Thursday, October 31, 2019

Links for 10/31/19

Links for 10/31/19
This entire controversy comes from a memo out of CDF on giving Communion to legislators who vote for abortion laws. Abortion in the U.S. is a matter of constitutional law, not legislation. The memo does not apply. Of course, Biden has an obligation to explain the logic of Roe to the hierarchy. He has ducked it for decades. The pluralistic explanation of Cuomo is in line with freedom of conscience promulgated in Dignitatis Humanae. The Ratzinger memo ignored this doctrine. It is not enough to separate the USCCB office of Pro-Life Activities from the a Republican Party. Explaining Roe publicly will shore up the Blue Wall permanentlty.  This will move the movement from using criminal law to fiscal redistribution to oppose abortion, which is in line with the real Magisterium.

The Netherlands are below sea level and manage well. This technology will work for Shanghai and Babcock, but not Vietnam and Florida. They have 30 years to act. We will likely wait for 25 years before acting. A nuclear war by 2050 is more likely.

Without funding minority enterprise, current Pot Entrepeneurs will stay in the unregulated market.

When GOP Senators are sure that donors will not fund opposition from the right Trump will be forced out. McConnell wants just enough dirt revealed to make his case, but not so much that it hurts the party.

The feelings of White Evangelicals matter little without funding to buy ads aimed at them. Without a platform, leftist political outrage is also largely ignored. Until one must find a future employer to fund university education, tenured research will be an insular culture, also irrelevant to the outside world.

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