Monday, August 24, 2020

At the Republican convention, look for Trump to play the bully

At the Republican convention, look for Trump to play the bully 

I won't be watching this spectacle. I never watch Fox News. It will likely have negative bounce, like a slinky on stairs. If it were not for the testimony from his family, I would still think that his presidency was all an elaborate con to destroy the GOP. It has certainly decapitated it. The only news that could come from this convention that matters would be a largely party (rather than Trump) loyalist delegate pool.dumping Trump. Cy Vance won at the Federal District level. If the appeals are not heard, he could save the GOP by arresting Trump and asking for a gag order.

1 comment:

  1. If I were to watch, my polyp removal procedure/alien probe would be the second worst pain in the you know where this week.
