Thursday, June 27, 2019

Links for 6/27/19

Links for 6/27/19
People still feel more betrayed when the celebrant of the Eucharist is the offender or when they must participate in Omerta.

There is good reason to support either a wealth tax or a pre-paid income tax - grandchildren have to pay it. The obligation to repay the debt relates to income. It is not a per capita thing.
Conservative states also pay more if they insist on a tax done by population apportionment, since they are generally poorer. Income taxes are much better if the goal is debt payment (or general government). See

I am still thinking Harris will get huge momentum in South Carolina, the South generally and her home state. Maybe two women? The question is moot if Pence is indicted by the Mueller grand jury, which has two open investigations and whose two-year extended term runs out in about a week. If he is cleared, there will be no impeachment (why trade Trump for Pence?). If he is indicted and resigns, he will speak out against Trump, who will be forced out and Pelosi will be the first woman president. Whomever she picks as VP (assuming Mitch does not block the nomination), will be the next nominee. When Trump is eventually convicted, he will need a special prison. Since all of his assets will likely be sold by SDNY, one should be set aside to hold him and his kids (and maybe his co-conspirators. He needs to see them leave while he stays to tend the golf course as a convict.

Every candidate needs a mix of political hacks, congressional staffers, ivory tower and think tank personnel if they want to win, especially in November.

The PR Control Board Chair needs to ingratiate himself to get whatever part of the bailout must be funded by Congress and signed by Trump. It is his job to make that happen (along with the rather useless Governor). Whatever the Board does will likely be reviewed by the Court with both citizens groups and creditors filing briefs.

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