Friday, July 15, 2016

Links for 07/15/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 07/15/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: EPA enforcement happens through state and territorial departments of environmental quality.  If there are sites not being enforced, its because of lack of funding and possibly corruption.  Hopefully the control board will deal with this.  It has nothing to do with either Clinton or Trump.

Silk reports that it is the Catholics who have left the White Evangelicals at the altar.  I would love to see the cross tabs and see how many of those who have changed are women - and what there attitudes truly are about birth control and abortion.  That Catholics practice birth control with no regard for Church teaching is hardly a secret.  That they are no longer listening to the authoritarian swan song of Trump is good news.  Call it the Francis effect.  Most won't even hear about the dropping of support for the Hyde Amendment from the Democratic platform.  While I am sure some authoritarian clergy will bring this to their attention, most will consider it a small issue and are wondering why we are still talking about abortion - since nothing can really be done about it in the legal sphere.  NARAL and the Obama campaign convinced many Democratic Catholics that the Pro-Life movement was a GOP scam (we were not lying).  That credibility is gone forever.

I am still amazed that when people speak about "Christian America" they exclude Catholics as a separate camp.

Private to MSW: Forward Together sounds like an interesting poster with Stronger Together.  Feel free to make buttons - but before you do drop the meme that Mrs. Clinton is covered in mud - it is only that which has been dug up and thrown by the right-wing extremists as part of their big lie campaign.  Please do not abet it by giving it mention.

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