Thursday, June 19, 2014

What Should Israel Do? | National Catholic Reporter

What Should Israel Do? | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: While it is good that restrcitions have been lifted in the West Bank, Israel still treats Gaza abysmally.  Also, freedom of movement is seen here as a right - not in Israel if you are Palestinian.  An improved prison is still a prison.  Things are better in the North of Arab Israelis, however I suspect that the government reserves the right to have them be less good.  The Jewish state still has a massive demographip problem (unless the recognize the Palestinian Muslims as formerly Christian families who were formerly Samaritan - if there has been a massive influx of Arabs to Palestine, it is never spoken of).  A two state solution needs to include the North and not have any remaining IDF control over what is given up - it should instead be ceded to a larger Arab federation that should also include three independent Iraqi regions and be ruled by the Hashemite dynasty.  As for the immediate crisis of three missing teenagers - I think in the U.S. the conclusion would be a drug gang or a pervert - if they are political pawns they should consider themselves lucky.  As for holding the Speaker of the Palestinian Authority Parliment hostage - NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!  The rule of law means you don't hold other politicians hostage.  Thugs to this, not western governments.  Israel can start by rreleasing the Speaker.

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