Saturday, November 9, 2019

Just another Friday

I listen to the quotes from Anonymous and the latest transcripts from Fiona Hill and wonder whether Donald J. Trump is competent to hatch a long term plan to trade Aid for Dirt. Hill and other witnesses indicate the Mick Mulvaney gave the orders, claiming presidential authorship. Really?

If Trump has the attention span of a cicada, I can't see it unless Trump is really Anonymous and his presidency is a false flag operation to kill the Republican Party. If I were writing this as a work of fiction, it would be the perfect end of the story, except for the sadism on the southern border and Trump's past history of incompetence. It is more likely that he both senile and bipolar, given his grandiosity and sexual and financial histories. Sadly, this American tragedy is all too real.

Could Mulvaney be Anonymous? He has certainly been in the Trump orbit long enough. Could Aid for Dirt be his way of disposing of Trump where Mueller (who should have had Trump arrested) failed?

Is Mick a conservative ideologue in a candy store, killing everything he touches from the OMB to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to the White House? Worse, are he and Vice President Pence simply idiots. They certainly gave that impression when they were in the House together, fighting against the poor in the name of deficit reduction. Are they clueless about the harm they cause and so inept that they had to be caught eventually? Either option is awful for America.

We will know soon enough.To think that at some point, Republican Senators will let congressional hearings continue to the detriment of the Party is a failure of imagination. Once the Supreme Court denies Certiorari in the Mazar's case, the dominoes will fall very quickly. Tuesday's primary results in Kentucky have to be sending a chill up Moscow Mitch's spine.

In today's other news, Mayor Mike Bloomberg has entered the Democratic race, ostensibly to keep Warren out of the nomination because that would give the election to Trump.  If he and Tom Steyer are so worried about Trump, they would run as Republicans. The GOP likes billionaires.. Either of their campaigns would bring sanity back to the GOP, and with it, the nation. To not see that Trump will not survive until election day is a big reason that neither is qualified to be President. No instincts.

If the Republican Party dies as the party of MAGA and Leningrad Lindsey, the Democrats will likely split into rival camps with the Neoliberal Clintonites on one side and Warren and Sanders Socialists on the other. If that is the case, Mayor Mike would be the ideal Neoliberal leader. Biden has a 2024 problem. So does Sanders.

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