Thursday, January 30, 2020

Links for 1/30/20

Links for 1/30/20
Elliot is right. According to Rachel "Doc" Bitecofer, who is the only analyst to predict the 2018 Blue Wave and explain the Clinton loss in 2016 accurately, any candidate running against Trump get 278 electoral votes - before close states. Of course, this could change if the nominee panders to feminists on abortion rather than, like Obama, says little about it other than to call the pro-life movement a GOP scam (and only then through surrogates). However, Iowa caucuses are the exception. They are very sensitive to whatever happens between now and Monday and the final delegate count there has nothing to do with what happens in the precincts. Ironic.

On Trump, the Democrats should be faulted for not running against Pence. SCOTUS is soon to hear a case involving absolute presidential immunity from information and, by extension, arrest. It is time to run against Pence now, including getting the issue of abortion and why repealing Roe is a partisan canard out there before October.

Catholic colleges could benefit from Catholic Social Teaching, especially with regards to allowing union organizing. Bishops should also stop resisting the NEA. USCCB objections based on Roe are partisan cover for their distaste for democracy at work in schools and church governance.

Everyone, native and immigrant, should have access to and payment for going to school (including a child tax credit and health care), from ESL to community college and the Church should provide such training rather than focusing on the college-bound.

The Internet only changes the minds of low-information voters, but does little to get them to the polls. Negative political TV ads are more effective - and mostly in the primaries.

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