Friday, January 31, 2020

Here are the most interesting questions so far in impeachment trial

Here are the most interesting questions so far in impeachment trial
And here are the questions they should have asked:
Would Trump have released the aid if he were not caught by the whistle blower? (Probably No)
Was the "perfect call" a cover story for withholding the aid permanently? (Probably)
Whose idea was withholding the aid and the cover story? (Rudi or Mick?)
Who funded Rudi and contributions to the Trump Super PAC and others? (Firtash)
Is Rudi Trump's lawyer or his handler? (Handler)
Who benefited from the scheme, the perfect call and the cover-up? (Putin)
Would any minds have been changed if Zalensky had done what Trump, Sondland and Rudi asked for? (No one cares but Trump)
Is Trump obsessed with the Biden's? Is that sane? (Yes and No)
Why were these questions not asked?
Are Schumer and the House Managers taking a dive for electoral advantage? (Obviously)

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Links for 1/30/20

Links for 1/30/20
Elliot is right. According to Rachel "Doc" Bitecofer, who is the only analyst to predict the 2018 Blue Wave and explain the Clinton loss in 2016 accurately, any candidate running against Trump get 278 electoral votes - before close states. Of course, this could change if the nominee panders to feminists on abortion rather than, like Obama, says little about it other than to call the pro-life movement a GOP scam (and only then through surrogates). However, Iowa caucuses are the exception. They are very sensitive to whatever happens between now and Monday and the final delegate count there has nothing to do with what happens in the precincts. Ironic.

On Trump, the Democrats should be faulted for not running against Pence. SCOTUS is soon to hear a case involving absolute presidential immunity from information and, by extension, arrest. It is time to run against Pence now, including getting the issue of abortion and why repealing Roe is a partisan canard out there before October.

Catholic colleges could benefit from Catholic Social Teaching, especially with regards to allowing union organizing. Bishops should also stop resisting the NEA. USCCB objections based on Roe are partisan cover for their distaste for democracy at work in schools and church governance.

Everyone, native and immigrant, should have access to and payment for going to school (including a child tax credit and health care), from ESL to community college and the Church should provide such training rather than focusing on the college-bound.

The Internet only changes the minds of low-information voters, but does little to get them to the polls. Negative political TV ads are more effective - and mostly in the primaries.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

'Never again' rings hollow amid today's anti-Semitism

'Never again' rings hollow amid today's anti-Semitism
Genocide and mass murder are a feature of a culture where group loyalty overcomes individual moral responsibility. It is hard wired into our DNA, our original sin. All such evil flows from giving ourselves as individuals or groups license to blame the other. Original sin has nothing to do with eating an apple or having an excuse not to ordain women. Blame begets blame and entitlement, which is why we have the genocide in Gaza and a land grab in the West Bank in Israel and Trumpism at home.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Links for 1/28/20

Links for 1/28/20
The Senate does not represent land. It represents governments (like the U.N. General Assembly). This is a feature, not a flaw, unless Congress can unilaterally abolish or create states. The left is always divided, because it is about change. Finding consensus for change is harder than resisting or reacting to it (especially as the right-wing is always led by property interests and relies in social conservatives to be its useful idiots).

The upper middle class is the top 10%. No one else is able to keep up with inflation. Of the bottom 90%, half pay no income tax. The total adjusted gross income of the top 10% is equal to that of the bottom 90%. Likewise, the upper middle is 90% to 99%. The upper class is the top 1%. The top 1% has the same income as the upper middle. The top 0.1% has the same income as the remaining 1%. The top .01% makes as much as the rest of the top .1%. Finally, the top 1433 families - the top .001%, have the same income as the rest of the top .01%.

The only way to change tax policy to raise more money is to give the wealthy a justification for paying more beyond altruism. That justification is debt liability. Debt liability was 13 × income tax paid in 2016. It was 13.76 in 2017 (most recent data from the IRS Data Book). Post 2017 tax cut and for the immediate future, liability is 18 x taxes paid. The bottom 44% owe nothing, because they pay nothing. The halfway point in terms of total taxes paid is between the 97% and 98% level. This means that, with the bottom 44% owing nothing, the next 53% owe what the top 2.5% owe in debt.  Making that clear is necessary to get the wealthy behind the notion of raising taxes and in distributing income downward by making work pay better.

