Friday, December 11, 2015

Links for 12/11/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 12/11/15 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: DiLeo is wrong about the permanence of climate change, or even how its effects are local.  Only about half of the negative weather events are because of global warning and they are just not severe enough to merit concern (Cali has more water than most people know and its about to get too much - because even climate is cyclical, any extreme has a natural counter).. People will concern themselves with warming when an innovation is possible.  Luckily, the French are about to try out a new Torus Fusion Reactor.  If it succeeds, kiss fossil fuels goodbye and begin to worry about global cooling.

Berkowitz's book report offers some comfort, but also a cautionary tale.  The largest group, the somewhat conservative, are camp followers.  They will vote for the leader in the general but may not offer one - although when the party does, like Ronald Reagan, they win.  The secular conservatives are essentially libertarian, but will vote Republican.  The moderate and liberal Republicans have money go give, but sometimes they may vote Democratic - which is why the Evangelical Conservatives are being pandered to.  They are committed voters that must be had to win - but they can't be the source of the nominee because they scare the rest of the party.  The really interesting thing is that a libertarian socialist coalition could probably seperate out two of these groups and a part of another, depending upon the candidates offered on both sides.

Mitch is probably thinking that Clinton or any Republican will offer TPP - but no one wants to admit that now, especially to a restive working class.  Only Sanders will kill it.  If Mitch thought Bernie would win, he would put TPP on the table today and ram it through.

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