Friday, September 29, 2017

Senate majority leader needs to be competent
MGB:_With Mitchy, you can never tell if he is failing or taking a fall. There have been times when he has quickly moved things through the Senate, like the 2010 and 2013 tax bills (probably the most important legislation of each year, especially the latter) or the Budget Control Act, when the real goats were Eric Cantor and the Tea Party (who cost an historic lowering of the national bond rating). Sometimes politics is Kibuki theater.

One has to consider that McConnel is taking a fall to preserve the ACA because people need it and the proposals to replace it are really bad. Indeed, he likely realizes that the ACA, or Romneycare, is as close to universal health care we can get in a voluntary plan with premiums. Indeed, it is Medicare for All if you like how Medicare currently works with premiums, copays and denying coverage to undocumented immigrants.

Sanders plan would turn Medicare into something more like Medicaid first and then transition private insurace into it by age group, funding through monopsonistic savings and payroll taxes (I prefer a VAT). The GOP won’t pass that. They won’t even pass a Pubic Option, which would actually make the last bill work, or maybe it would. The problem is not that the Majority Leader is incompetent, it is that the President truly is and the President could not act his way out of a paper bag.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Links for 09/28/17
Last Sunday was not protesting the flag, it was protesting Trump, which makes King Donnie’s remarks all that more petty, insane and dangerous. Mike Pence and the Cabinet, call the White House!

Weigel’s readers are not looking for a neo-conservative (although St. John Paul’s support for Israel and opposition to Russia probably qualify him) but an authoritarian, like Trump. The analogy is not unjustified, although outside the echo chamber it is not flattering.

The relativistic part is that it matters whether the Pope said it, not whether or not it is the lesser evil to avoid HIV.

I just thank Heaven this was only the primary. This may be good news for the Democratic nominee if it crystalizes opposition to the insane Judge Moore, who was more tyrant than Thomas More.

If a group of retired archbishops wish to debate the surviving Dubya writers over a bowl or two of Gellato in a Roman cafe, I don’t see why anyone should object. That is all the official response their eminences deserve.

COMMENTARY 'Filial correction' of pope marked by glaring hypocrisy, risible accusations
I discussed the flaws of their agrument and perspective yesterday in Distinctly Catholic and on my blog, Hey, Michael Sean! at Now, I will offer the more charitable explanation. It’s all true. Every word, at least in their world. They are cultural authoritarians and Francis is certainly not one of their kind. He may not even be a hierarchist and this rubs them the wrong way. Indeed, if Francis reaches out to them, they will hate him all the more. In their world, the Church should endorse dogma in the strongest ways possible for the preservation of our souls, since dissent from right doctrine is damnable (even though they cite seems to be more about pedersasty than pedantics). Indeed, they will cover up the former for the good of the Church, but they cannot abide the latter, especially if they disagree with what has been said or believe it violates what has been said previously. Is this a theological argument? No. Pure social science. They have become as predicatable as lab rats in a maze or Trump defenders in a Frank Luntz focus group.

As for the first part of Walford’s essay on infalliability. Either those passages on papal teaching are relativism (for Catholics by their Pope) or they still endow all Popes with Magic. The charitable view is the former, but authoritarians essentially believe the latter, except about this Pope. He does not seem to have the right spells for these Trads.

Kneeling at NFL liturgies
MGB:_This was not about holiness or respect for the flag, it was about protesting unaccountable police who know they can shoot black detainees, claim fear and never be prosecuted or convicted. It is about Trump backing the cops and the racist infrastructure that supports them, even to the extent of trashing the player's freedom of speech writes. The President's job is to protect and defend the Constitution, not to rabble rouse against its protections. He needs to be removed, either through impeachment, disability or resignation. Rober Muller, call your office.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

'Correction' of Francis reveals critics who don't come in good faith
This reminds me of Hillary Clinton calling Justice Watch part of a vast right-wing conspiracy. It turns out that she was right. Let us not ignore the fact that many of these Traditionalists say that if Francis has committed heresy, he has removed himself as pope. In other words, they are beyond flirting with Sedevacantism to suggesting it. They regard Vatican II as non-dogmatic but they don't understand that Dogma reflects Credal issues, like the nature of the Trinity or the Resurrection. 