Stiltner is confusing conformity with faith on the one side and civility on the other. Faith has not declined. Faking faith has. The pressure to conform to mandatory Mass attendance is mostly gone. 50 years ago, we would all gather at my grandmother's house and say who saw whom at Mass. No one checks anymore. As conformity has declined, so has feigned civility. We are better off with honesty. The good old days were not really that good. No more Potempkin parishes.

Rising sea levels will frown the southern red states who are paid to deny warming. Justice is a poet. Ecuador is about the triumph of capitalism over the planet and the poor.

Pensions are underfunded because the people who decide such things are linked to the people who sell defined contribution plans (retirement accounts earn more commissions than a centrally funded or self-funded pension, which has none). The people who sell those IRA plans also give money to groups who whine about the danger of trans potty policy, marriage equality, abortion and ACA funding of birth control. Without social conservatism, capitalism would be voted out of existence. For reactionaries this is a feature, not a flaw.

On sports and gender, the question should not be self-identification. It should be testosterone levels. If such levels are too high in men due to weight training, participation in football should be banned. Participation as a girl or woman should require higher estrogen levels. That is an issue for sports organizing bodies, not society and especially not theologians.

Monday, January 27, 2020

As new Philadelphia archbishop, Perez could be a strong legacy for Pope Francis

As new Philadelphia archbishop, Perez could be a strong legacy for Pope Francis
Reactionaries, such as Chaput, need change to oppose, lest they feed on themselves. As long as change is needed, we will have reaction speaking against it. I suspect Chaput will go on tour with Burke. As for the loud minority in the USCCB, give Perez a red hat. That example will be a gift that keeps on giving. Reactionaries are also careerists. They will keep their heads down until Francis retires.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Do the religious beliefs of Trump's attorneys in the impeachment trial matter?

Do the religious beliefs of Trump's attorneys in the impeachment trial matter?
Religion and religiosity are different things. These lawyers, like Justice Antonin SScalia, fought for religious power, not faith, with Sekulow distinguishing himself in abortion jurisprudence seeking the end of Roe in a way to bring back Plessy. Good lawyers are about fair process. These seek any means to an end. Luckily, they are rarely successful at anything but shaking down clients. In the end, they may snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Not a bad outcome.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Links for 1/23/20

Links for 1/23/20
St. Thomas More believed that assassination was better than warfare, at least in Utopia. Utopians also practice voluntary euthanasia. This tracks with the view that the sovereign (in our case, the people) are responsible from protecting others from danger in execution and, by extension, late term abortion and sterilization when pregnancy is a danger to the mother. Any morality that is based not more on pragma that idealism makes an Ogre of God.

This view also justifies war, suicide by spies and terrorism against tyranny, racism and genocide. It also is used by pro-life extremists to kill doctors. This is where encounter must be the first step. It is the justification for criminal and social justice as a safety valve against extremism and revenge. The latter is much needed in Palestine. Politics is also a safety valve to civil violence, even the armchair variety

The question of the day is how to go from the armchair to the podium and the best seller list. This is likely up to God. Prophets ever never recognized in their home towns or at all until it is God's time for them to do so - but this is no excuse to stop trying.

The big story of Davos is everyone laughing behind Trump's back. His views on religious freedom are equally ignorable.  As for its Masters of the Universe, they either have no clue about basic economics or are part of the latest investor swindles (Crypto and Exchange Traded Funds holding bad debt from over-leveraged single family rental housing. Again, the question is whether anyone is listening to Cassandra.

Regarding government provided services, cooperation is the key to dealing with questions of prayer and services. If cooperative entities can bypass public funding, provided that this is not an excuse for under-funding, pluralistic issues can be handled on a smaller scale. This still leaves the question of the rights of the individual versus the rights of the group to dictate options. This is another realm where encounter and tolerance are more important than winning and group dynamics (particularly if the majority believe that they are speaking for God). Individuals in a cooperative should always have the option to seek outside services and solutions - and have the funds to do so. This is also a good rule of thumb for the distribution of services offered by both non-profits and the government.

In Paris, he who pays the piper calls the architect.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

On both sides of abortion debate, Catholics largely fall short

On both sides of abortion debate, Catholics largely fall short
Casey is a vague standard that accepts legal abortion as an established fact, as does the Unborn Victims of Violence Act. It also allows the death by 1000 cuts domination of abortion rights. June v. Gee may be a major decision in that regard or it may be a footnote. A unanimous decision against Gee could end the question.

