Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Links for 8/25/20

Links for 8/25/20 

The question is not why Fr. Martin is pro-life, but how. There are three hows. The first, which Fr. Martin and MSW demonstrate, is by witness. This one is a keeper. I am going to save it for its own post and put it in my book based on this blog.

The President's Chief of Staff is in Tea Party mode. The best deal will be made by Pelosi and Mnuchin - largely because Mnuchin needs the money so that his tenants can make their rent and service the bond debt on his rental housing empire. Meadows is probably in the dark on this. I doubt Pelosi is.

On COVID itself, while public health professionals are citing masks as why cases are down in hot spots, the science will eventually show that the virus simply burned out. As Trump says, it magically went away. The coverage of the latest study does not mention sneezing. By the time you cough, there is likely immunity present. Like any corona, it spreads when you are sneezed on - usually in private - where masks are not worn. 

The message did matter at all, nor did masks. The disaster got bad because the CDC did not cold symptoms in their messaging. The fault of the White House is in serving Trump rather than the people. Any good analyst would have pulled up the experts on dismissing the true symptoms for P.R. purposes. 

Trump is also correct about more testing meaning more cases. The metric should be whether students or care takers actually get sick. So far, the science says no to the first and will probably show no for the second. If you are around kids, you get immunity, If you are isolated, you don't. Listening to the CDC on hand washing and social distance will make us sicker the next time, Play in the dirt.

Being a Trump acolyte is no more a path to election than being a Tea Party nominee in the Senate races. Of the three famous Tea Party nuts, none won in 2010 and only lost in 2012. Rand Paul won, but mostly as a libertarian, not a Tea Party member.

On election night, once the early mail in voting results are in, the election could be called. It will take hours of waiting until California closes to get many returns reported because one they report, people stop voting. The manager of the Postal Service broke the 11th Commandment. He got caught. The old days when local politically appointed postmasters could rig an election are gone. Getting caught means that mailing early means there will be no doubt on election night as to who wins.

Puerto Rico has played the perfect colony for too long. It is to the U.S. what Ireland is to England. The elite like it that way, the middle class has gone stateside and the poor do not have the power to overthrow their masters. The middle class makes revolutions and throws crumbs at the poor from afar. Any help is good, but P.R. is a hard case. It is better off in a Central American union of nations (or states). Yankee go home.

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