In light of how the Evolutionary Paradigm has trashed their view of the Eden story (they think it literal, which is bad proof texting), perhaps we need another Council to redefine original sin and to move away from St. Anselm's transactional theory of salvation, and to put Dei Fidelus and the various condemnations against modernism to bed, the latest shot being Vetitatis Splendor.

There is a need for much reform in the Church. The Hierarchists have advanced a belief that God is an Ogre that must be placated so that people can go to Heaven, that keeping out of mortal sin is all important (no time for charity and no room for letting the government do it either, else we would be coddling the poor in their challenges in overcoming sin - it is almost Brahminism). 

In their Church, Jesus is not knocking so much to get out of the box as escape it. This is a Jesus that has mercy on women who cannot get pregnant lest it kill them but still want sex, the cancer patient who sees no life in front of him to mother carrying a child with no hope of a live birth. This crowd cannot bear the thought of flexibility. They also like controlling the Church's money and property hierarchically, who make the washing of the feet on Holy Thursday an empty ritual. They insist that all of this is irreformable, that Jesus will not allow change and if the pope makes it, the pope is a .heretic. 

The truth of the Church is shown that there are still those who would join it, and not just those from Anglican Ordinates who are fleeing female and gay bishops. Still, the Church is visibly changing around the Trads. They are dying off and Francis is replacing the John Paul bishops with spirit of Vatican II bishops which the Holy Spirit seems to have been hiding from the hierarchy (we were the altar boys in the 70s). The Holy Spirit is changing the Church, but she is moving with Francis, not against him. Indeed, She will move beyond him to renew the Church so that everyone will seek Christian unity, where the people have their just say over its operations and where none will be afraid of the Church taking over social services and education entirely from the government. The latter is impossible now, given the box Jesus has been put in. Slice the Magna Cappa it is wrapped in and let him out..

Advocates of the Extraordinary Form like it for its own merits and don't see it as an act of rebellion against the triumphs of modernism. That may be the case, but do they love the EF enough to stop trying to hold back the hands of time and silence the Spirit? I very much doubt it. Yet they wonder why there are some on the left who want to suppress the E.F. because it has become their rallying point. Seeing reality is not their strong suit.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Links for 09/26/17
MGB:_The Cardinal tells us what USVI is going through now, based on their experience with Hugo. This is a multi-year project to both rebuild and just get through it. The reaction of the little children is heartbreaking.

Thomas Frank is trying to tell us he told us so, but Naomi Klein still has the best election post-mortum.

Dolan can seem to flit from left to right with ease. I wonder what he would say about Pio Nono and Vatican I?

Those of us with disabilities, physical and mental, need encouragement to keep on keeping on. Any final friend should be administered when rehabilitation or recovery is impossible and with the knowledge that God is NOT an Ogre. Anyone who is trying to save us from going to Hell for violating the sovereignty of God would be advised to just shut up.

Merkel is no Green, but she is no Trump either. If anyone wants to know how Hillary would have done as POTUS, look at Angela. The neo-fascism is an eastern phenomenon, where the Soviets did not exactly work to expel the totalitarian urge from the populace.

Scholars say correction of Francis for 'heresy' marked by hypocrisy, lack of signatories
MGB:_This challenge looks less authoritative than the one posed by the surviving Dubia Cardinal has-beens. They don't deserve a papal response either and they would likely not understand my response, which tears their position to shreds.

Disagreeing with bad Church proof texting on Mark or St. Paul or the rambligs of whomever was writing for St. John Paul is not heretical. Heresy is about credal issues, not natural law arguments and certainly not about the discipline of the Church.

Misquoting Christ on divorce and Paul on Communion has become Catholic branding. It is a question of discipline, not dogma and the pope has wide latitude. I wonder if this crowd realizes that they are dancing on the line of sedevacantism, especially given their association with a Pius X bishop. They are the ones commiting heresy.

Monday, September 25, 2017

There is a justice issue at the heart of these hurricanes
MGB:_The  main injustice I see is that we are ignoring Cuba because we don’t like its revolutionary government. We quarantine it as if Antigua and Barbuda or Puerto Rio might suddenly go Communist if we reported on their tragedies.

The problem of the islands is that people live there. I am not sure it can continue but if it does, at least on the US side, the USVI and Puero Rico should be offered statehood, either together or separately, on much better financial terms than they get now and with full debt assumption. Either way, if there is tax reform that replaces most income and payroll taxes with consumption taxes and a high income and inheritance surtax, then they should not be exempt.

