Thursday, December 3, 2015

Links for 12/2/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 12/2/15 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I won't expose my eyes to anything written in the NYDL, which is Murdoch publication and therefore propoganda.  One thing is sure, however, and its that pro-life rhetoric is not designed to convince others, it is designed to inflame passions among those susceptible to their arguments. That is all it has ever been.

Hopefully the bishops will have more heft on Puerto Rico than they have on immigration.  One would think that conservatives who love to interfere in the lives of brown people would jump at the chance to impose a control board on the Commonwealth.  I still think P.R. should send all its bills to the U.S. Treasury for payment, even if its just a publicity stunt.  In DC, to get a Board established and the aid that comes with it we deliberately asked for all that we wanted (or Marion did) - and then used the Board to get it without leaving his finger prints on every page, even though he was in on most of the steps.  P.R. needs to insult somebody to have the bailout appear punitive - if only to get the GOP on board.  Throwing the bond holders under the bus may be exactly what is needed. No further payments should be made until a bill is passed.

That Msgr. Lofton of the Knights of Columbus has endorsed Cruz is no shock (he seems to be the alternative to Trump and Carson, at least for now).  The Knights, because they have been swayed by the pro-lifers or at least taken over by them, have a definite and well known point of view.  Sadly, it will be the death of the organization as the older conservatives age out and younger more modernist Catholic men stay away.

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