Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Links for 1/21/20

Links for 1/21/20
Institutions have responded to the power of modern media. This magnifies the tendency to put on a false public face. Filling the pews is a sign of apparent faith. Hiding child rape is all about saving face, as is the response to the public scandal by attacking gay priests.

Candidates pandering to donors is of the same kind, although less grave. It is a feature, not a flaw, in campaign debate. So far, it has not hurt Mayor Pete or Joe Biden in Iowa so far.

In Davos and the economy, they are all blind to the coming crisis in housing bonds, this time in over leveraging single family home rental properties.

It is not bigotry to respond to continued attacks on the legitimacy of the Church of England's ordination are valid, even in the face of Ecumenical Patriarch finding otherwise. Also forgotten is the role of the Church in attempted regicide and propping up attempts at revolution by a Catholic king.

It is bigotry to attack Muslims, although the video us a bit of a stunt.

The leadership of the Knights on politics shows why it is doomed.

It seems the main problem in all of these cases is self-delusion. It always has been.

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