Friday, December 4, 2015

'Am I my Brother's Keeper?' | National Catholic Reporter

'Am I my Brother's Keeper?' | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Doing something about mental health care availability (including providing it to the unwilling) is being our brother's keeper.  It seems the only way to assure a governmental commitment is to threaten the POTUS, everyone else is supposed to see to their own needs.  There is something wrong with that.

Sadly, doing something is now harder because Justice Scalia was a Second Amendment judicial activist, construing the amendment as applying to citizens rather than real militia.  Still, that can be overcome with political will, either by amendment or by bold action to simply buy all available guns and destroy them.  The state could do it or Bloomberg could organize doing it.  At some point, murderous buyers will be priced out and manufacturers can be told to stop selling to civilians if they want a DoD contract.  That could result in a large sucking sound.  Change is possible and it need not even be by the public sector.  Call it nobles oblige.

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