Friday, August 31, 2012

Romney's Night

Romney's Night by MSW.  MGB: The convention started bad with the RNC walking all over the procedural rights of the Paul delegates and turned into a bad PR event.  It is no wonder that part was only available on cable, as it was meanness personified.  They then had speakers concentrate on themes based on falsehoods, with a Vice Presidential speech so over the top that even the FoxNews invited liberal blogger called it out as a lie.

I actually watched the pre-broadcast portions for about an hour, including the semi-pathetic triumphalism of the Salt Lake City Olympians.  After that, I was reading NCR and blogging on it.  My decision was not a mistake and from what I understand of the ratings, I was not alone in it.  It seems only the party faithful actually watched, which is probably a good thing for the GOP - although there is no getting around the debates coming up with the same candidate they have now, prepared by the same non-professional staff of long time retainers.  It will be sad.

The highlight seems to be the Eastwood comedy bit, although the irony that the statement that Romney needs to go blank himself got howls from the delegates seems lost on people and a bit Freudian.

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