Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Fr. Jeremy Leatherby and the politico-theological complex

Fr. Jeremy Leatherby and the politico-theological complex 

Church Militant is fringe and should be ignored. Let the theo-cons have their fun. God will not hold it against them. God is not an Ogre. Few who view them read NCR unless they are told to troll you on Facebook. As for Fr. Jeremy, he has the courage of his convictions, so his conscience is clear. He is right, people need Mass. SARS2 only kills people who ignore being sick or who have decreased immunity for medical or social reasons (like living in a nursing home wrapped in cotton and sanitizer). Judge not.

1 comment:

  1. Also, priests should acknowledge the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in the Prayer, who is the first among the Patriarchs.
