Friday, July 29, 2016

Links for 07/29/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/29/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I have never heard of googling as a measure of an acceptance speech's success, but it makes sense.  It was a good speech.

I must have told God that I would rather have prayers than money, since it seems to have worked out that way.  Most secularists are not militantly so - and those that are usually are only hostile to clergy - especially the wealthy kind.

The Greens do have a set of activists who are conspiratorial.  Just ask some of them about 9/11.  Cyndy went to the right place.  It's not evil, it is simply distrustful of the common narrative.  The Libertarians fall for the same stuff.

I am not surprised that bishops hit GOP sites in election years.  The bishop is blaming bad things by bad people on the world ignoring God.  ISIL does not think that they are doing so, but they are as much a tool of their Imams as the movement is of the bishops.  Jesus said that bad things happen because they happen (very Zen of Jesus), but that the individuals involved should be prepared in their own righteousness.

Young pro-lifers are generally those that have never been in a serous sexual relationship.  Oncne they pass that point, they quickly become pro-choice.  I am not sure who is corrupting the young - their teachers who give them simplistic attitudes to complicated issues or life when hormones kick up.  I tennd to notice that after that age, the pro-life movement is mostly dominated by men.  Not a good sign that its not really about sex.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Links for 07/27/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/27/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Obama got into the Senate because Jack Ryan's campaign imploded.  These things happen.  They should run his wife.

Kaine has got Obama smarts.  He can use half his brain and outthink the big brain of Donald Trump.

Interestinng speculation on Kaine and Laudato Si'.  Of course, when it really comes down to reality, dealing with global warming is a huge public works project - largely benefiting the South.  When the money starts flow (maybe from a carbon tax?) the Republican South will have its hands out first.

The second night of the Democratic convention: Meet the Northern Methodist church lady | National Catholic Reporter

The second night of the Democratic convention: Meet the Northern Methodist church lady | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: This was a very good program, which was preceded by the Roll Call Vote and Bernie Sanders and the Vermont Delegation moving Clinton's nomination by acclamation.  It was the touch that was essentail to unifty most of the delegates (although some walked out).

Many of the speakers made me cry.  I missed Goveror Richards' little girl (I had not known of the connection) - but I think she did not mention abortion because she no longer needs to.  Roe is going nowhere - the only one who feels likewise, Justice Thomas, is  leaving the Court after the Spring Term - although Alito my hold that chair - he certainly didn't during the partial birth abortion case.  The people have mostly accepted the inevitability of first trimester abortion and the GOP won't compromise on the second (and the rare third) because then everyone would say that the issue is done. Hopefully Obama addresses it now as promised.

I loved Clinton's speech.  We saw her through his eyes - and anyone who knows her history knows she was a bookish chick in law school and has never been glamorous.  His speech put us right there and that is very humanizing.  You have to be a fan of the Clintons as people to be moved by it.  He also listed her accomplishments at State - something she was loathe to do because the ethics of a cabinet secretary are to give all praise to the President and not take credit for anything.  That is true is city and state government, as I experienced first hand.  I am interested in what Obama is saying, which is going to be on within the hour of my writing this.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Links for 07/26/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/26/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I would hope that Tim Kaine does what Pelosi did badly and Biden failed to do - explain why abortion legalization in America is not a parliamentary issue like it is in Europe (where abortion is less permissive and the Churches are empty) but is a constitutional issue and how that works - and why it is essential.  He gets bonus points for continuing the rather successful meme that the pro-life movement - with the assistance of the bishops - has become a fundraising racket and GOP GOTV machine - something we started (meaning I called my old colleagues at NARAL and they put into play) in 2008.  If he explains that Roberts and Kennedy are in the Roe camp and Alito might be as well, then with Thomas retiring, the prospects for overturning Roe are slim and none.  Then he can segue into the need for higher child tax credits - and explain why the GOP does not like them - because the GOP sees them as a reward for not sinning, with controlling female sexuality the real reason for their pro-life stance.  It would be killer and would help end this caustic debate, both in the public square and in the Church.

Trump is definitely the poster child for privilege, white and otherwise, and for using minorities for jobs white people would rather not do - while hating them for coming and doing them.  That, and his Islamophobia and his association with David Duke and other Klan figures is, in a word, damning.

Assange is the only person who actually knows that Russia did not provide the source for his latest leak that knocked out Debbie Wasserman Schultz.  Bravo to him for not revealing his sources - its how he gets his data.  As for other accusations, you expect such crap from authority when pricked.

My ex and I got married in a parish dedicated to St. Ann, also Romanesque.  Of course, that meant the light was bad too. The sunlight through the windows mas magical, however.

