Friday, November 22, 2019

Who would go to jail for Donald Trump?

Who would go to jail for Donald Trump?
Giuliani, Pompeo, Perry and Mulvaney have likely become or already had been targets of the investigation, the criminal kind, not the impeachment kind.

The main issue for prosecutors is whether Pence is involved in any of Trump's crimes. They may already have some answers on this, (ask Rick Perry) or will once the claim of absolute presidential immunity is laughed out of the Supreme Court. The prosecutors will then decide whether to offer the Vice President a deal which includes his resignation and invoking the 25th Amendment. Acting Cabinet Secretaries still get to vote

If Trump is smart, he will quit before Pence has to and hope for a pardon. If he tries to pardon Pence in hopes that Pence will return the favor, the honorable thing for Pence to do is quit. Any other action would end the GOP forever.

Trump and the press hold onto the meme that they will rule partisanly on this issue. They won't. Indeed, unless they see a flaw in U.S. v. Nixon, they won't hear the case. They conference on Fridays. If Respondent briefs have been filed, the Court could decide on Trump's petition to quash on Mazars today and could announce on Monday, if not sooner. Once one motion to quash is rejected, all blocking actions will end.

When embarrassing information starts flowing and McGahn starts talking (his subpoena case is due for a decision on Monday, if not sooner), the Senate Republicans will save themselves rather than covering for Trump. Cue Senator Graham for the role of Brutus. Et tu Lindsey?

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