Friday, August 24, 2012

LifeSiteNews: Craven Pro-GOP Reporting

LifeSiteNews: Craven Pro-GOP Reporting by MSW.  MGB: It is more honest than you are willing to admit.  The pro-life movement is entirely about Republican electoral politics, hence the lack of progress.  Overturning Roe won't happen - even the Church can't force Catholic justices to toe the party line without inviting recusal from all of them.  If they can't force the hand of the bishops, the fixation on presidential appointments and Catholic voting is a sham.  Likewise, supporting a Human Life Amendment is the political equivalent of looking busy and doing nothing.  An Act of Congress to recognize life legally earlier than birth is certainly possible, but it has long been concluded that the problems of criminality and liability cannot be overcome if you make first trimester embryos people.  The exceptions are problematic because Planned Parenthood would use them as cover, enforcement would be worse and compromise that limits recognition to the start of the second trimester or supported viability would be rejected by the pro-life rank and file.  Democrats would eagerly support a legislative compromise, mostly because it would cut the heart out of the GOP if the issue were settled.

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