The other option is for Carribean unity. Instead of many nations, it should be a single nation or region inside a larger North American nation. This limits the elites from one island from dominating too much and provides enough ecoomic and social diversity to go beyond tribalism or the ferver of following one bishop’s reactionary ravings on abortion or marriage equality. Dominicans enslaving Hatians to harvest sugar could no longer happen if more people were watching. Connecticut could not succeed on its own before the Federal era. Why should Puerto Rico expect to have any diiferrent luck?

Friday, September 22, 2017

'Disarming Beauty' is work of evangelization for our time
MGB:_The essence of the question is whether one can individually find Christ in the modern world? Of course, both in the events of the Gospel and in an individual belief in Christ. We can even find that belief in commuity but we must abandon the notion that we must force that belief on anyone, even as we demand justice for everyone in His name. If we really trust God, we don’t worry about saving anyone else’s soul. They are entitled to their own faith adventure. If you like Benedict’s economics and theology, read the book (even if you think he missed the boat on relativism).

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Links for 09/21/17
MGB:_The sad thing is that Fr. James took a moderate tone. He did not make the case for celebrating gay weddings at Mass and did not explore the pathological history of Catholic sexual teaching, which is more Stoic than Christian. He called for dialogue, but the anti-marriage Catholics have lost in so many public venues that they can’t think straight, even about Francis, who has also said none of things that need to be said on reforming doctrne on sex and ordination.

Immigration would be funny if not so tragic. The entire debate benefits those businesses who would buy workers from coyotes and call Homeland Security if they step out of line. We need to simply end worker restrictions and right to work laws. Then only workers who are needed to fill out union vacancies at union wages will come to the U.S.

This was another speech that had the President’s Chief of Staff bury his head in his hands. How can he see how crazy Trump is without his VP and Cabinet seeing it?

I don’t expect charity from capitalists. Stakeholders should have become shareholders, although even then, the advance of technology may have killed Youngstown. If workers control consumption as a group as well as production then they will always find some way to both consume and make enough money in outside sales to finance what they cannot make for themselves (and if not, they need to have bought insurance to keep them going until something comes up).

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

'Catholic social teaching is a call to conscience'
MGB: Read the talk, it is phenomenal. Strong words for capitalist Catholics who believe the social doctrine is optional rather than a product of divine revelation (in this case, literally). Our current economy turns workers into slaves with few options to leave a bad job. If that is not slavery, there is no such thing. Religion here is not the opiate of the masses, it is their call to revolt, from Moses to the prophets to Jesus.), although cosumerism may be.

Paul continues the theme, linking eating and drinking worthily to sharing a just portion with the poor. This is the real story about sacriledge in Communion, (1 Cor 11) nothing here about avoiding it when in a state of sin. The state of sin is injustice. Being part of this systetm of inequality is sharing the injustice and the latest health care reform is the most recent insult on the body of Christ.

Capitalism lacks empathy with the worker, who is a mere factor of production. Jesus and his mother reject such nonsense. Just as he empathizes with us, we are to empathize with each other and the planet. There is no excuse for conformity. We are as responsible as the system. Workers and bosses of the world, Unite!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

'New Pro-Life Movement' co-founder loses job, attacked online
MGB:_If anyone needed proof that Steubenville or LifeSiteNews are Republican organizations rather than Catholic, this is it. That they are leaders in the movement is also no doubt. Connect the dots and consider banning these people from parish life, i.e. no more Pro-Life Action Committees. They are Republican front groups and not in line with Catholic Social Teaching, which demands public action for the poor and families.

Links for 09/19/17
MGB: Unless the goal is Medicaid for All (no copays, no premiums, no deductibles, Accountable Care Organizations aka HMOsd), then Universal Coverage under the Affordable Care Act is essentially Medicare for all. I have had all three in the past four months and all that is different is the payment schedule. It is Kaiser in all three cases. The questions are much we pay in fees, how much in taxes, how we deal with mandates and whether undocumented workers are included.

Since gang-bangers never come armed to Church, the Cardinal’s edict is all about gun nuts flexing their muscles in God’s house. How shameful. Of course, for schools, it is the gang members. Just as shameful. The counter-argument is also true. Anyone open to murder does not care what the Cardinal says.

