Friday, June 14, 2019

Links for 6/14/19

Links for 6/14/19
Trump is an idiot, to deal with climate change we need to deal with capitalism and whether Trump is running depends on whether Pence is implicated. If yes, Trump will be impeached, if not then impeachment is not worth it.

Catholic Democratic Candidates do not to advocate for any abortion law. Neither the Alabama or N.Y. has real jurisdiction. It is an entirely federal issue. The Supreme Court will not even hear a case. To do so risks impending everything since Plessy, which cannot be allowed. Since the Indiana abortion law's protection for female and Down's fetuses was overturned per curiam and the Louissiana law will likely be as well, It shows that Thomas is the only anti- Roe justice. This needs to be explained rather than defending abortion rights as a feminist issue. Further, they must explain that the only way to reduce abortion is a much higher child tax credit distributed with pay and that they will and the GOP won't. Life and eeconomic equality need to be made a single issue in Faithful Citizenship.

Vatican II made not Catholicizing any nation a matter of doctrine in Dignitatis Humanae. It is time to connect the dots between this and pluralism, including on abortion. Gillibrand is not wrong, she is just not explaining it right. By the way, free will does make not only democracy but individual rights the only defensible position against the tyranny of the authoritarianism of certain bishops.

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