First night at the Democratic convention in Philly | National Catholic Reporter

First night at the Democratic convention in Philly | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: A lot of the Bernie people are new at this.  The convention is, to a large measure, about bringing them around.  I recall Hillary's people having sour grapes until the last possible moment - until she personally cast her super-delegate vote for Barack Obama - putting him over the top.  It was a class move that I hope is repeated today.

Hearing from people helped by Clinton and Obama is a great way to begin any convention Monday.  If MSW was looking for poster children for the ACA and the Dream Executive Order, there it is.  I did not see Sarah Silverman's piece, but there is no one like a comedian to deliver it straight when necessary.  I don't have cable, so I missed Senator Booker was well.

Michelle Obama had the best Trump take-downs.  She has been a good First Mother, relying on Hillary, Laura Bush and the Bush girls (and presumably Chelsea) to help them survive in the White House bubble (being studiously bored when used as props too much - oh, teenagers).  Her going from the micro to the macro needs of parents was killer.  Michelle 2024?

Elizabeth Warren was an effective curtain raiser for Bernie and party unity, bringing to the fore what we, as Democrats, believe in.  Even more than Michelle, she made Trump the issue.

Bernie did not give the speech of his life, but he gave the speech he promised, beginning to move his supporters to Hillary by claiming mission accomplished - but only if Democrats win the Congress and the White House.   While I would have liked one of the Clintons to have joined Bernie on the dais, that would be more appropriate had he been the VP nominee.  Kaine will get that privilege.  If Bernie casts the deciding vote for Hillary tonight, that is the time for the unity moment with Hillary and Bernie (and their wives and the Kaines).

Will last night make the difference between 1980, where Kennedy people obviously took a pass, and 2008, where Hillary people signed on to Obama?  Let us hope so - and let us hope that the Congress comes with her.  Now that will be a political revolution.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Links for 07/25/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/25/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: There are no important points on abortion.  It is settled law, with one, maybe two, Justices who might think otherwise - one of whom is retiring soon.  Any legislative compromise on the subject will essentially codify the status quo - no abortion after week 26 - and all terminations after that are by induction. Everything else is hype and fundraising.

538 is showing bounce. However, even the governor of Ohio does not think Trump will win there.  I doubt Florida or Pennsylvania either.  Or Iowa.  This map will look bluer after this next convention and will stay that way.

Our Catholic Man only finds effeminent priests (his real concern) because many of  the heterosexual ones had already left and the gay ones had no reason to.  Now they can pursue legal marriage as well, so watch their exodus or the Church may finally geek on gay marriage and married priests (and let some of those released come back, wives and maybe husbands, in tow).  The author seems like he is an authoritarian, which is why he is not alarmed by an authoritarian Trump presidency.

Four questions for the Democrats | National Catholic Reporter

Four questions for the Democrats | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: First, the Republicans offered the safety of authoritarianism (much like Chaput does).  Immigration reform is good - but repealing right to work laws is better (companies won't hire Mexican union members).  More importantly, go after the guns and ecourage police to forego them as well.

Second, Clinton needs an assist for registering Latino voters - have the justice department take a microscope to Texas and other places and seek out where there must be voter suppression.

Third, Kaine should explain why overturning Roe is a dead issue and giving more money to families - preferably a higher child tax credit and higher TANF for parents of both genders to become literate. Also, explain how being pro-life is a politicized view - that Trump and Palin called themselves that without knowing much about what it means - and that Trump was and probably is pro-choice.  Highlight that the pro-life movement has done more for Republican fundraisers and poll workers than it has for the unborn.

Fourth, get real on Hyde.  If we get to single-payer, Hyde is dead. Period.  And we need single payer.  Speaking out against the Quixotic ACLU lawsuit is fine, but not at the convention, which is about party unity.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Links for 07/22/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/22/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Knock was an apparition with no message except that God was standing with the people of Ireland.  Guadalupe was a similar message for Mexican peasants.  It is fitting that the Cardinal go after Trump's proposals there.

The Levittown story shows why Sanders would not have been a problem as President - because the House is surely changing hands.  Hopefully Mrs. Clinton will take a few pages from Sanders' playbook once elected.

I am your voice is a generic enough term to use without fear of plagiarism.  Of course, those of on the left look at his supporters and agree - he is their voice - and the message is one we thought had been silenced in earlier years.

