Thursday, July 14, 2016

Political extremism on the left: Democrats and abortion | National Catholic Reporter

Political extremism on the left: Democrats and abortion | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The first point does not make sense.  Staying out of an individual woman's decision to have an abortion means not putting up obstacles to pay for it.  Fagothy's Right and Reason already states that war resistors and anti-abortionists who want to withhold taxation have no grounds for doing so because their involvement in the individual decision or the funding of the war is trivial.  Hyde goes beyond the response required by right reason.  It is symbolic at best - and with the possibility of single-payer insurance on the horizon - it cannot stand.

Repealing Hyde is a gift to the GOP, since it gives us all the illusion that they are doing something.  Of course, if the Democrats propose to repeal Hyde and nothing happens, it will show that abortion has become a non-issue.  That would be a relief for society as a whole, who are tired of the argument and beginning to get an awareness that there is really no question at issue (unless we raise one). This also gives women more of a reason to get out and vote - although I don't see how they have one greater than electing Hillary.

Clinton's best bet could be to show that the GOP and the pro-life movement are the emperor without clothes - doing nothing - and having no possibility of doing anything - save for Republican Get Out the Vote (sorry, Democrats for Life) and their own fundraising.  It's a scam and it's time to out it as one.  It is not being a jerk to tell uncomfortable truths.

The arguments will likely be on Fracking and TPP.  I don't see a Hyde Amendment argument in prime time.  Of course, usually platform fights amount to a few speeches on each side and a pro-forma voice vote with the result already settled.  I can't see anyone but Casey standing up for Hyde - and if he does it will barely be noticed (unless they boo him).

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