Families usually consider the first miscarriage a tragic event. The second is less of a shock. Abortion is experienced the the same light. Government involvement in either is an impossible sell.

The question of legal abortion is entirely about police power. It has nothing to do with the moral issue. No ground can be ceded on that.

Until the pro-life movement realizes it is utterly defeated on this issue, it will not move forward to enacting a more robust and refundable Child Tax Credit. That the Republican base thinks such a solution is Marxist shows the true nature if the movement. So much for abortion as the most important issue or the response that it is about controlling sexuality, not defending life.

The movement is in lock-step with opposition to marriage equality and gay rights generally. This is why its major event is about Roe instead of in April 15th, which is the perfect day to demand tax subsidies for families.

The major flaw from the left is that it skips straight to the end of the argument, not explaining each point. This cost Hillary the White House.  As long as this can happen, the pro-life movement as the GOP at prayer will continue. The issue can only be shifted from sex to economic rights from within the Republican Party. This will never happen in the party of Trump, although it may work if useful as an issue when attacking Pence. This makes removing Trump a pro-life issue.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Links for 1/21/20

Links for 1/21/20
Institutions have responded to the power of modern media. This magnifies the tendency to put on a false public face. Filling the pews is a sign of apparent faith. Hiding child rape is all about saving face, as is the response to the public scandal by attacking gay priests.

Candidates pandering to donors is of the same kind, although less grave. It is a feature, not a flaw, in campaign debate. So far, it has not hurt Mayor Pete or Joe Biden in Iowa so far.

In Davos and the economy, they are all blind to the coming crisis in housing bonds, this time in over leveraging single family home rental properties.

It is not bigotry to respond to continued attacks on the legitimacy of the Church of England's ordination are valid, even in the face of Ecumenical Patriarch finding otherwise. Also forgotten is the role of the Church in attempted regicide and propping up attempts at revolution by a Catholic king.

It is bigotry to attack Muslims, although the video us a bit of a stunt.

The leadership of the Knights on politics shows why it is doomed.

It seems the main problem in all of these cases is self-delusion. It always has been.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Where has the aspirational quality of American democracy gone?

Where has the aspirational quality of American democracy gone?
Democracy takes courage. The Cheney Doctrine in the Middle East replaced the Truman Doctrine. We did not have the courage to reject it. The Trump Presidency should have been gone when Comey was fired and Trump threw his first tantrum. Pence and the FBI did not have the courage to act. Mueller did not have the courage to arrest him when it became obvious he was a Russian Agent. Republican voters were convinced that we needed a CEO president. We got one. CEO ethics are amoral. Aspirational democracy is a moral venture.

Friday, January 17, 2020

The whole co-authoring drama looks bad

The whole co-authoring drama looks bad
I suspect that Cardinal Sarah enjoyed having Benedict's ear, including involvement in drafting official communication. The whole incident says as much about co-authorship in all magisterial documents. Does infallibility extend to staff work? This does not bode well for such claims by popes in general. That such documents are rife with error is the contention of my book The Illuminati Respond to the Papal Anachronists.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Links for 1/16/20

Links for 1/16/20
The Knights lost their way decades ago. They are 20 funerals away from extinction. So is funding for activities at the Busch School at CUA.

The same is true for most oppostion to marriage equality. Fairness for All will never pass. It is a political statement with no hope of passing. Congress must stay in its lane on First Amendment issues.

A female named Pelosi may soon be the first female president. As for Warren v. Sanders? Too much beer, not enough pizza. Amy will likely be the first elected female president; provided Iowa likes her. That any Democratic nominee must pick Harris or Booker as VP is obvious.

Trump only likes farmers who will vote for him. They won't get the chance.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Post-debate in Iowa: Still a toss-up

Post-debate in Iowa: Still a toss-up
Iowans make up their minds the weekend before the caucuses. By that time, Trump may be out, Biden may have gaffed again, the two-term promise may become a thing and Amy may be going up in the polls. If she has money, she will stay in the race. Mayor Pete needs to prove he can win Indiana. I have my doubts.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Links for 1/14/20

Links for 1/14/20
Frontline provides a deep dive in what you need to know. Too bad no one repeats each story. NPR and WBUR too.