America in peril, but not the way Trump thinks | National Catholic Reporter

America in peril, but not the way Trump thinks | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Thanks to MSW for watching the speech so we did not have to.  I had expected it to be the kind of stream of consciousness ramble we have come to expect of Trump.  He may have not been that bad, although dropping and repeating themes seems to be his modus opporandi - something common to people who are not all there mentally - which makes it easier, not harder, to run like Trump is - a two bit fascist.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Links for 07/21/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/21/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I had hoped that Vigano would have been more, not less, of an enforcer after his time cleaning up finances in Rome.  He was a sever disappointment who took the wrong lesson from his reassignment.

If the Trump delegates are not in it for economic reasons, then there has to be something else involved - like protecting white privilege.

Hopefully, Georgetown will add some perspective rather than going down the dark hole that Beckett and the Bishops are hiding in - confusing religious freedom for desires for religious power (other than the power of the truth - which is diminished if one seeks to back it up with force),

The GOP cannot help but be negative on Clinton, even if they base their opposition on ignorance and lies.  I am sure there are many in the leadership who know that their cause is lost again - and they are keeping the Republican attack machine warm for the next eight years - even if they are destined to be back in the minority.

Night three at the GOP convention | National Catholic Reporter

Night three at the GOP convention | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I guess MSW missed Laura Ingraham too.  Probably wise of anyone.  Cruz was good fun in the first speech of the 2020 election cycle - which indicates that he does not think Trump can win.  He can read polls.  Gingrich and Pence recycled the same lies, but Pence did give the best speech of the night.  I am sure the Trumps are thanking Heaven it is not tonight, because it is probably a better speech than Trump will give in prime time (if he can wait that long).

Eric Trump's speech was interesting - he should run for office - but recounting why his father is running - that things are bad and the Donald is the only one who can fix it shows a bit of psychosis.  Of course, the thing about psychosis (and with the Trumps it is shared psychosis) is that when you are psychotic, the fact that you are escapes you.  Hopefully it will not escape us tonight - assuming we want to torture ourselves by listening to what will be a tortured speech.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The second night at the GOP convention | National Catholic Reporter

The second night at the GOP convention | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Most of the remarks were either ignorant or lies (see especially McConnell and Ryan who blamed what was wrong with the nation on liberalism rather than their own obstructionism).  When Christie turned on, I tuned out because it was more of the same (lies and ignorance).  What was worst, however, were the piped in remarks of Trump, which he either did live or in one take and with very little rehearsal (or no teleprompter - or a badly used one).  The emperor truly has not clothes,

Review: 'American Jesuits and the World' Part 2 | National Catholic Reporter

Review: 'American Jesuits and the World' Part 2 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Sadly, the Jesuits get on board with the American project just when it gets to its darkest hours - the persecution of Filipino nationalists and our later 20th Century cold warrior stage.  Bergolio was friendly to the fascism of the day when he was provincial, but luckily he grew out of it and joined his brothers in, shall we say, a more liberated version of the gospel and theology.

One note on yesterday, the Protestants, when talking about religious liberty, also meant religious power.  The Bishops have joined with them as well in what is not their finest hour.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The first night at the GOP convention | National Catholic Reporter

The first night at the GOP convention | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The theme makes me wonder what time Trump wants us to go back to.  George Bush, Sr.?  George W. Bush?  Maybe the golden years of Bill Clinton? (oops!).  Even though there was no chance that I would be lured by their rhetoric, I took a pass on watching the convention last night - although while grabbing a bite to eat, I did see the immediate aftermath of the rules fight.  I wonder why the convention leaders were afraid of what would happen if there were a roll call vote on the rules?  This is the second time in a row this has happened.  At some point people will realize that the GOP leadership lacks a certain legitimacy and that may be why no one wants to vote for them.  Of course, there is one word that describes the shoddy due process and hate for racial and religious minorities.  Fascism.

Review: 'American Jesuits and the World' | National Catholic Reporter

Review: 'American Jesuits and the World' | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: There is always an "on the other hand."  The Jesuits were considered the shock troops for the Pope (a designation that no longer applied until, perhaps, Francis).  As the Pope had pretensions as leader of Italy, as well as Catholicism, some of the fears were justified.  Perhaps if the Popes had not damned Protestants for not being Catholic, the situation might have been different.  Indeed, calling them sects of western Christianity rather than Churches in their own right is still offensive.  As for the Bible, it had not been much earlier that the Anglicans had burned people at the stake for translating the Bible - but in the end the Protestants were right, the people have a right to the scriptures in their own venacular - even as the language evolves.  Granted, there is no excuse for persecution and bad behavior, but that bad behavior goes both ways - although more from the Pope's than the Jesuits themselves.  As presented here, its seems that this book does a good job of taking the Jesuit side, but not so much taking the side of history.