If pro-lifeish is a warm puppies sentiment, if he can in, the Democrats will vote for him. If he has a secret plan to ban all abortions or overturn Roe, there might be a problem.

Fracking is not universal. If Oklahoma still allows it no one will be living or voting there shortly. Unless the damage it causes triggers an endless series of earthquakes in the entire midwest, the practice will bring its own demise.

Socialist literature is showing that racism and sexism are endemic to the Capitalist strategy to divide and conquer. Part of the cure is identity politics for as long as the alt-right is a thing (and when has it not been in the South).

Dana is whistling past the graveyard. Robert Muller will be coming for him soon. When the Ethics committee starts looking at expelling him, you will know Trump is also on the way out.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Focus on Mychal Judge as a 'gay saint' is problematic
MGB:_Gays do not need a celibate patron. They need someone with a companion or a pair of companions, like Blessed John Henry Newman for the former or SS. Bachus and Sergius for the latter. As for Father Judge, all know he is in Heaven, whether the Church recognizes it or not. His cult will not be resisted, regardless of who supports or rejects it, because it is all of us.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Republican aim at earned income tax credit punishes people who are poor
MGB:_Interesting juxtaposition of laws. One could gather that the GOP members believe that the poor and their tax preparrers are corrupt because they and their donors are corrupt. Probably a good guess. That EITC is already too complicated is why people, especailly those with only or below high school literacy need to use tax preparers in the first place. I have an MPA and I find that part of the form difficult. It would be better to put a floor on the employee contributin to Social Security, credit the employer contribution equally, remove the bend points and fund the employer levy with a consumption rather than a payroll tax (which includes profit).

 Instead of rewarding low wage employers by giving their workers a tax credit, raise the minimum wage and establish paid education programs at that wage for anyone without a job, regardless of immigration status. Increase the child tax credit to $1000 per child per month with pay (paid for be ending EITC, TANF, SNAP, child exemptions, and the deductions for property taxes and mortgage interest). The math works, but the willingnesss is not there, even among Democrats. At least we are sure the House measures will die in the Senate, including the additions to the Budget Resolution.

Magnum Principium' is latest event in 'liturgy wars'
MGB:_I am sure a hybrid would just tick everyone off, but I would go with
the 1969 introductory rite,
the more classic Confitior (with chest strking),
 the 1969Collects,
the Readings all in Venacular,
the more classic Creed with "of one substance" rather than consubustantial and referring to the Spirit as feminine as in She has spoken through the prophets (Jesus knew the Spirit as the feminine Shekinah, who are we to argue).
The offetory and secret from the 1969 version,
the dialogue for before the Prayer with And also with you at the begining and It is Right and Just at the end.
Understandable prefaces, the Sanctus is Latin, an optional short Eucharistic Prayer in Latin,
Our Father in English, sung with chant,
Kiss of Peace with full absolution and the occasional healing rite, Agnus Dei in Latin,
1969 pre-Communion prayer and response,
Silence after the communion song while Sacrament is being reserved,then congregation sits and song and collection commence.
Prayer and atiphon share page...

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Links for 09/14/17
MGB:_In a modern Noah story the floods are made by man, both through warming and not listening- to God on where to build and not build, but we have learned pretty well how to deal with the victims, from rescue with bit helicopters to mass provision of food, water, shelter and rebuilding aid. David is all wet.

I care little for either James Woods opinions on gay movies or his own relationships.

Single-payer is good if we enact a tax to pay for it. Let’s start with a Public Option first. Anyone on Medicare, Obamacare and Medicaid will tell you that for a lot of people, Medicare for All is not far from Obamacare unless thou make Medicare much more generous in eliminating copays and premiums. I have had all three in the past three months. With Accountable Care Organization (i.e., HMO), there is little difference aside from copays. Medicaid for All is better but not as sexy.

