Friday, June 27, 2014

Instrumentum laboris: Second impressions | National Catholic Reporter

Instrumentum laboris: Second impressions | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: This interpretation of the working papers for the synod (yesterday I thought it was a document about work - oops - so much for my Latin) raises interesting questions - perhaps more interesting than MSW realizes.  He still hopes for the gift that old celibate men can give.  In my experience,  don't believe that either age or celibacy carry any special charisms - especially the last.  Indeed, that imposition is tragic, initially misogynistic (seeing a life lived sexually as less then) and medieval (reflecting a paradigm where the bishop personally owns the property of the diocese).  Sadly, it is not discussed - which shows the old celibate men do not feel part of the family.  The question is, who will dominate the conference - those who believe in central authority in the Church - and who expect the bishops attending to fall in line if the whip is cracked - or those whose age and experience represents having to deal with the difficult issues Catholic families face and are willing to do real natural law that is sensative to real experience - rather than driven by first principles.  In other words, will those who believe change is needed have the courage to speak up?  If so, the Holy Spirit will drive this conference and anything can happen under her guidance.  She may use Francis as the instrument of her labor - that is what many hope.  I think that part is right - but it is his humility that will lead to the courage needed to really get to the truth and then do what is necessary out of that truth.

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