On the religious freedom angle - in democracies the the Church seeks religious freedom if it must, religious power if it can (see the 1950s) - in other countries it seeks religious power - and that is not something that should be defended.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Four questions in Cleveland | National Catholic Reporter

Four questions in Cleveland | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: First, to be fair to Trump, the GOP has not been inviting ex-Presidents for years because their presidencies both ended on a sour note.  Of course, had JEB been the nominee, they would have been in attendance.  Of course,the never Trumpers have themselves to blame for not organizing behind him in the first place (or having Mitt run again).

Second, it won't be Buchanan giving the nativist racist speech, it will likely be Trump.  Look for Pence to hit the conservative themes that Trump chokes on.  Of course, the Trump true believers may be saying all kinds of things.  Watch for them to get plenty of air time.

Third, if Pence is looking for a church he is sleeping in on Sunday.  Those of us who watch C-SPAN know who he is, someone who runs on right-wing economic policies, which means he knows nothing about economics.  Trump found a bigger idiot than himself. As far as his dog whistle conservatism, his function will be to make the 700 Club set comfortable voting for Trump.

Fourth, there are not enough angry white men to win the election - or even to get the convention broadcast gavel-to-gavel live.  Of course, FoxNews will broadcast it and will add their own spin.  The GOP is trying to Billionaire solution a second time.  They are insane, like their candidate.  Trying the same thing a second time and expecting a different result is the very definition of insanity.  Trump needs all the swing states to win - Hillary needs two at most.  The likelihood is that she will get them all and some of the pink states too, like Utah and Georgia.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Links for 07/15/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/15/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: EPA enforcement happens through state and territorial departments of environmental quality.  If there are sites not being enforced, its because of lack of funding and possibly corruption.  Hopefully the control board will deal with this.  It has nothing to do with either Clinton or Trump.

Silk reports that it is the Catholics who have left the White Evangelicals at the altar.  I would love to see the cross tabs and see how many of those who have changed are women - and what there attitudes truly are about birth control and abortion.  That Catholics practice birth control with no regard for Church teaching is hardly a secret.  That they are no longer listening to the authoritarian swan song of Trump is good news.  Call it the Francis effect.  Most won't even hear about the dropping of support for the Hyde Amendment from the Democratic platform.  While I am sure some authoritarian clergy will bring this to their attention, most will consider it a small issue and are wondering why we are still talking about abortion - since nothing can really be done about it in the legal sphere.  NARAL and the Obama campaign convinced many Democratic Catholics that the Pro-Life movement was a GOP scam (we were not lying).  That credibility is gone forever.

I am still amazed that when people speak about "Christian America" they exclude Catholics as a separate camp.

Private to MSW: Forward Together sounds like an interesting poster with Stronger Together.  Feel free to make buttons - but before you do drop the meme that Mrs. Clinton is covered in mud - it is only that which has been dug up and thrown by the right-wing extremists as part of their big lie campaign.  Please do not abet it by giving it mention.

Terror, Trump and the polls | National Catholic Reporter

Terror, Trump and the polls | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: It is very easy to manipulate poll results if you want to make it look like your guy is leading. Don't trust FoxNews or Rasmussen numbers. Indeed, no network wants to report that Clinton is winning in a landslide - it's bad for ratings. Trump will either have a bump from the convention - or if his acceptance speech is the same ignorant drivel he has been giving us - a dive. Clinton will get a bump from her convention as she proves she can play like one of the big boys. As for Trump being the law and order candidate, I ask, what are his credentials? The Trumpster has no clothes in this regard. Some voters still remember what a hash Rumsfeld and Cheney made of the Iraq war - and security is not what brought the GOP back in 2010 (redistricting and lying about abortion in the ACA did). That part of the electorate is fairly mapped out and I don't see it coming out and working for a fool.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Links for 07/14/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/14/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I am not sure why PR power cutting power to cancer clinics shows anything but the power company doing it's job.  I suspect it will be spun off and there will be more such.  No word as to whether the clinics were publicly owned.

Bernie or Bust is letting their inner child vent.  Most of them were never voting for HRC anyway and there probably not enough to even do much for Jill Stein (or Gary Johnson).

Margaret Sanger's views on eugenics are old news.  As for BLM complaining about their slogan being hijacked, they have every right too.  The pro-life movement would gain a lot more friends if they stopped being cute.  I suspect, however, that they consider Black Lives Matter as being in the opposing camp and a fair target - which is profoundly sad and shameful.

Political extremism on the left: Democrats and abortion | National Catholic Reporter

Political extremism on the left: Democrats and abortion | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The first point does not make sense.  Staying out of an individual woman's decision to have an abortion means not putting up obstacles to pay for it.  Fagothy's Right and Reason already states that war resistors and anti-abortionists who want to withhold taxation have no grounds for doing so because their involvement in the individual decision or the funding of the war is trivial.  Hyde goes beyond the response required by right reason.  It is symbolic at best - and with the possibility of single-payer insurance on the horizon - it cannot stand.

