Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Catholic Conversation Project

Catholic Conversation Project by MSW.  MGB: If theologians felt comfortable writing effectively on the nature of the soul in light of modern advances in neuroscience and embryology, they could better advise the Church on such things as contraception and much of the nastiness of the last year can be avoided.  Also, the reminder of how theology used to be conducted explains why the bishops can't cope with the way the discipline is conducted now - however in a generation the bishops will be those who are much more comfortable with the new state of affairs because they won't give them a second thought.  They will also be comfortable with gay marriage and the new role of women.  Unless all clear thinking is weeded out by the hierarchy, which I doubt is possible, the Church will indeed change with time  - and without the world coming to an end.  (Revelation never happened in the first century and it won't in the twenty-first either).

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