Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Links for 08/23/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 08/23/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: It is more that Trump and his staff have no idea what they are doing - or are simply campaigning for every crowd as an ego boost for their candidate. Good staff will tell him he is already lost, but those staff are likely to be fired. Capitalists have a strictly no bad news policy.

Speaking of no bad news, it appears that Michael Shea was sacked for speaking the truth to pro-lifers supporting in that other NCR.  He confirms the meme that the pro-life movement is a branch of Republicanism, not Catholicism.  Of course, he could just be on vacation.

The Mosaic article raises the interesting question of whether Judaism is the same thing as Zionism - and what happens when Zionism goes too far and becomes the persecutor.  Does Bebe Netenyahu have a religious liberty right to build a wall and kill children in Gaza?  To what extent do congregations in the United States face blow back - and if they are openly Zionist, is that unjustified?  Although nothing justifies hate crimes or interfering with teaching morals in Hebrew School (even if the part on homosexuality, like in the Catholic Church, is more rabbinical than Mosaic).

The enforcement of Fair Housing very much includes a strong roll for local agencies - subsidiarity is in full bloom.  If someone is misusing the rules in a way that thwarts advancing real fair housing, I will sick my friend Stella Adams on them.  Of course, San Francisco is a hard case because of the expensive rent and the march of gentrification.

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