Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Non-Discrimination Rule Cometh | National Catholic Reporter

The Non-Discrimination Rule Cometh | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The Office of Federal Procurement Policy will write the rule extending non-discrimination for gays to federal contracts.  This is not their first rodeo and I believe that they will simply add sexual orientation (and possibly transgender) to the list of protected classes in current regulations.  It is literally to simple to worry about.  As for the Catholic Church - last time I checked, employment non-discrimination for gays and lesbians is one of the things we believe in.  Other Christian Churches, particularly the right-wing authoritarian evangelicals, not so much.  Of course, the universe of federal contracts is very large - with the number of them going to religious entities very small (and usually these are state contracts with federal money - this is where the fun will be - on the standard that relates to spending federal grant money at the state level.  Valerie Jarrett won't be involved in this - as these rules stay mostly in the professional procurement community (of which I have been a part).

As for robust civil society - society will be more robust with gay couples who can interact without discrimination.  As for a more moral society - I believe if the Church accepts marriage equality it can more forcefully condemn promiscuity - regardless of sexual orientation.  Now, promiscuous hook-ups and marriage equality are seen as the same thing - which is idiotic.  No wonder people runnning away from church teaching sometimes just hook up.  Such hooking up, like compulsive use of pornography and being a cat lady is wrong if it keeps one out of relationships with others.  It is not good to be alone.

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