Repealing Hyde is a gift to the GOP, since it gives us all the illusion that they are doing something.  Of course, if the Democrats propose to repeal Hyde and nothing happens, it will show that abortion has become a non-issue.  That would be a relief for society as a whole, who are tired of the argument and beginning to get an awareness that there is really no question at issue (unless we raise one). This also gives women more of a reason to get out and vote - although I don't see how they have one greater than electing Hillary.

Clinton's best bet could be to show that the GOP and the pro-life movement are the emperor without clothes - doing nothing - and having no possibility of doing anything - save for Republican Get Out the Vote (sorry, Democrats for Life) and their own fundraising.  It's a scam and it's time to out it as one.  It is not being a jerk to tell uncomfortable truths.

The arguments will likely be on Fracking and TPP.  I don't see a Hyde Amendment argument in prime time.  Of course, usually platform fights amount to a few speeches on each side and a pro-forma voice vote with the result already settled.  I can't see anyone but Casey standing up for Hyde - and if he does it will barely be noticed (unless they boo him).

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Links for 07/13/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/13/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Don't give the USCCB any ideas. Of course, most people would just enjoy the week off of Church. Indeed, most enjoy it anyway.

It does sound like Fr. Lombardi and the Pope were reeling Cardinal Sarah in.  Indeed, I would expect that some of the recent reforms using stilted Latin translations will be undone before we further push toward pre-Vatican II norms that would move the Altar back to where it was.

It is good that Kim is going to Rome.  In the old days, they would have sent a priest.  Of course, I am all for ordaining Kim, should she wish it.

Clinton on the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Is she committed to a new trade paradigm? | National Catholic Reporter

Clinton on the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Is she committed to a new trade paradigm? | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: A few items. What will really make trade fair is employee-ownership of multinatinal corporations - with employees on both sides of the border having an equal ownership role, the same standard of living from pay and transfer pricing based on these valuations. The Federa Reserve and ts counter-parts should assure that a market basket based currency trading system is in place to support this. Sadly, the AFL-CIO seems allergic to this regimine.

TPP under such a regime would be wonderful, but that is the point that the remaining capitalists will deounce it. Denouncing TPP is not enough. The whole system sinc NAFTA needs to be taken apart and renegotiated, for they all have the same corporate protections against state power.

One thing also in need of mention is a Value Added Tax. While not a a tariff, a U.S. VAT would put us on the same basis for zero-rated export and VAT-burdened imports as the rest of our trading partners. Sadly, there is no mention of this in any trade debate.

Is TPP a big campaign issue? I doubt it. Trump has not shown that he is sane enough to be president. For most voters, the decision will end there.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Links for 07/12/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/12/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Speaker Ryan is pretty much a creature of ideology, which is why we need to argue about what is and is not data.  That is actually not a good thing when the person second in line to the presidency has trouble deliniating what is good information.

The new President and the new Speaker should certainly discuss things publicly, but I doubt that Speaker Pelosi would differ much from Madame President.  HRC gets to debate Trump - as pathetic as that sounds.  Still, thinking some of the states would pick up the slack from welfare reform in bad times is most naive - or that NAFTA was not a giving over of state sovereigny to multi-national corporations.  Still, Trump is worse on the naivete scale than Clinton.

I do agree with Tony, as does Bruce Bartlett, that the NRA defends guns for white people, rather than for those who are fighting back against state tyranny (in which case they would have to praise the Dallas sniper).  It's time to take the guns, as I said yesterday - from the police too (since they seemed to be laced with the kind of racism that Tony talks about).

Cowardice in the anti-Francis brigade | National Catholic Reporter

Cowardice in the anti-Francis brigade | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Let us remember what happened to American Magazine when Rome thought it had gone too far off the reservation.  I think it is time to prove that turnabout is fair play over at the other NCR and EWTN.

Apparently, the 45 malcontents don't believe that AL is part of the Magisterium (or alternatively, that the term Magisterium is out of date, since Francis did not use the usual magic words.  Of course, as I wrote yesterday, I would have preferred, for the sake of the dissenters, that Francis had actually announced doctrinal changes rather than a move toward greater pastoralism, whatever that is.  It seems that this would have been better for the right than it would have been for the left who were demanding change (and got subtlety instead).

