Friday, August 24, 2012

Dolan at the GOP Convention

Dolan at the GOP Convention by MSW.  MGB: Only in America is it possible to spin an attempt to give an exemption to Churches that was not existing before into an attack on the Church.  While Axelrod can be blamed for wanting to bait the bishops, the fact that they took the bait is all their fault and shows that they are badly staffed.  Sadly, the bishops elected as their chair the bishop most likely to take it hook, line and sinker.  Any coverage of this that does not mention that all preventative care has had to include contraception since December 2000 is journalistic malpractice.

The fact that Dolan was hooked into this controversy has implications into how the bishops are chosen and staffed.  For all we know, Dolan and the staff could have seen the situation clearly, however the climate of fear begun by Pius X and, according to Rembert Weakland, is still dominant in clerical culture, makes honesting impossible in all relationships.  It does seem, however, that his Excellency is among the true believers whose participation is necessary to keep fear alive in the hierarchy.  It would be better to have the priests, the people, or elected deacon administrator in each parish chose the bishops rather than the Nuncio and the Vatican.  I bet this would not be an issue in that case.

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