Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bill Donohue Makes My Day

Bill Donohue Makes My Day by MSW.  MGB: Bill is best ignored and the new Archbishop should forget about the culture wars for a while and reflect on whether he has a problem with alcohol or not and whether he should join not a few of his brother priests in the recovery community - or at least be smart enough to hire a driver if he can't face the deeper questions.  He should also try to stay out of the media for a while.

As to the issue of gay marriage, it will likely be heard by the high court, although if it is not, at least those states with domestic partnerships will be forced to offer marriage under the 9th Circuit's recent ruling.  A different dynamic exists for the Church - as families of gays who can be married civilly will demand some kind of religious blessing.  The Church as employer will also have to warm up to respecting gay unions.  If they respect civil and non-Catholic religious marriages of their employees, they cannot suddenly object to the same unions just because both spouses are gay without actually being bigoted (since in the former case such unions are not considered valid - at least for Catholics).

The Church needs to look beyond the literal language, which comes from Genesis and likely was written during the exile (not by Moses or even in Solomon's court with the Yahwist text) and realize that when a couple becomes one flesh, this is a legal term having to do with the primacy of the chosen union over the family of origin.  This especially applies to gay couples and given the Church's spotting history in respecting such couples autonomy in crisis moments (things seem better now), it would be an act of reparation to quit fighting.

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