Friday, August 21, 2020

The Democrats' virtual convention achievement: The message got out

The Democrats' virtual convention achievement: The message got out 

The speeches by Biden and Harris were fine, even powerful, but the thing that got me was when Biden's opponents dished on supporting Joe and when each candidate was introduced by members of their family. What we remember most strongly are the emotions evoked. This is why Bill's speech endorsing Hillary was so good. 

Conventions are a placeholder until the debates, where a single statement can move mountains of voters. Even though his boss one, "You are no Jack Kennedy" forever diminished Quayle. I liked Obama for his tax reform (which was put together by Austin Goolsbee), but when McCain pointed to Obama and said "That one" an entire generation had one thought - "I'm for that one!"  I even ordered the button. Hillary lost in 2016 by taking the bait on partial birth abortion, likewise, Carter lost because he talked about discussing nuclear war with Amy. Read my lips did nothing for or against Bush - he just could not emote like Clinton.

All of this shows why the framers wanted the Electoral College to actually work. A committee of regional vice presidents and the leaders from regional House and Senate caucuses would give us a less emotional result to select the person with the nuclear codes.

On August 5th, Trump changed directions on whether the GOP convention would be televised. The question is whether the GOP will honor his wishes. The prevailing media opinion is that the execution of Cy Vances's subpoenas for official copies of Mazars, Deutchebank and Capital One Bank will push disclosure pasy the election and begin the grand jury process. 

I suspect that the 2nd Circuit and the Justice Ginsberg will quickly deny any appeal by Trump to withhold the documents and that once the official copies are delivered, an indictment will be handed down and Trump booked. Whether this fires up his base or has cooler heads force him out is the open question, but if the wheels of justice move by Monday, the convention may go dark, as promised. 

I know I have been predicting this for the last few years, but any clock is right twice a day. If Pence becomes the nominee, everything done this past week will need minor readjustment. If the GOP goes with someone else, the entire apple cart will be upset. Without Trump's incompetence as an issue (or Pence's cupidity), Biden's age will become an issue.

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