Monday, July 25, 2016

Four questions for the Democrats | National Catholic Reporter

Four questions for the Democrats | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: First, the Republicans offered the safety of authoritarianism (much like Chaput does).  Immigration reform is good - but repealing right to work laws is better (companies won't hire Mexican union members).  More importantly, go after the guns and ecourage police to forego them as well.

Second, Clinton needs an assist for registering Latino voters - have the justice department take a microscope to Texas and other places and seek out where there must be voter suppression.

Third, Kaine should explain why overturning Roe is a dead issue and giving more money to families - preferably a higher child tax credit and higher TANF for parents of both genders to become literate. Also, explain how being pro-life is a politicized view - that Trump and Palin called themselves that without knowing much about what it means - and that Trump was and probably is pro-choice.  Highlight that the pro-life movement has done more for Republican fundraisers and poll workers than it has for the unborn.

Fourth, get real on Hyde.  If we get to single-payer, Hyde is dead. Period.  And we need single payer.  Speaking out against the Quixotic ACLU lawsuit is fine, but not at the convention, which is about party unity.

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