The Middle Class and the Working Class are different groups of people, especially with the virtual death of the union movement.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Reforming Catholic liturgy should be like updating software
MGB:_A very contemporary description of a recent series of changes, which is in contrast to the belief by some that the Mass should not change at all. The latter view is ahistorical, for it has throughout the centuries. No one is advocating bringing back the Agape Meal held in the houses of the faithful, which some believe were only conducted by the local overseer/bishop/pastor while others believe could have been conducted more like a Seder, by presiders of either gender. We simply don't know or the knowledge may have been suppressed. Either way, the USCCB can now determine how fast it wants to move. Barring a special meeting, the earliest they can decide is their Annual meeting. They could simply go back to 2010 or adopt the 1998 ICEL that was never implemented or they could decide to study and do nothing. They seem to be good at the latter. We will see what they hear from the faithful. I suspect that we will be saying "and also with you" sooner than many think.

Barrett's confirmation hearing shows Catholicism's power
MGB:_Barrett’s questioning could imply a few things. One, is whether she would recuse herself if her local Catholic bishop were to try to ban her from receiving communion if she followed precedent and upheld Roe (she has no authority to do likewise) or would she uphold Roe as required and explain to the Bishop why she was forced to do so? The other piece, also above her pay grade but still important is whether she would uphold the Fourteenth Amendment generally, which restricts state against those minority groups if feels behave immorally in their private conduct, particularly gays and women seeking abortions (recognizing that regulating abortion is permissible as long as it does not pose an undue burden at certain points of the pregnancy).

The question is relevant because Trump is going from a Federalist Society personnel list and the Society has a unique ”Scalian” take on the Fourteenth Amendment, one that could be described as neo-confederate. That Senators have to ask is no compliment to Catholics, but is a suspicion that some may have to fear their bishops, although that question was not asked.

It is not a religious test to ask such questions, even obliquely as Feinstein did. The Air Force and Navy ask Nuclear Weapons Officers if their morality would prevent them from launching a missile if ordered to. They are given a short course on just war and lawful orders to prime them for the question. They must answer yes or they are allowed to resign with no penalty. That is not a religious test, per se, but one as to whether your religion will get in the way of your job. Sadly, some Catholics, especially those favored by the Federalist Society, must be examined. Sadder still, unless they answer in a way to make pro-choice Republicans squirm, they may be confirmed anyway.

Originalism, by the way, is no longer a thing apart from historical analysis. The Court came to an agreement on how the views of the original founders saw their creation and even Justice Ginsburg can call herself an originalist.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Links for 09/12/17
We don't just live in interesting times, we live in extraordinary times.  That a pro-choice (I am assuming) Massachusetts AG would work with the Cardinal on immigration is not really a surprise at all. He is wise enough to know that the Church's common electoral front with the GOP is a sham.  I wonder if he and the AG talked about Roe and how it is not wrongly decided (you may not like the result, but there is nowhere to show in the 14th Amendment that the unborn are people or that it was not the intent of the drafters for it to be a firm check on states that attack minority rights).

Edgar Cayce said no one would want to live in Florida either, but his visions of it happening before the Millennium did not come true.  God voted on the question and sent Irma on the best possible path to not take any lives.

The Caribbean needs to unite into one country so it has the strength to tax adequately and tell bond merchants to go away.  Until then, their debt should be forgiven.

Steve Bannon likes getting ink. He is all about Steve Bannon. He thinks he is the new Karl Rove.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Steve Bannon is right: Church does need immigrants
MGB:_Why is Bannon getting a 60 Minutes interview? He is a has-been whose job is to tell right wing lies. You may as well interview Satan, although I am guessing he was not available. Like any devil, Bannon was right about the Church having problems, although some of them come from dealing with right-wingers like Bannon. It was interesting to agree with Cardinal Dolan on anything, but even he could see how off base Bannon was on immigration. Most Latinos, by the way, are not European (except the light skinned ones), but are mostly Native American. Imagine if Aztec people were given tribal rights. The southwest would never be the same.