Monday, July 11, 2016

Links for 07/11/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/11/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Gay marriage disapproval is simply an extension of disapproving of private sodomy. The Lawrence decision said that private opinions not withstanding, in the public square and in economics, such private conduct is none of the public's business. The public conduct of gay marriage is not sex, it's family formation - the adult right to designate someone you love as your new next of kin (which is why marrying your parents because you love them is not an argument, they are already next of kin). Religious liberty lets you believe what you want, but it is not an excuse to treat another person badly. Religious scorn is no more protected than yelling fire in a theater or a church. The line is not hard to draw.

The NRA is lying. The NRA says you should have a gun to protect yourself against government tyranny. After three police shootings in a week, I can see the POV of a black gun owner shooting cops as being a reflection of the NRA's views. Of course, they may only mean when that patriot is white and the President is black, but what they say shows their argument to be an incitement to what happened in Dallas. It's time to take the guns - from the cops too - and for the NRA to quit shutting up about out of control government and apologize to all of us for Dallas (because Dallas is on them).

The Lt. Governor of Texas is either an idiot or he is evil enough to pander to racists at a time of national tragedy. At least Abbott has no chance of being Trump's VP and having Trump win. (And at least Abbott showed some class).

What, Chaput was not invited to Louisville either? This is why those of us on the left wanted definitive changes to rules rather than new pastoralism. Sadly, Francis' spirituality precludes him from smacking these dinosaurs down, even as they are about to make things worse for people who want to come back to the Church. Of course, those who disagree with this august panel are simply going to Church and receiving the Sacraments anyway and most priests are going along with them. That has always been the case. Sadly, the new pastoralism was for those Catholics who are hung up with the rules. They can't seem to reach for the lifeline.

Race and guns: St. Paul, Baton Rouge and Dallas | National Catholic Reporter

Race and guns: St. Paul, Baton Rouge and Dallas | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: This weekend has nothing to do with Obama or the obvious racist backlash against them It does have to do with the racism of some police officers who do not have the manners to treat black citizens as citizens. I would rather police not be armed - and yes I would confiscate the guns in those areas where murder is endemic (like the south side of Chicago) as a public health measure.

All states should both ban assault rifles and prohibit people with a mental health diagnosis from buying guns (that includes me) although we should not go down the slippery slope of taking our votes away too - a mood disorder does not stop me from realizing that Trump is an idiot who should never be allowed to be POTUS. (He probably also has a mood disorder).

The one thing I have been posting all weekend, and the thought fits here as well, is that the Dallas sniper acted as if his group was under attack by the police and acted as the NRA would have had him act. So much for that philosophy. Any time a gun nut says that citizens need guns for protection from the state, I am simply going to say "Dallas." Its time to take the guns. By the way, Heller was an outgrowth of the castle doctrine, it had nothing to do with a general right to have guns and carry them everywhere. It is easily ignored.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Links for 07/08/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/08/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: In a world that seems dominated by Twitter, we note that good are taken far too soon (Mrs. Simon), while the vile remain (Mr. Trump).

Francis hit a home run with Cupich, who mediated rather than hiding behind his lawyers, ala Cardinal Law and many others - Cardinal Dolan comes to mind.

I will ignore NR and any wisdom from Weigel and his adherence to the conservative party line. Marriage should be both fun and sexy, even when there are problems. When there are not it is time to look at AL, because someone will divorce the other. I doubt Weigel has walked in my shoes in this and I know Chaput has not.

Notre Dame seems like it is building a world-wide brand - hopefully bringing students to America and making sure those going to Mexico are safe from drug war violence.

What the Cupich appointment means | National Catholic Reporter

What the Cupich appointment means | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: This is good news and I suspect it makes it all but certain that Archbishop Cupich will get a red hat.  He might even be on the road to be the first American pope (although that is not good news as that pope may be martyred according to several Catholic prophesies - or that could be Francis).  I suspect that the Archbishop will go into the Conference and treat everyone in a loving and respectful manner - which will irritate his enemies on the right to no end.  He is the class of Vatican II priest I expected - may many of them be made bishops.

I don't ascribe the rightward lurch in the Church to any over action during the spirit of Vatican II day.  I ascribe it to the election of the biggest critic of reform in the Council to the papacy.  That really was a conservative coup - despite his taking the names of the concilliar popes and his personal sanctity.  Had he not been pope, change would not have lurched to a stop and we would not be saying "And with your spirit" at Mass.  This is the group that takes reform back from the conservatives and it is a good thing, because we need it - especially in making sure child protection and the punishment of its opponents gets done.

Links for 07/07/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/07/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: MSW is being cynical. If there are attacks and Obama responds to them well, Trump won't benefit. He has all the xenophobes. There is nowhere to go for him but down, especially during and after the debates. This is assuming he doesn't drop out when someone tells him his assets (toys) probably go into a blind trust that even his family can't manage.