Lawrence O'Donnell pointed out last night that any Democratic President will sign any bill improving health care and that the rest is up to Congress.

Any Democrat beats Trump in the Electoral College, provided he or she does not kick the abortion hornets nest to lose the Midwest like Hillary did on partial birth abortion.

Biden, Warren and Sanders have a two term problem and Mayor Pete should be Senator or Governor Pete. Iowans are very strategic.

Only Fox News viewers care about Hunter Biden. They were not voting for Joe anyway. It is likely that they will be voting for Pence in November. When the meme of Rudy as handler rather than lawyer gets out, Trump is done.

The Trump policy on immigration does not pass the constitutional smell test. Refugees will go wherever Catholic Charities and others can put them or where they want to go when released. Trump cannot interfere with their right to travel once they clear customs.

No one should ever carry wads if cash when travelling. Most ATMs overseas take American bank cards.

Monday, January 13, 2020

The religious left is busy, but small

The religious left is busy, but small
Self-identification is a poor tool. Indeed, independents who always vote a certain way vote more reliably than weak partisans. Many moderates are on the left in both Christianity and politics. Those who vote for Trump and plan to again and believe impeachment is a hoax are right wing. Those who practice contraception, belong to a denomination that ordains women, want female priests, would never go to a Tridentine Mass and ignore the bishops on abortion are the Christian Religious Left. People who voted for both Obama and Trump are the middle. As for Mass attendance, the religious left no longer believe that sleeping in on Sunday is a mortal sin.

Friday, January 10, 2020

For next census, expect every dirty trick in the book from GOP

For next census, expect every dirty trick in the book from GOPThe Census will follow the law, not the politics. They are good that way. What state governments do with the information is up to voters. The good news is that turnout is higher in presidential years. This favors the Democrats. Whether they adequately stress the need to vote down-ballot is up to them. Count on the Republicans to suddenly get religion on nonpartisan redistricting in the face of a Blue Wave come November. The Democrats should jump at the chance, although they are not adept at long term thinking. That is why the 60 vote requirement on approving federal judges was overturned. Not smart.

US Supreme Court can strengthen recovery effort for Puerto Rico

US Supreme Court can strengthen recovery effort for Puerto Rico
There are many juicy issues before the Court, but the impact of an earthquake is not one of them.

The first is whether the Supreme Court should have any jurisdiction over a bankruptcy case. Unless the Bankruptcy Court requested the state government to resolve the matter, the Court may hold that the Puerto Rican Supreme Court had no authority in this matter.

The second is whether Free Exercise can be used to short circuit the bankruptcy process. Probably not. If it could, sexual abuse cases would vanish nation-wide.

A third question is whether old law can be applied to this case. Absolutely. English law is controlling in modern land ownership cases.

This case could also reopen the issue of whether the buck stops with the bishops or can be assigned to the Vatican. Current rulings are based on the question of whether bishops are colleagues or employees of the Holy See for purposes of bankruptcy. For now, collegiality is the rule, but the Court could change its mind.

Regardless, on the earthquake, a special collection is appropriate, as are Catholic Charities USA, Catholic Relief Services and Caritas stepping up to help in assisting recovery efforts in the short and long terms. The latter question is up to parishioners and major donors. In other words, to each of us.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Links for 1/9/20

Links for 1/9/20
There should be a balance between imposed guilt and education. The German psyche has gone too far on the former and the rest of the world is too lite on the latter. Most valuable is the connection between going from victim to oppressor. This was true in the Classical Church, is true in Gaza. It happens in nations and families. The only way to fix it is to make everyone well. We have done a poor job of this in the United States. Being Black in much of the South and living on the Reservation are no picnic. Russia too. Sadly, the Russian Orthodox Church has become a part of the problem.

The Democratic Billionaires should both run as Republicans. The GOP faithful love billionaires and do what they say. Look at how they have left $50 on Trump's dresser.

In some states, the third language is an outlier. In others, it is a very significant part of the population among older residents. The commonality of Chinese is no surprise. The interesting question is how this affects voting.