No one is forced into Church or into a particular sect and the degree to which many poorer imigrants are Pentacostal should have the Republicans clamouring for immigration reform, as those churches are as likely to be filled. If we spoke more of the social Gospel (which makes workers more comforatable), I suspect Catholic Churches would fill as well, but the unreasonableness of the asexual bad news was the last straw for many Catholics who liked the Mass as a place to tune out, not participate. It is easier to ignore Latin droning than English unless you just stay home. In Europe, people probably stayed away for the same reasons, as well as guilt over letting the Nazi’s happen, folks like Bannon.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Francis decentralizes most authority for liturgical translations to local bishops
MGB:_The Hermaneutic of Reform has now been restored. Goodbye to Vox Clara. This was an obvious step because the bishops and cardinals from the world always outnumber those of the Curia, as it should be. Francis is from the former group. This comes in time for the USCCB to quickly take us back where we belong. I wonder if the printers have saved the files on the old translation. I expect so. I am sure some will object in strong terms. And also with you.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Fr. James Martin's works will outlast recent, childish Twitter attacks
MGB:_Ruse’s taunts are more junior high through drunken fratboy than second grade. They are meant to convey the view that the victim is an outsider or is disloyal to the common cause of faith. Resorting to such nonsense shows that Ruse has no real counter-argument. It is like resortign to scripture in a discussion on natural law, or more pathetically, Magisterial authority. Fr. Martin’s opponents just don’t have game. I too would would prefer he criticize Church teaching on homosexuality and so would Ruse so that there was something to attack. You can’t proof text a call to dialogue with either scripture or your favorite quote from Pio Nono. The champions of Catholic Homophobia don’t want dialogue. They know they will lose any open discussion where the Church is open to change, so taunts are all they have.

Of course, the fact that Ruse writes for Breitbart and Crisis means he should simply be ignored, even when he gets noticed. There are voices on the left who are saying very provocative things on the subject but don’t have a sponsoring organization. Write about us.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Links for 09/07/17
MGB:_It looks like we need to make Fr. Rey a cardinal so he gets a Vatican passport. His bishop should call the President about his case. Trump just may buy it.

That a Third Way organization would be up against a DLC candidate is strange, although they may be reporting, not advocating. There were some people who wanted no Clintons and no Bushes. They won, but at what cost? On transgender bathrooms, that is in response to GOP social trolling, not a new initiative by progressives, who thought we had won this issue decades ago.

Austin who? I have been following another Tweet Storm started when Bruce Bartlett called all Trump suppoerters racists. As for Catholic homophobes, read the NCR comments section. Funny and tragic that they are all Trads, which makes their entire agenda look more reactionary than spiritual.

If you have cable, Diary should be available on demand for a while for free.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Editorial: Fling open door for women
MGB:_The door imagery is quaint, but I had rather they had focused on the Pauline letters which reveal (darn those translators) that in the early Church, the apostalic witness was delivered by married couples who had seen the risen Lord. Only when these many had died did Overseers (you say bishop, I say pastor) take over that role of witness. It was later that a separate priesthood evolved to assist these Pastors and women were left out. Whether they presided, like men, over Agape meals is a matter for research and speculation. Because a Church in hiding did not record these events individually, we may never know and it does not matter. This fight is about the nature of change in the Church. There are those who are preservationist or reactionary who don't see the Church as ever changing. Others recognize that it is ever changing and always has been. It is an old fight that will never be settled, although ordaining women would likely be a tipping point.

Once women are ordained, the claim that anything but our witness to the Resurrection is unchangeable is mute. Of course, we can’t just ordain celibate women with the same bent toward asexuality that many celibate men have (or the acceptance of it by gays running away from their sexuality, other gays simply honor the promise by not marrying their lovers). If we ordain women, we must ordain single and married, gay and straight (and, yes, asexual) women and men. We cannot join the sexual revolution in only one aspect. This focus on otherworldly chastity must end for all but those created to pursue it, because sadly Paul, while he dealt with women as equals, brought his personal sexual quirks with him into his teaching. We can honor and respect that, but we need not perpetuate it.

We should keep fighting for DACA, but DACA is not enough
MGB:_Ideally, there should be no immigration restrictionsm, no right to work, drug or anti-prostitution laws. We would quickly find that coyotes could not sell their human product if undocumented workers and prostitutes had recourse to the government for their bad treatment, rahter than the threat of arrest over their heads for seeking help. Without the demand for shadow labor, it would stay home. You would think the ”Freedom Caucus” would support something like that, but they would recoil at real liberty or at programs that would rescue prostitutes, organize workers or treat addicts, which would treat society’s scape goats like human beings.

In the interim, there is an easy solution. End the requirement that applicants for Student and H-1B visas have valid information status at application. Also, give Mexican workers the same NAFTA visa rights as Canadians. It is racist that this is not the case. To deal with the backlog, increase the fees and hire more processing staff or contract it out. Where there is a will, there is a way. There is no will. Immigration battles are the Republican xenophobes fighting the honest Republican busienss sector fighting the shady GOP operators. Sadly, the Democrats enjoy the battle, so don’t count on them to push a settlement that might give anyone a way out.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Links for 09/05/17
MGB:_Buddy Hackett had a great routine about Jews and Methodists. I suspect Elizabeth is more a social justice Methodist than Hillary.

