't work well.

Brexit may leave Wales, Scotland and Ulster in the EU with their own exit. Johnson should count the votes and see if their Ukxit would end his majority. Her Majesty needs to save him from himself and fire him. No monarchy that lets the realm be dismembered is worthy of the title.

Civility could get a Brexit deal passed. I am writing a blog entry on how this could happen and how Pence could win in 2020 by spending the pro-Birth movement and pushing for a high enough child tax credit to stop abortion. The GOP likes winning and will do anything to do so. So does Boris. The jury is out on whether cynicism is good government (both civil and ecclesiastic). I hope it is not, but it does not look that way at the moment.

As for Trump, he will likely be gone before Boris. Cynicism may be his undoing once Nadler really gets going. McConnell and Pence will pull the plug.