Friday, December 4, 2015

Opposition to Pope Francis Comes Out of the Closet | National Catholic Reporter

Opposition to Pope Francis Comes Out of the Closet | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Burke, Olson and Weigel all share that delusion that what they have been taught has always been true, so they truly believe that Francis and his reformers are interlopers.  Of course, any real study of the history of the celebration of the Eucharist and Matrimony show something very different - and cloaking their views in piety simply shows them to be the victims of pius error.  On the Eucharist, they actually have to be wrong for Francis not to be a heretic - and the sense of the faithful of late shows that Francis is not wrong, that remarriage is not particularly mortally sinful (as long as the divorce was not for the purpose of marrying a specific person) and that to unworthily receive Communion, one must really be a heretic, and apostate or a murderer - sexual sins, or sins of venus are, by nature venial.  People may lose heart for sexual sin, but not salvation.  Indeed, once the Church conceded that divorce was the correct course in a variety of circumstances, i.e. that it could not be prohibited without continuing injustice, usually to the wife, the allowability of remarriage - as a happy event rather than a penitent one - became inevitable, since the Lord said in the creation of Eve that it is not good for Man to be alone.  Since biology shows us that sometimes a man desires another man by his nature, a woman another woman because of hers, gay marriage - and I mean sacramental marriage - is also inevitable.  In for a penny - in for a pound.

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