Taxes should always be the litmus test for Democrats. Still, it is not supporting abortion that is important, it is supporting the fact that state governments are constitutionally incompetent to deal with that question and most questions of personal moral rights and liberties. A governor will never give the right answer on that question, but should if he wants to be a Senator in the Democratic caucus.

LifeSiteNews has no reason to call Francis a Communist. Maybe a liberation theologist, but not a Communist. Now Benedict, there was a good Marxist. There was even speculation of Marxists in the Vatican when Caritas was released. It was at least Social Democratic, which is Marxian. Anyone who isn’t should realize they are mouthing the Calvinist line and repent. Even and especially at the National Review, which is more and more becoming the National Republcan.

Larry Summers is an uber-capitalist who seems to have his finger in the air. When the winds are blowing toward socialism, he is arguing for the government regulation he should have encouraged under the Clinton and Obama years. Obama got a start at reversing Reagan and the Bushes (and Clinton), but was blocked by Congress. I hope Larry puts his fundraising where is keyboard is, but no progressive POTUS should ever give him another job.

The private Reagan had more of an edge than the public one. I recall the staffer of one of his advisors relating what Reagan once said him about his being the advisor and Reagan being the GD President. Sadly, Alzheimers took that edge away and, like Mrs. Wilson, his staff kept the show going when they should have thrown in the towel. There is a lesson here for Trump’s staff. Walter Reed’s presidential physician, call your office.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Remember the worker, thank labor
MGB:_Pershaps the worst evil promugated by the Reagan and Bush Administrations, especially the last one, and the current Republican Congress, is the defanging of the Department of Labor and the NLRB in its capacity to assure that labor unions are protected in the halls of business and government. It is not the economy that ruined unions, it is regulatory and tax policy. Lower marginal tax rates on the wealthy give investors and CEOs a strong incentive to go after workers and their unions and pocket the wage cost savings. Higher tax rates kill that incentive because the health of economies and companies is better served by a well paid work force, not wll paid executives, but give those executives the right to keep more money and cut they will. Good for fighting inflation, aweful for economic growth. Unions are most necessary because most labor markets are not free., Wages are paid in monopsoistic markets determined by hierarchies, not bargaining. Unions facilitate bargaining.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

With robots on the way, human labor challenged to keep its place
MGB:_In the end, the people must own the robots, not just the investor class. They must also own their own labor. Binary Economics and Distributism are making progress in these areas, as are cooperative (and democratic) socialism. Robots do make life easier for workers, although both design and distribution are less advanced, although Internet ordering, automated warehouses and self-driving delivery trucks using electric power could replace the whole retail sector, although too many people like to shop for that to happen. Indeed, to put workers in charge of the means of production they must first be in charge of the means of consumption. Healthcare, repairs and growing our own hydroponic vegitables, stem cell meats and chickens will probably insure human labor. The point is, how we do that should be up to us, including how we pay for it. I prefer cooperation. It beats continuing to labor in hierarchical capitalist slavery where others decide for us. Yes, I should have been in Rome.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Illinois sees hope for education, good governance
MGB:_Once the willingness to compromise was shown, the details were pretty obvious. It would have been better to just directly fund all schools, allow all teachers to unionize and raise taxes to cover the additional costs to the public treasury, however the Blaine Amendment is in the way. The funding plan legislated goes around the Amendment, which in a way is too bad, because it is likely unconstitutional and needs to fall. It could, of course, be repealed, but the NEA, rather than the Protestants who adopted it, would object strongly unless private schools were opened to unions. I wonder what the Cardinal would say about such a tradeoff?

Catholic schools will help troubled neighborhoods, although they may have left because of the troubles, rather than their leaving being the last straw. The new legislation is a good start, but there is a long way to go.  Make social benefits, like the minimum wage and the child tax credit, adequate ($15/hour, $100)/child/month), with paid literacy and job training for anyone after sophomore year at the higher minimum and an end to the drug war and amnesty for prisoners and these neighborhoods will turn around overnight.