Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Links for 07/26/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/26/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I would hope that Tim Kaine does what Pelosi did badly and Biden failed to do - explain why abortion legalization in America is not a parliamentary issue like it is in Europe (where abortion is less permissive and the Churches are empty) but is a constitutional issue and how that works - and why it is essential.  He gets bonus points for continuing the rather successful meme that the pro-life movement - with the assistance of the bishops - has become a fundraising racket and GOP GOTV machine - something we started (meaning I called my old colleagues at NARAL and they put into play) in 2008.  If he explains that Roberts and Kennedy are in the Roe camp and Alito might be as well, then with Thomas retiring, the prospects for overturning Roe are slim and none.  Then he can segue into the need for higher child tax credits - and explain why the GOP does not like them - because the GOP sees them as a reward for not sinning, with controlling female sexuality the real reason for their pro-life stance.  It would be killer and would help end this caustic debate, both in the public square and in the Church.

Trump is definitely the poster child for privilege, white and otherwise, and for using minorities for jobs white people would rather not do - while hating them for coming and doing them.  That, and his Islamophobia and his association with David Duke and other Klan figures is, in a word, damning.

Assange is the only person who actually knows that Russia did not provide the source for his latest leak that knocked out Debbie Wasserman Schultz.  Bravo to him for not revealing his sources - its how he gets his data.  As for other accusations, you expect such crap from authority when pricked.

My ex and I got married in a parish dedicated to St. Ann, also Romanesque.  Of course, that meant the light was bad too. The sunlight through the windows mas magical, however.

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