Thursday, June 20, 2019

Links for 6/20/19

Links for 6/20/19
Not bothering with Falwell family filth. As for Barr, there have been a lot of over-the-top allegations. It is equally plausible that he is the bright shiny object to keep Trump's eyes averted while everyone wonders about what they cannot say - is Pence involved? Pelosi is waiting until we know. That will be blogged about today.

I just wrote testimony on migration.It will be published next week as the hearing begins. It's worse than you think. Canadian and Mexican workers are treated differently in NAFTA. It is also better than you think. At least Mexico is finally growing union rights. Tipping your housekeeper is essential (especially if she needs an abortion, since she likely has no union therefore insurance and Medicaid won't pay). Still, with the work she does for you, it would be unconscionable not to pay her (or your taxes if Hyde fails). The answer for migrant workers rights, documented or not, is a union. If you do not want to feel guilty about that morning glass of Orange Juice, actively work to repeal right to work laws, which are really right to own slave laws. See next Wednesday.

Money is very important to both camps on abortion rights. If it were widely known how firmly settled Roe actually was, neither side would get a dime or an hour of volunteer time. Before the term is up, we will see if June v. Gee is granted Cert or is simply decided Per Curiam. Per Curiam means that there are less than 4 votes who want the issue to ever come before the Court again. There is likely only one and he is the most senior justice and most likely to die first. I have also been writing about this - a lot. For both Pelosi and Abortion articles, see

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