When the bishop walks into a room of rich donors, he is probably the one who needs conversion. We pray for the rich, by the way, so that we don't harbor resentments against them personally. It's part of Ignatian spirituality.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Cardinal Schonborn on 'Amoris Laetitia' | National Catholic Reporter

Cardinal Schonborn on 'Amoris Laetitia' | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Chaput sees God as an Ogre and the rules as a way to avoid damnation, rather than to live life.  Schonborn seems to be going beyond that, as does Francis and as did St. John Paul, although Chaput and Rigali did not understand.

I would quibble with Schonborn on insiriation  It comes from what is handed down and what is received from the past - but it also comes from the relationship with the Spirit here and now.  In that way, everyone is competent in the natural law that applies to them.  While the guidance of the Church can be helpful, it is not the end but the beginning.  The moral law is not a preparation for the next life but a guide to this one.

That Schonborn states that AL is about bringing the Church more toward reality is good, although it was not good to say that doctrine should not be adjusted officially rather than on a case by case basis.

One last thing - there is more to a marriage than sex - whether it is an original sacrametal marriage, a sacramental remarriage or a sacramental gay marriage (a marriage is sacramental when two people fully give themselves to each other before God, priest optional).  It is certainly not the property transaction of traditional marriage (which is why adultery was like stealing - a mortal sin - mortal because you forfeited your life as punishment) - but a mutual giving of each other's lives.  Sometimes that goes awry and people separate - but the need for union - way beyond sex - remains.  It is how we were created/evolved.

The thoughts and writings of clerics will never be able to revoke that - and they won't if we don't let them.  The civil power of the Church is gone in most places, so what they say about divorce and remarriage is inconvenient at most - it is not controlling in law - which is about right.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Links for 07/06/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/06/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The reason to nurture Democrats for Life, et al, is because they have the real answer to reducing abortion - increased monies to families with extra children. Their GOP counter-parts see this as a wedge issue driving pro-lifers into the GOP. They would also never support needed family and teen parent education subsidies (both father and mother), because ultimately they want to use punishment to enforce sexual behavior, not reward it with family subsidies. For the right-wing, its all about sex and countering the sexual revolution. I have no room for that. This message works for young people, but they usually rethink abortion rights when they can be in the position to have one - or realize that they can't so it's not their place to say. For the rest, the pro-life movement has run out of options. TRAP laws were their last hurrah, since overturning Roe has been a dead issue since the Court declined to use overturning Roe as the reason to justify the Partial Birth Abortion Act. Roberts and Alito may have joined Thomas on TRAP, but that is because they construed the statute as written rather than the legislative intent and effect, which was unconstitutional. People who are serious about defending life need to get over Roe (it is settled, after Thomas retires there are 0 justices in the repeal camp - the only other one was Scalia), and use economic measures to reduce abortion.

My problem with Kaine, Biden, Cuomo, et al is that they don't speak truth to power, i.e., the bishops. These are lawyers who understand how and why Roe is good law (until the unborn are counted as legal people, their mothers have a right to be left alone in their decisions) and that overturning it on Scalia and the Federalist Society's theory that this is a state issue is wrong. Regardless of the fact you call constitutional law opinion based, those opinions have the force of law and are not going anywhere - nor should they. Giving states these powers over private matters allows too much mischief (like opposition to gay marriage) and too much intrusion (like criminalizing sodomy and birth control). The Reconstruction era taught us one important lesson - state governments, especially conservative ones, can't be trusted. The Bishops should quit working with them and Kaine should lecture the bishops on this publicly rather than resting on his faith being a private matter.

I've truly almost had enough of debating abortion. All the issues are settled. Anyone who gives either side money may as well be sending it down a rat hole.

USCCB staff should be competent enough on the issue of abortion - and brave enough - to tell their bosses the truth about the issue as it stands (as I have laid it out). Of course, the bishops cannot handle the truth and would like fire anyone who told it to them.

Archbishop Chaput, Hillary Clinton, and the rules | National Catholic Reporter

Archbishop Chaput, Hillary Clinton, and the rules | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: On Clinton, whether she broke any rules on her e-mail server depends largely on the actions of her computer and security staff. This has nothing to do with her fundraising or her husband's sexual excess. We get that you don't like her, but we really don't care if you do or not. Maryland will give her 10 electoral votes either way.

