Monday, August 22, 2016

Links for 08/22/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 08/22/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I guess the question I have on NPR is whether their data mining indicates whether or not the commentary section was being viewed or passed over.  There are ways to rig it do so, like requiring a separate click for comments.  Of course, people mostly make their own comments without reading others - unless they want to fight  - although they would like to think that others are doing so.

Registering Republican and planning on voting for Trump could be separate universes.  They could be registering to vote down ballot or in the GOP primaries that are yet to be held.  As long as Trump continues to open his mouth, this election gets closer to being over.

Msgr. Pope fails to see that the Church has been acting as a persecutor, not a persecutee.  Those of us in the Francis wing of the Church are calling the callous Catholics to task.  Just like John of Patmos, who wrote Revelation as a condemnation of Pauline non-Judaizing Christianity, the muscular culture warrior Catholics will be on the wrong side of history as a footnote about resistance to change.  Catholic gay marriage is where it is at, as well as condemning those who would use the tragedy of abortion (and it is always a personal tragedy) for political and financial gain.  They call these last things seeking favor in the world rather than with God.

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