Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Links for 9/10/19

Links for 9/10/19
The question before us is about mitigation. Do we prevent further damage with a crash program to develop He3 fusion, which the fossil fuel, power and car companies do not want while their current lines are profitable? Do we resettle climate refugees and upgrade their skill levels for a better life, making them harder to exploit as cheap labor? Do we continue to subsidize beach house owners for every hurricane or cap what we reimburse, making them more interested in climate change? Can we stop the influence of capitalism on government so that we can make progress on any of this or does talk of eco-socialism scare away even our friends and damage electability?

Expect the GOP to quickly come up with non-partisan redistricting once the possibility of catastrophic loss sets in, although they might wait until 2021 to kick and scream. Like on warming when (if) we put their beach houses at risk.

Talking about goals is like talking about hope and change. We need specifics. even if Obama did not. The goal is winning in every election. With a Blue Wall of 278 against Trump, the key is energizing the base. The real question is whether Pence 2020 changes the map.

How does the abortion debate matter in either case? If it does, talk about it now, not a year from now. Biden, Warren or Harris could advance this debate, but for different reasons. The question on Biden is if he can survive long enough to be elected and complete a term. Two is fantasy.

Unlike his predecessors, Francis accepts human evolution. Adam and Eve are metaphor and the fallen state metaphor dies without them. A new metaphor on human suffering must replace it, but how can you justify not ordaining women if they are not the vehicle of sin? What if salvation were about our welfare rather than divine retribution? What if the human environment rather than stewardship is made the focus? See above about capitalism.

What if religion needs to get itself before secularists need to understand it? Maybe secularists give us a mirror we very much need. Maybe the question is not religion without God but God without a personal stake in our affairs other than our happiness. How does that change how we deal with Zionism and the reason people martyr themselves in reaction to it?

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