Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Links for 12/29/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 12/29/15 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: My problem with Clinton is not his sexual morality, its his economic morality. Welfare reform was punitive, NAFTA threw American workers under the bus and everything since then on trade has made it worse.  Glass Steigal should not have been repealed nor should capital gains taxes been lowered. His only contribution seems to be higher marginal tax rates for the wealthy. If most of that agenda finds its way into his wife's administration, than I hope he gets caught again so Hillary bans him from the White House.

Gerson is wrong.  NCLB was a disaster which had teachers teaching to the test, which made students afraid of the test and in some grades had them repeat a year (like my daughter) if the test was part of the final grade - of course my daughter went from an inner city immigrant school to a suburban second generation asian immigrant school - so she had no chance, but now she is bored, but learning.  Professional teachers can motivate students without the big test.  What is needed is more remedial help for the parents - paid remedial help - and not just for parents who are dislocated workers and at a pay rate that makes parents want to increase their literacy so that they can help their kids.

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