Friday, November 8, 2019

The seven deadly sins of Donald Trump

The seven deadly sins of Donald Trump
Sin requires agency, the ability to act sanely. Trump is not sane. His behaviors, grandiosity, sexual excess, out of control spending, insomnia and tantrums are all classic symptoms of bipolar disorder. He simply cannot help himself, so the fault is not his.

Donald Trump is a cash cow and his enablers exploit his excesses for their own gain.  He inherited his father's retainers in the Trump organization. Their livelihoods are dependent on spending the inherited Trump fortune when they should have intervened for his benefit.

Trump's children should have done so as well. Growing up Trump likely has distorted their reality and any sense if morality. Loyalty triumphs over truth and courage. Involvement in their father's schemes is heady stuff. They are willfully blind to their father's dysfunction when they should be The one's protecting him from himself.

His immediate staff, who experience his dysfunction on a daily basis, love their positions of power rather than their boss, yet they do nothing.

Robert Mueller and the members of the last two Congresses have acted with cowardice. Instead if acting with courage, they took familiar paths. Instead of building a case against Trump, They should have arrested him. It would have been worth it for the nation and more charitable to Trump himself.

Trump's main sin eater is Vice President Pence. Unless he is a total idiot, he had the capacity and freedom to act. Pence, as a constitutional officer, cannot be fired, yet doing so is one of his main constitutional duties. Instead, he is Trump's chief enabler. The President's actions are his sins. He bares these in hope of future gain. As justice would have it, Pence may be forced out sooner than Trump for involving himself in Trump's crimes. He is the one who should have known better and did nothing. History will not treat him well.

History shall not be kind to us as well. Our sin is less in magnitude but if the same kind as those who supported or tolerated the slave power, Hitler and Stalin. We have used our brother Donald as a partisan cause rather than loving him, as required by the Lord. Perhaps our sin is worst of all.

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