Friday, December 4, 2015

Links for 12/3/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 12/3/15 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I love how the Holy Father links pensions to tenderness and essentially argues that the government should do what the boss won't do.

I suspect that the right wing Baptists who attacked Obama's comments think the Pope, especially this one, is the anti-Christ.  Of course, that would be ironic considering Francis just glorified the Huegonauts as victims.  Side note, some believe Catherine was the person about whom the Cinderella fairy tale was written, with King Francis as prince charming.

Obama seems to be comfortable talking about religion where appropriate.  Given his books and very public former pastor, we know quite a bit about his religious life.  Biden as well - and the Kennedy clan.  I write about tax policy and religion, so I know they aren't talking about me.  I tend to agree with statement, of course - particularly those of us of a more socialistic bent should talk about God so now knuckle dragging Republican fools call us godless communists.

I don't begrudge anyone an early Christmas tree among the faithful.  At least they are thinking about the season - even if they can't quite make it to Mass until Christmas eve.  I wrote a series of columns on Advent a few years ago as the DC Progressive Catholic Examiner.  When I offered a reasonable explanation of Planned Parenthood harvesting tissues (as is done from miscarried fetuses as well), they killed my page - but they are still on my Notes Page (which is sparse enough for anyone to find them) and my blogspot page too.

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