Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Links for 08/30/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 08/30/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Catholic voters are by and large more educated and the white ones are firmly in the middle class. As such, they represent other voters with similar demographics. Would that hispanics would actually come vote to make us a more liberal denamination too, especially economically.  It shows why people wanted Secretary Castro as VP - but right now its the bellweather and that is good news.

Fr. Aniedi very suscinctly showed why corruption is such a problem in Africa  - and why more U.S. style federations are needed there so that the crooks cancel each other out.

The bishops are silent on Labor Day because if they respected what would be their biggest union they would have some explaining to do on why the pro-life issue is not the first and foremost - and indeed is not an issue at all.

Trump has a lot more to deal with to not be distracted then his foundation.  His entire empire needs an interim trustee not named Ivanka.

One can never tell where one part of the campaign ends and the scam begins.

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