The way to really see the risen Lord is to love ourselves and others as God does (and not just in avoiding sin). As for dogs, mediums relate that they serve as guardian angels until their owners join them in Heaven.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

We stand at the brink of war, and no one is exactly sure why

We stand at the brink of war, and no one is exactly sure why
As a Jesuit, Francis knows that the purpose of prayer is to divine what the Divine would have us do, not buy him off. Still, he must please his base who thinks otherwise. It may or may not be the same with Trump. He is either an incompetent who believes what Fox News dishes out or craven, meaning he is playing to his base of avid Fox viewers.  Is Trump really Anonymous, seeking plausible deniability for the damage he has wreaked, or truly stupid? We may never know. I suspect the answer is both.

Trump likely thought that a wartime president would never be removed, so his real enemies were Pelosi and Schiff. Last night, the circumstances changed. The mention Dubai was mentioned, Trump realized he had personal skin in the game. In order to save Trump Golf World, he demured, showing that Iranian leadership is neither craven nor stupid. Disaster averted.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Links for 1/7/20

Links for 1/7/20
The Democratic field needs to talk about criminalizing abortion as a settled issue and challenge the GOP to a bidding war on supporting families.

The TCJA was sold as a boon to workers. It wasn't. The joke is on the wealthy, however. Their grandchildren are the only demographic who can pay it back.

Neoliberalism is in no way collapsing. They are in favor of modest tax increases, but not the kind that would cost donors too much.

Barr and Parton are both stoking their bases. It hides the real issues. Donors on both sides fund such distractions. Religious liberty too.

The institutional Church should take on the housing and treatment of both public and private prisons. At least for non-violent offenders.

Pelosi is more likely President than Vatican ambassador. The safest current bet for November is Klobuchar. If Mayor Pete does not run for Indiana governor, he would make a good SECDEF.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Geofencing at church is dead wrong

Geofencing at church is dead wrong
Efforts to spam Catholic voters will likely backfire. Few progressive minds will change, nor will non-voting Catholics decide to suddenly vote pro-life. The nefarious thing is using such data for fundraising. Indeed, the pro-life movement is more meal ticket for the few than votes from the many. Only Congress can allow using the police power to investigate how every pregnancy ends. It won't. The geofencers will never admit that this is what being pro-life really means. It would ruin their cash flow.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Impending bishop appointments set to put a stamp on US church in 2020

Impending bishop appointments set to put a stamp on US church in 2020
I wonder how much say Cardinal Sean has in these issues for the American Church, as well as the extent to which Cardinal Cupich is being groomed to replace him. Finally, will the new Archbishop of Philly get a red hat? That would certainly send a message to the culture warriors.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Divided nation: Looking ahead to 2020 in US politics

Divided nation: Looking ahead to 2020 in US politics
Politics for most people is a spectator sport. It is only important to players, fans and the media who cover it. Indepents often don't watch it. Indeed, unless asked, most people ignore it. When the Senate is reminded if this, Trump will be gone. The rest of the GOP team do not like him. If faced with who pays GRUdy becomes the narrative, the game is over. No President will ever be convicted. He or she will resign first.

The perfect phone call was a cover for the true story. Treason. Trump never wanted to release the aid at all, but got caught. If election meddling is the issue, Trump wins. Most voters trust their local poll workers. As long as that is the case, meddling is not the issue. Getting Zelensky to make a statement that will only be seen by Fox News viewers has zero impact in 2020. Pruning election rolls mostly gets rid on non-voters. It has no electoral impact either.

If Trump is in the ballot, enough people hate him in the GOP to stay home and no one really likes Pence. As for Iowa and momentum, Amy is the most likely winner. Iowa Democratic caucus goers want to select a two-term President. Only Klobuchar is the right age. Her win will muddy the waters enough to keep the game alive. If Amy is team captain and puts Booker or Harris on the ticket, her side wins. If Trump quits, the GOP race is much more interesting.

A Midwestern candidate will neutralize Midwestern bishops. If Klobuchar wins Michigan and Ohio, she wins, especially if she ignores abortion. If June is decided narrowly, no one cares. If it is unanimous in favor of June, the pro-life movement may not survive. Such a clear signal ends the debate, especially if the Alabama case is never heard.

Most people have not seen larger paychecks and even GOP bosses will not grow them enough for a Trump win. Without Russia in the Olympics, China winning diving and Bailes setting more records are as predictable as a Trump loss. Most people won't turn it on because nothing will be live. The only way the Dems lose is by giving Biden his turn. That would be a 2020 redux. Of course, Pence getting his turn may give Biden the win anyway. Pence has no answer to the question of why he did not invoke the 25th Amendment.