Monday, October 7, 2019

Lecture presents the quintessential conservative Catholic worldview

Lecture presents the quintessential conservative Catholic worldview
The American founding has its roots in its original settlement. The Pilgrims, who were headed for Virginia until their beer ran out, left England because the Church was a bit too Catholic for their tastes.

The first generation, faced rebellion from the Society of Friends. Among them were the Ralph Allen family (my ancestors), who founded Rhode Island. Four of them were martyred in Boston, including Mary Dyer (another ancestor). Hardly ordered liberty.

Jamestown was settled by John Smith and his party, which succeeded because they hooked Europe on tobacco grown by slaves. I am also descended from the Smiths, who joined the Daniel Boone party of tax protesters in fleeing Virginia. This spirit of rebellion and pursuit of profit animated the founding.

The American founding had its intellectual roots in the Enlightenment and it's cousin, freemasonry, both of which were condemned by Popes from Stephen XV to Pius IX and Vatican I for their role in the Italian revolution and the triumph of Garibaldi. Masons are active in the civil life of both nations.

The Great Awakening happened before the revolution. It's emotional religiosity us one of the features of the Modernism, which was condemned by St. Pius X. The closed mindedness of the Church continued until John Courtland Murray triumphed at Vatican II for his work On Human Dignity. He was persecuted for these prior to the Council. The Council animates Francis (and frightened The Curia and St. John Paul II).

The sexual revolution's grand event was the Summer of Love in San Francisco, now known as a home of gay revolution.  It's holy books were penned by the Beat Generation authors in New York (also gay). These trends were in direct opposition to the censorship of the 1950s led by the Catholic Church.

The mass movement in the 1960s was not sex, it was civil rights and opposition to the Vietnam war. The Church participated in Segregation and its now elite school system is mostly monoracial.

The Church suffers from sloppy epistemology in dealing with sexuality. Gays do not decide to be gay. They distinguish that they are gay. They face the reality of the deepest part of themselves.

Many, but certainly not all, asexuals in the clergy do not, thinking themselves to be heterosexuals who have sacrificed their sexuality for Christ. Failure to distinguish Their sexuality results in loneliness and abuse. Asexual bias animates Catholic sexuality. It does not reflect the lived experience of real heterosexuals and the LGBTQIA community (they are the A, but avoid the I).

What scared the Church more was the liberation of women. It still does as it persecuted the Sisters who supported Obamacare. It continues to resist ordaining women, which is a when, not an if.

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