Monday, August 20, 2012

Legitimate Rape?

Legitimate Rape? by MSW.  MGB: His biological explanation is akin to creationism.  He is undoubtedly drawing a distinction between rape with violence by a stranger and spousal rape (although these can also be violent), rape via alcohol and other forms of date rape where she says no but does not resist and rape by sexual harassment.  This bespeaks the guilty conscience of many men who do these things and do not believe themselves to be rapists, even when they are.

His political career is over, as are the chances that the GOP will win a majority in the Senate.  Giving the seat to Claire means that the "no toss ups" map on Real Clear Politics is 51 to 49 if the election were held today (which discounts the fact that Nebraska, Nevada, Indiana, Wisconsin, Arizona and Texas just may go Democratic as well - with both Maine Senators and Senator Murkowski eventually voting with the Democratic caucus in order to get chairmanships and be part of the solution.

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