As for Chaput, he is technically correct on doctrine - even about the sex - however if the desire is to bring these people back into the Church, treating them like adults sexually is probably smarter. Chaput and his self-referential celibates (sometimes including Francis) are largely ignored on sexuality and that is probably a good thing. When priestly celibacy is done away with, they might have a vaid opinion. Until then, meh. The fact is, a civil marriage is still a marriage and it is not fornication to have sex within it - especially as the adultery was committed against the other partner only if the other partner did not commit it first.

As for the gays, we knew Chaput would not be any source of inspiration - even to his own gay priests - who are likely blessing gay marriages behind his back,even now. Probably the straight ones too - and if not the resigned priests certainly are.

The sad fact of the matter is that, unless the bishops receive clear instruction in Magisterial language, they think they have freedom to ignore the new teaching. If Francis had been clear on changing doctrine, Chaput would not have room for mischief. You can't soft play Magisterial power and not expect that to happen. It seems like the liberals were right about wanting doctrinal change to go further - mostly because Chaput and his ilk don't do subtlety.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Links for 07/05/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/05/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Trump does not believe in ending free trade. He has made pandering to the working class his brand and is probably trying to steal Bernie voters - who universally are not amused by his antics.

I suspect that Ryan and company also wanted to save bondholders from the chaos that letting the vulture capitalists have their way would cause. Mitt never would have signed this legislation. I am glad the legislation survived poison pills on both sides on the composition of the control board. Who is actuallly appointed makes all the difference.

Richard Florida would likely have some things to say about this topic and how these cities, more than their surrounding areas, are hubs for the creative/diverse scene that Millenials have been raised to expect. Austin, Texas, of course, is an obvious choice. KC and OKC were a surprise, Richmond was not. As for rent v. buy, I am sure the people holding properties from foreclosure would like Millenials to buy, as the price is sure right if you have a job you are willing to keep. That is a big if. Many Mils are single, but don't want to end up that way - so they will buy when they want to start a family, like the rest of us.

Who will be Trump's running mate? | National Catholic Reporter

Who will be Trump's running mate? | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Trump needs to pick someone who will invoke the 25th Amendment when he snaps completely and can no longer serve as President, which would be January 21st,2017. He won't pick someone that strong. He will probably pick someone he knows and someone who won't outshine him. Does he know Mary Fallin? I could see Newt doing it. I could also see Ben Carson, although sometimes I doubt his connection to reality as well. That may be the point. He may pick someone to deliver at least one state - which could be Jeff Flake of Arizona (so that the anti-Trump vote doesn't take down McCain as well). He certainly won't be picking Romney.

I'm not sure he won't go to the convention and beg off. I don't think he really understands that the President can't manage his business while in office - nor can anyone who has contact with him. He won't be able to bear giving control to a blind trust - but I don't think anyone in his inner circle has told him - or his family - that this is the case. When he finally gets it, there may truly be an open convention.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Links for 07/01/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/01/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The Brexit vote came out the way it did because Cameron and Osborne imposed austerity on the UK. The EU was seen as another organ of austerity, so it was dumped. This simple statement should be mandatory reading for all conservatives. Neo-liberals should also look at it. Sanders call for free education would turn the working class into the learning class. Take heed. Think of what that might have done in Britain.

If everyone put Christ first, there would still be a need for divorce - as there are still people who put Christ on their lips and lead with a fist (with or without alcohol). The Pope's statement about the invalidity of many marriages still speaks volumes, as I am sure there are people who think they put Christ first everyday who leave their spouses because they feel unhappy, just like their mothers did. The Church must put Christ first and deal with the victims of such people with charity - not worrying about whether the marriage was valid or not, but dealing with the fact that it is over and that the person so abused or abandoned deserves love again.

I suspect that Benedict understands the term "gay lobby" differently than we would. In the Vatican, there is no movement to doctrinal liberalization in such a lobby. It is probably more of a dating club. Would that they would actually get off the codependent sin and confess cycle and become out and proud.

Happy (sort of) Fourth of July! | National Catholic Reporter

Happy (sort of) Fourth of July! | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Nationalism is essentially linked to authoritarianism (and even despotism) - and hierarchical organizations, such as the Church, find it easy to go along. Of course, the Church does not always go that way. Sometime it is militantly revolutionary (as in Poland and among the Maryknolls) and liberal. The language of the founders is not always the province of libertarians or nationalists. Indeed, I have appropriated it myself in the service of D.C. Statehood. Let us also remember that the Labor Marxists of the 1870s, particularly in 1876, used Marxist language when fighting the bosses. Ultimately, whether my country is right or not depends on the extent to which it allows dissent. It was not very good in the World War I era, when opposition to the war was punished. As for Spellman, his repeating of the right or wrong sentiment was part of the era's anti-communism. We now know that the Red Scare was more about defense contracts than any real threat. Let's not be fooled again